A full-featured eCommerce platform built with MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and Redux Toolkit / RTQ Query for state management and data fetching.
- Full-featured shopping cart
- Product reviews and ratings
- Top products carousel
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- PayPal / credit card integration
- Database seeder (products & users)
- Node.js - Runtime environment
- Express.js - Web framework
- MongoDB - Database
- Mongoose - MongoDB ODM
- JWT - Authentication HTTP only cookie
- bcryptjs - Password hashing
- multer - File uploads for images
- express-async-handler - Error handling
- React - UI library
- Redux Toolkit - Modern State management
- RTK Query - API data fetching and caching
- React Router - Navigation
- React Bootstrap - UI components
- React Toastify - Notifications
- React Helmet - Document head manager
- React Paypal Button - Simplifies PayPal Payment integration
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/mern-ecommerce.git
- Install dependencies (root, frontend, backend)
# Root directory
npm install
# Frontend directory
cd frontend
npm install
# Backend directory
cd backend
npm install
- Set up environment variables
# Create .env file in root directory
- Run the application
# Run frontend (:3000) & backend (:5000)
npm run dev
# Run backend only
npm run server
# Run frontend only
npm run client
- RESTful API implementation using Express.js
- MongoDB database management with Mongoose
- JWT authentication and authorization
- Custom middleware creation
- Error handling and async operations
- File upload functionality
- Data modeling and validation
- API security best practices
- Environment configuration
- React components and hooks
- Redux Toolkit for state management
- RTK Query for efficient API data fetching and caching
- React Custom hooks creation
- Protected routes implementation
- Form validation
- Payment gateway integration with PayPal
- Responsive design
- Local storage management
- User interface optimization
- Show case video
- Containerize application
This project is licensed under the MIT License.