Public Servant
Public Release as found on pip
Long overdue as we forgot to mark a Github release accompanying the pip release.
What's Changed
- Beta by @LiXiling in #52
- Origin/horeka scheduler by @pbecker93 in #53
- wandb jobnames are now more concise by @OlegArenz in #54
- add logging interval in wandb as one optional parameter by @BruceGeLi in #56
- add a feature of logging model from a local directory by @BruceGeLi in #57
- created optional flag 'use_group_parameters' to enable Olegs parameter grouping. by @PhilippDahlinger in #60
- Cleaned up the initialization method. by @PhilippDahlinger in #61
- Fix WandBLogger for AbstractExperiment by @Lucas-Florin in #62
New Contributors
- @OlegArenz made their first contribution in #54
- @Lucas-Florin made their first contribution in #62
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v2.0.0