Releases: 2501-ai/cli
Releases · 2501-ai/cli
What's Changed
- release to NPM with gh action by @zhuk-aa in #107
- trap SIGINT as previx on every command run + removing timeout by @alxpereira in #106
- feat: censored the grossophobia condition 🚫 by @shide1989 in #108
- Create isTextExtended method to extend some files extension (tf) by @BonnardValentin in #109
- npm release fix by @zhuk-aa in #111
Full Changelog: v0.1.13...v0.1.14
What's Changed
- feat: censored the grossophobia condition 🚫 by @shide1989 in #108
- Bugfix: enabled editing .tf files
Full Changelog: v0.1.12...v0.1.13
What's Changed
- Added - System footprint
- Rremoved assistants
- Release to NPM with gh action
- Trap SIGINT as previx on every command run + removing timeout
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.12
What's Changed
- feat: fixed auth problem on jobs and removed logs by @shide1989 in #103
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.5
What's Changed
- Updates the Update_file function tool
- Fixes an issue with the workspace option
- Adds a debug config for VSCode
- Increases the timeout for the verifyOutput http call
Related Issues 📝
- Integrates changes from #89
- Release/v0.1.2 by @shide1989 in #100
- update file rework methodology and pdf workspace generation related by @alxpereira in #89
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.2
This update fixes issues with the Workspace synchronisation
What's Changed
- flush only the current workspace by default, --all for all by @alxpereira in #88
- Feature/iss 250 workspace sync by @shide1989 in #94
- Release v0.1.0 by @shide1989 in #96
Full Changelog: v0.0.53...v0.1.0
Improving update_files logics for more stability
Release v0.0.51
What's Changed
This release v0.0.51 includes bug fixes and general workflow improvements:
- Merge pull request #69 from 2501-ai/develop by @shide1989 in #70
- improvements(loop): increase loop detection threshold by @BonnardValentin in #71
- Feature/ISS-169 by @BonnardValentin in #78
- fix: fixed missing initAxios call and made sure the api key is set wh… by @shide1989 in #80
- bug: improve user prompt for sensitive directory synchronization by @BonnardValentin in #79
- fix: fixed the security stop msg not appearing by @shide1989 in #81
- fix: moved the /usr that usually contains user programs and binaries … by @shide1989 in #83
- show join discord message by @zhuk-aa in #84
- bug/ISS-185 by @BonnardValentin in #85
Full Changelog: v0.0.49...v0.0.51