is a lightweight Go library that provides runtime stats, system information, and basic health check endpoints.
- Collect Go runtime information (Goroutine count, Memory stats, GC stats, etc.)
- Collect process information (PID, Executable path, etc.)
- Provide JSON stats via HTTP handler
- Health check handler
- Optional Prometheus exporter
- Configurable environment variable filtering for security
go get
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.Get("/stats", stats.Handler)
r.Get("/healthz", stats.HealthzHandler)
"time": 1710000000000,
"go_version": "go1.22",
"go_os": "linux",
"go_arch": "amd64",
"cpus": 8,
"goroutine_num": 15,
"memory_alloc": 123456,
"memory_total_alloc": 987654321,
"memory_sys": 543210,
"memory_usage_percent": 23.4,
"gc_count": 12,
"gc_pause_total_ns": 987654,
"thread_count": 25,
"pid": 12345,
"ppid": 1,
"executable": "/app/main",
"uptime": 123456789,
"env_vars": {
"PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin",
"SECRET_KEY": "******"