A React/Redux frontend application that uses Material UI to display a group of hotels, their locations, prices and amenities upon futher navigation.
Try the app live: https://amruthpillai.github.io/Treebo-Frontend-Assignment/
- Create a generic hotel list page using the following api: http://www.mocky.io/v2/5a7f23442e00005000b56873
- Show only the cheapest price for each hotel on the list page using this api: http://www.mocky.io/v2/5a7f24f02e00005200b56875 (null prices mean sold out)
- On clicking a hotel, display a hotel detail page with details from this api: http://www.mocky.io/v2/5a7f265b2e00005d00b56877 along with the respective room prices using the above price api.
- Repo setup and folder structure
- Identification of components that should carry state vs components that are only concerned with display (smart vs dumb components)
- Proper use of methods to fetch data, push into state, etc
- State management is left completely upto you (however, would prefer to see redux)
- Styling best practises and principles. (You may copy the design from the Treebo Website or use any of your own. Only create the listing and detail pages).