The example project included in this repository, serves as a working example of using the concordium IDs to verify if a user is/above 18 and belongs to at least one of the countries specified. The webpage will only display the DEX if the user has provided a proof for the statement that the backend demands.
The backend for this demo can be found in the verifier folder:
- Browser wallet extension must be installed in google chrome(V8 engine) and have an account, in order to connect and authorize.
- Access to a concordium node exposing the v2 GRPC API. (The backend expects it on localhost:20000, but this can be changed using the
parameter) - Cargo/rustc installed (to build the rust backend).
- Run
yarn build
in a terminal -
yarn build-verifier
(This builds the backend using cargo/rustc) -
yarn start --statement "$(<verifier/config/statement.json)" --names "$(<verifier/config/names.json)" --node
(This will run the backend, which also host the front-end, check its README for more information) -
Open URL logged in console (on default
To have hot-reload on the front-end (useful for development), run yarn watch
in a separate terminal instead of yarn build
in the first step.
The dockerfile must be run from the project's root folder, ex:
docker build -t dex -f concordium-dex-dapp/Dockerfile .
The image can then be run with:
docker run dex -p 8100:8100
See the docker file to see which environment variables can used to overwrite parameters.
- Demo Website:
- Technical Guide: Detailed documentation covering contract architecture, functions, and implementation details can be found here
- Concordium Guide: Step-by-step instructions for installing the concordium client in the documentation
- Frontend Interface: Simple UI for interacting with the DEX contract
- Concordium Documentation:
- Concordium Website:
- Concordium Support:
- Discord: