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But gon'b alright.
But gon'b alright.


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Hi , I'm Ariel Falcón

Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here you'll find some of my free-time projects. Nothing too fancy.

  • 👨‍💻 I work with Angular and Vue.
  • 📚 Always exploring new tech, really into Astro right now.
  • 🌱 Currently learning Back-end (Java / Spring / DDBB / DDD / Architecture / Patron Design) and AWS.
  • ✨ Check out my work on my Portfolio.


JavaScript TypeScript HTML5 CSS3 SCSS Tailwind CSS Bootstrap Angular Angular Material RxJS Vue Pinia Astro Node.js Jest i18n AWS Kubernetes Skaffold Docker Postman Swagger Git GitHub Figma Jira Linux Terminal Markdown

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Pinned Loading

  1. portfolio portfolio Public

    My professional portfolio

    Astro 8 2

  2. dotenvs dotenvs Public


  3. TODO-list TODO-list Public

    Aplicación de prueba para gestionar tareas y recordatorios.


  4. ai_web_scrapper ai_web_scrapper Public

    Servicio de scrapping AI con Selenium y GUI para evitar antiscrapping protection. Para el servicio AI se utiliza Groq con LLAMA como LLM open source.
