Motion Background Glitch
Notice how only the blue pixel are displaced. You can use that to make custom background animation.
./ -c -s Skull.jpg -u 6 -o 0 -a 60
Explenation: "-c" to clear the previous frames, "-s" to specify Skull.jpg as the source, "-u" to set the hue shift, "-o" to set the offset, "-a" to set the Chromatic Aberation.
Usage: /home/amos/bin/ [options]
-s <source> Path to the source wallpaper image (default: /var/tmp/wallpaper.jpg)
-d <duration> Duration of the animation in seconds (default: 60) use 0 for infinite
-f <fps> Frames per second (default: 24)
-u <hue> Maximum hue shift range in degrees (default: 10)
-a <shift> Maximum chromatic aberration shift (default: 10)
-o <offset> Image position shift (default: 10)
-c Clear frames directory (/var/tmp/mbg/)
-h, --help Display this help message
Skull.jpg (Wallpaper by amosnimos)
Procedurally animate your wallpaper with a hacker/glitch effect, featuring random hue shifts and chromatic aberration for a striking boot-up display.
Note: I just started studies in the field of cyber security and server management and wanted something to flex a little when I bring my fully customized laptop. I already have a custom boot animation and pretty much everything is riced to the bone, but adding this and maybe playing a cool boot-up soundtrack would take the cake. (The cake is a LIE).