This is a cli tool to manage PowerToys Run plugins. It can be used to install, uninstall, update, list, and import plugins.
Download binary from releases page.
or build from source:
cargo install --git
- Easy to use command line interface with informative help messages.
- Automatically download and install plugins from GitHub.
- Restart PowerToys after installing or removing plugins.
- Update all plugins with a single command.
- Restore plugins from a configuration file.
Install a plugin with add
ptr add GitHubRepo 8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-GitHubRepo
Add existing plugins with init
ptr init
This overrides existing config
Then update with
ptr update --all
A config file will be created at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins\version.toml
. While not necessary, you can manually modify it if desired. For the generated config structure, refer to test.toml
Check result with list
ptr list
Use help
, -h
or --help
to quickly check for usage:
ptr pin -h
ptr pin add -h
Use alias to type commands faster:
ptr u -a
If you have any suggestions for these limitations, feel free to open an issue.
- This tool only supports plugins hosted on GitHub.
- The plugin release must be a zip file with either
in the file name, or a pattern from--pattern
is required.
For more general pattern matching and downloading, check another tool I wrote: gpm.
PowerToys Run Plugin Manager
Usage: ptr.exe <COMMAND>
init Try to find and add existing plugins to config
add Add a plugin [aliases: a]
update Update plugins [aliases: u]
remove Remove plugins [aliases: r]
list List all installed plugins [aliases: l]
pin Pin plugins so it's not updated with `update --all` [aliases: p]
import Import plugins from configuration file [aliases: i]
restart Restart PowerToys
edit Open config file in default editor
self-update Self update to latest
completion Generate shell completion (PowerShell)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Try to find and add existing plugins to config
Usage: ptr.exe init
-h, --help Print help
Add a plugin
Usage: ptr.exe add [OPTIONS] <NAME> <REPO>
<NAME> Plugin name, can be anything
<REPO> GitHub repository identifier or URL of the plugin
-v, --version <VERSION> Target version
-p, --pattern <PATTERN> Asset match pattern (rust regex)
-h, --help Print help
ptr a GitHubRepo 8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-GitHubRepo
Update plugins
Usage: ptr.exe update [OPTIONS] [NAME]...
[NAME]... Name of the plugins to update
-a, --all Update all plugins
-v, --version <VERSION> Version to update
-h, --help Print help
ptr u -a
ptr u Plugin1 Plugin2 -v v1.1.0 -v 1.2.0
Remove plugins
Usage: ptr.exe remove [NAME]...
[NAME]... Name of the plugins to remove
-h, --help Print help
ptr r GitHubRepo ProcessKiller
Usage: ptr.exe list
Pin plugins so it's not updated with `update --all`
Usage: ptr.exe pin <COMMAND>
add Add pins [aliases: a]
remove Remove pins [aliases: r]
list List pins [aliases: l]
reset Clear all pins
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
This reads the configuration file at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins\version.toml
Import plugins from configuration file
Usage: ptr.exe import [OPTIONS]
-d, --dry-run Update the configuration file without downloading the plugin
-h, --help Print help
Usage: ptr.exe restart
Usage: ptr.exe edit
Usage: ptr.exe self-update
Usage: ptr.exe completion
Add this line in your PowerShell $PROFILE
(ptr completion) -join "`n" | iex
The clap
crate in Rust is very powerful and easy to use for building command line applications, so I chose Rust to build this tool.