a Library Management Software based on PyQt5
####Design Document https://github.com/AlenUbuntu/MyLib/blob/master/MyLib/Design%20Document.pdf ####User Guide https://github.com/AlenUbuntu/MyLib/blob/master/MyLib/User%20Guide.pdf ####Install Instruction #####Framework and third-party library used:
Qt Version 5.2.1
Python3 - PyQt5 install Qt and Python3-PyQt5: pip3 install PyQt5
Python 3.4.3
MySQL-Python interface download from MySQL official website and install it.
#####Platform: Linux Mint
#####Install Instruction
go to MyLib/Option/
keyword.csv -- this is automatically extracted keywords file while importing the data. It is used for automatic search suggestion embedded in the application. Strongly suggested to import to support full functionality.
keywordImport.py -- this is a python script which create a table in the Library database and import keyword.csv into the database. Strongly suggested to run for full functionality support
loan_fine_test.py-- for test purpose only. Do not run! 2. open a terminal and find the umain.py file. Type following command to start application.
python3 uimain.py
#####Import Data
#####Check In/Out
#####Check Out but find an overdue book
#####Check in an overdue book, generate a fine record and check Out but find an unpaid fine
#####Check Loan and check fine
#####Check fine and payment
#####Add/Edit borrower:
#####Check overdue books