Grid layout system to more easily create presentations in LaTeX, also includes Secure Code Warrior Branding
Load style into your project
The style loads in Secure Code Warrior colors:
- scw-blue-black
- scw-charcoal
- scw-orange
- scw-yellow
- scw-white
- scw-ivory
- scw-red
- scw-sky
- scw-teal
The grid layout is made with a tikzpicture.
Enable help lines with \HelpLinestrue
Add things to your slides with the following commands:
takes 3 arguments and is essentially a wrapper for a \node
- coordinates in percentages of
- (Optional) arguments to the
in the tikzpicture in[]
(for exampleright
to place the text on the right of the chose coordinates instead of centered on them) - The contents of the node in
is a wrapper to place anything other than \node
to the tikzpicture
\def\MyAuthor{Pieter De Cremer}
\def\MyTitle{Intelligent Tutoring System}
\PlaceAt(.5,.6)[]{\textcolor{scw-orange}{\Huge \MyTitle}}
\PlaceAt(.5,.5)[]{\large \MyAuthor}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=scw-sky}
\PlaceAt(.3,.65)[right]{\Large \textcolor{scw-blue-black}{First item}}
\PlaceAt(.3,.5)[right] {\Large \textcolor{scw-teal}{Second item}}
\PlaceAt(.3,.35)[right]{\Large \textcolor{scw-teal}{Third item}}
% some arrow for fun
\AddToPlaced{\draw[->] (.9\paperwidth,.1\paperheight) -- (.6\paperwidth,.5\paperheight);}
\begin{frame}{The first parameter in the Rasch model\\ is the difficulty parameter}
\PlaceAt(.02,.53)[right]{\small Probability correct answer}
\PlaceAt(.7,.17){\small User ability}