Assistant.nvim is a powerful and efficient Neovim plugin designed for competitive programmers. It automates the testing workflow, making it faster and more convenient to run test cases directly inside Neovim.
Speed is crucial in competitive programming. Ensure that using this plugin enhances your workflow rather than slowing you down.
- Automated Test Case Management: Easily fetch and organize test cases from online judges.
- Customizable Execution Commands: Support for multiple programming languages with configurable commands.
- Interactive UI: A user-friendly interface for managing test cases.
- Asynchronous Processing: Ensures Neovim remains responsive during execution.
- Neovim
>= 0.9.5
- Competitive Companion Browser Extension
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = { "folke/snacks.nvim" }, -- optional but recommended
lazy = false, -- Start TCP Listener on Neovim startup
keys = {
{ "<leader>a", "<cmd>Assistant<cr>", desc = "Assistant.nvim" }
opts = {}
If you encounter issues with the latest updates, consider switching to the most stable version
commit = "ca42f5231203ff3c9356180f2d4ca96061a70ef4",
dependencies = { "folke/snacks.nvim" },
lazy = false,
keys = {
{ "<leader>a", "<cmd>Assistant<cr>", desc = "Assistant.nvim" }
opts = {}
commands = {
python = {
extension = "py",
template = nil,
compile = nil,
execute = {
main = "python3",
cpp = {
extension = "cpp",
template = nil,
compile = {
main = "g++",
execute = {
args = nil,
ui = {
width = 0.8,
height = 0.8,
backdrop = 60,
border = "single",
icons = {
title = " ",
success = " ",
failure = " ",
unknown = " ",
loading_frames = { " ", " ", " ", " ", " " },
core = {
process_budget = 5000,
port = 10043,
To extend the configuration for Python, add the following to the commands
python = {
extension = "py",
compile = nil, -- Python doesn't require compilation
execute = {
main = "python3",
To check the file type of an open file in Neovim, run:
:lua print(
Key | Operation |
q |
Close window |
r |
Run current or selected test cases |
c |
Create an empty test case |
d |
Delete current or selected test cases |
e |
Open edit window |
s |
Toggle current test case selection |
a |
Toggle all test case selections |
j |
Move to next test case |
k |
Move to previous test case |
<enter> |
Confirm changes in prompt |
<c-l> |
Navigate to right window |
<c-h> |
Navigate to left window |
Please read to get started