All the audio files for individual instruments will be stored under assets/audio/<instrument_name>/
While the html and css for each insturment's page will be stored under instruments/<instrument_name>/
Be sure to use proper commenting wherever possible and keep care of identation
Remeber to name you instruments html as css as <instrument_name>.html and <instrument_name>.css
Q) WAIT, HOW TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PROJECT ? A-> Everyone will work on their separate instruments. No messing with the files of other instruments!
Remeber you have to use 24(8 x 3) keys in total, i.e, 3 octets. No need to worry about the sound, I'll arrange it later. For the time being, use the sample sound set I provided in whatsapp and use those to test you keys.
Your key layout is
Q W E R T Y U I <-- 1st Octet A S D F G H J K <-- 2nd Octet Z X C V B N M < <-- 3rd Octet
There are the 8 instruments that we will be simulating:
- Basic Drum Kit
- Acoustic Guitar
- Banjo
- Grand Piano
- Xylophone
- Sitar
- Bagpipe
- Flute