A CLI tool for atosone.com, deploy your full-stack apps to the cloud
Install with
npm install -g atosone-cli
Usage : atosone-cli command
-a [APPID]
Input your appId directly in the command line instead of using init
-t [TOKEN]
Input your token directly in the command line instead of using login
(fs pull specific) Only pulls files with the specified suffix.
(fs pull specific) Exclude files with the specified suffix from bein pulled.
(fs pull specific) Skip files already existing in your filesystem.
Login to our service
init <app-id>
Link folder with your app-id
fs pull <source-folder>
Pull folder from SERVER to LOCAL
fs push <folder-to-push> <opt: dest>
Push folder from LOCAL to SERVER
db pull
Retrieves .sql file of your database from SERVER to LOCAL
db push <sql-file>
Restore the database on SERVER from the LOCAL .sql backup provided
api pull <opt: function_id>
Pull all (or one) function(s) of your CloudBackend to LOCAL
api push <opt: function_id>
Push all (or one) function(s) from LOCAL to your CloudBackend
export <path>
Export your project to the specified folder
Displays this help text
After logging-in through our login
command or using the -t
flag, and setting up your appId with -a or with init
. You will be able to use the CLI.
Here are some examples to help you through the process.
Pulling only files ending by ".js" in the root folder of your appdrag app.
atosone-cli fs pull -i .js
Pulling specific functions using a Function Id
atosone-cli api pull FUNCTION_ID
To be able to find your function ID you simply need to visit the specific function in your cloudbackend and look at the URL. It will look like this : www.atosone.com/cloudbackend.html?appId=YOUR_APP_ID#FUNCTION_ID Simply copy the function ID after the '#', and paste it into your command.
Pushing specific folder from your local files into your project
atosone-cli fs push YOUR_FOLDER
Our CLI will create a zip of our folder and push it to the root of your appdrag project.
Pushing specific folder from your local files into a specific folder in your project
Import API Functions from project A:
atosone-cli -a dev-project-a -t USER_API_TOKEN api pull
Push API Functions to production project B:
atosone-cli -a prod-project-b -t USER_API_TOKEN api push
Up to date functions on the production project won't be updated if their last update date are greater or equal to the ones on the dev project on AppDrag. If you do changes locally, don't forget to push it on the dev project before pushing to the production, if not, updates will be skipped.