A python GUI integrated attendance system using face recognition to take attendance.
In this python project, I have made an attendance system which takes attendance by using face recognition technique. I have also intergrated it with GUI (Graphical user interface) so it can be easy to use by anyone. GUI for this project is also made on python using tkinter.
Install All the modules mentioned below
pip install tk-tools pip install opencv-contrib-python pip install datetime pip install pytest-shutil pip install python-csv pip install numpy pip install pillow pip install pandas pip install times
Admin Password for new registration: singh123
- tkinter for whole GUI
- OpenCV for taking images and face recognition (cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create())
- CSV, Numpy, Pandas, datetime etc. for other purposes.
- Easy to use with interactive GUI support.
- Password protection for new person registration.
- Creates/Updates CSV file for deatils of students on registration.
- Creates a new CSV file everyday for attendance and marks attendance with proper date and time.
- Displays live attendance updates for the day on the main screen in tabular format with Id, name, date and time.