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03 ‐ Installation

Jeff Caldwell edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 2 revisions


These installation instructions cover installing and running a development version of the ISS Analysis Tool. This software is a demonstration and should not yet be considered "production-ready" and further development is required to make it suitable to use in a production environment. For further development, please contact the members of Team Noname


You must have Docker and Docker Compose installed on the host computer for everything to work correctly. Both can be obtained by installing Docker Desktop. If you don't want to install Docker Desktop, follow the installation instructions for installing the Docker Engine and Docker Compose separately.

Installing the ISS Analysis Tool

First, clone or download the project repository. Navigate to a suitable directory on the host machine and run one of the following commands:

# Clone via http
git clone

# or clone via ssh
git clone [email protected]:4306-team-noname/barrios.git

Once the repository has been cloned or downloaded and extracted onto the host machine, navigate to the barrios directory to install the project's dependencies and initialize the tool's seed data.

cd <installation_dir>/barrios


The top-level barrios/ project directory contains three subdirectories. Only one of these directories is necessary to run the project — the server/ directory. The archive/ directory is included in the repository as evidence of the team's exploratory work, and the assets/ directory is included to serve images and diagrams to the project wiki. You can safely investigate or delete either directory without affecting the application or its ability to run. All other files in the top-level barrios/ directory are necessary.

├── archive/  # Exploratory code and prototypes
├── assets/   # Documentation images and diagrams
└── server/   # Real project code (do not delete)

Create a virtual environment and install dependencies

Run these three commands from the top-level barrios/ directory:

# create a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv

# Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/Scripts/activate #  On Windows
source .venv/bin/activate #  On Mac/Linux

# Install project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install and initialize the development database

Edit postgres user and password in docker-compose file

Open barrios/docker-compose.yml in a text editor and edit line 9 to add your preferred postgres admin password. You can also leave it as it is if you're only evaluating a development version of this app.

      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:-changeme}  # change password to whatever you want

The postgres password will be referred to as <POSTGRES_PASSWORD> for the remainder of this guide.

While still in the barrios/ directory, run the following to create a containerized Postgres database:

docker-compose up

This will pull the necessary docker images and set them up so you have a PostgreSQL server and a PGAdmin server running.

Set up the database through PGAdmin

  1. Connect to the database server with PGAdmin
      1. In a browser, navigate to localhost:5050 (or, if you're feeling verbose). This will open a setup page for PGAdmin. It will ask you to set a master password. Set it to whatever you want.
    1. In Quick Links on the front page, click Add New Server.
    2. On the tab labeled General, set the Name to postgres.
    3. In the Connection tab, set the Host name/address to postgres, the username to postgres, and the password to <POSTGRES_PASSWORD>. You can toggle Save password if you want.
    4. Click Save
  2. Set up the database user
    1. This will add the postgres server you loaded from the docker container. In the left sidebar, click Servers, then postgres to expand the menu.
    2. Right-click on Login/Group Roles, then choose Create > Login/Group Role...
    3. In the General tab, set the name to barrios.
    4. In the Definition tab, set the password to barrios123
    5. In the Privileges tab, turn on Can log in?
    6. Click Save
  3. Add the database
    1. In the left sidebar, under postgres, right-click on Databases and select Create > Database...
    2. In the General tab, set the Database to barrios, and the Owner to barrios
    3. Click Save

Create a superuser and seed the database

  1. Navigate to the barrios/server/barrios directory. You're going to need to run one script and one Django command. Before running the script, you should make sure that you have the correct permissions to do so. Run this command to change the script's permissions:
chmod 775
  1. Open the script in a text editor and change the ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_USERNAME variables on lines 22 and 23. If you don't change it, the admin username (for testing purposes only) will be admin, and the email will be `[email protected].

  2. Run the script with the command ./ It will ask you if you want to proceed. Type yes. The script will then attempt to drop all of the data from an existing barrios database and reset all the tables to match the application's models. When it's done, it will prompt you for a password. Enter a password.

(OPTIONAL) Seed the database

  1. Clone the seed data: A collection of seed data is located in a private repository. If you do not have access to this repository, contact Jeff Caldwell fo access.
git clone media/seed-data
  1. From the barrios/server/barrios directory, run the following command to seed the database with the Barrios data:
python init_data

It will list all of the files being loaded. If there are any errors, or any files don't match expected data types, it will tell you. If everything went well, it will output:

n of n files were saved to the database successfully.
All data loaded successfully!
🙭 Good luck out there!


Files uploaded to or seeded to the IMS Analysis Tool database should conform to specifications defined in the CSV Data Guidelines

Start the server

Now that the setup is all out of the way, it's time to start the server:

python runserver

Refer to the User Manual for instructions on running the application.