If you're like me and end up with tons of command prompt windows, browsers, et cetera, open all at once, this tool allows me to close all instances, or to force quit if I need to. It also allows me to quickly take a screen snip and copies it to the clipboard.
Quit All Instances: Easily close all running instances of an application with a simple right-click option in the system tray menu.
Force Quit Individual Instances: If an application is not responding, you can forcefully terminate it without affecting other instances of the same application.
Screenshot Tool: A handy feature that allows you to select and capture any part of your screen, making it easy to share or save information quickly.
Once you run TaskBarTools, it will appear in your system tray (also known as the notification area). By right-clicking on the TaskBarTools icon, you will see a list of applications that currently have taskbar buttons.
Quit All: Hover over an application to see this option. Clicking "Quit All" will send an exit command to all instances of that application.
Force Quit: If you need to forcefully close a frozen or unresponsive application, expand the application's menu, hover over the specific instance, and select "Force Quit". You'll receive a confirmation prompt to prevent accidental termination.
- Snipping Tool: At the bottom of the main context menu, you'll find an option to "Snip & Copy". Selecting this will change your cursor to a crosshair, allowing you to click and drag to select a region of the screen. Once you release the mouse button, the selected region will be captured and copied to your clipboard, ready for pasting into your favorite image editor or document.
To install TaskBarTools, simply run the provided installer and follow the on-screen instructions. The installer will place TaskBarTools in your Program Files directory and create a shortcut in your Start Menu. Additionally, TaskBarTools is set to automatically start with Windows so it's always available when you need it.
Should you wish to uninstall TaskBarTools, you can do so via the 'Add or Remove Programs' feature in Windows settings. Alternatively, you can run the uninstaller found in the TaskBarTools Program Files directory.
TaskBarTools is provided under the MIT license.
TaskBarTools is designed to enhance productivity and is provided as-is. While we strive to ensure stability and usability, the developers of TaskBarTools are not responsible for any potential data loss or system instability that may arise from its use.
Thank you for using TaskBarTools, and we hope it significantly improves your workflow!