This project was created as a recruitment task. Its aim is to simulate basic git functionalities.
For installation use It will copy necessary files to ~/.hit_install and add it to path in ~/.bashrc. Create new terminal or source ~/.bashrc to use.
Developed and tested on WSL Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, Python 3.8.8. Other version of Linux and Python should also work but weren't tested.
- hit init - initialize hit repository. Create .hit directory for config and commit files.
- hit status - display status of repository. Identify 4 types of files:
- new file - created and not added
- staged - created or modified and added
- modified - present in last commit, but modified
- unmodified - present in last commit and not modified (won't be displayed)
- hit add - stages new or modified file.
- hit commit - creates new commit, copying all staged files to internal commit dir. Further modifications will be compared to these files.
Run pytest
in main directory. There are unit tests and one longer integration
test containing script from email description. You can also run manual_tests
scripts yourself.
- Python 3
- pytest