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Add multi-currency widget setup e2e tests (#10225)
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cesarcosta99 authored Jan 27, 2025
1 parent f4b1d3a commit 0454bb5
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Showing 4 changed files with 294 additions and 7 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions changelog/add-7348-multi-currency-widget-setup-e2e-tests
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Significance: patch
Type: dev

Add e2e tests for the multi-currency widget setup.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions tests/e2e-pw/specs/merchant/multi-currency-widget.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
* External dependencies
import { test, expect, Page } from '@playwright/test';
* Internal dependencies
import { getMerchant, getShopper } from '../../utils/helpers';
import {
} from '../../utils/merchant';
import * as navigation from '../../utils/shopper-navigation';

test.describe( 'Multi-currency widget setup', () => {
let merchantPage: Page;
let shopperPage: Page;
let wasMulticurrencyEnabled: boolean;
// Values to test against. Defining nonsense values to ensure they are applied correctly.
const settings = {
borderRadius: '15',
fontSize: '40',
lineHeight: '2.3',
textColor: 'rgb(155, 81, 224)',
borderColor: 'rgb(252, 185, 0)',

test.beforeAll( async ( { browser } ) => {
shopperPage = ( await getShopper( browser ) ).shopperPage;
merchantPage = ( await getMerchant( browser ) ).merchantPage;
wasMulticurrencyEnabled = await activateMulticurrency( merchantPage );

await addMulticurrencyWidget( merchantPage, true );
} );

test.afterAll( async () => {
await removeMulticurrencyWidget( merchantPage, true );

if ( ! wasMulticurrencyEnabled ) {
await deactivateMulticurrency( merchantPage );

await merchantPage.close();
} );

test( 'displays enabled currencies correctly in the admin', async () => {
await expect(
.locator( 'select[name="currency"]' )
.getByRole( 'option' )
).toHaveCount( 3 );
await expect(
.locator( 'select[name="currency"]' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'USD' } )
await expect(
.locator( 'select[name="currency"]' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'EUR' } )
await expect(
.locator( 'select[name="currency"]' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'GBP' } )
} );

test( 'can update widget properties', async () => {
await test.step( 'opens widget settings', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Settings' } )
await merchantPage
.locator( '[data-title="Currency Switcher Block"]' )
} );

await test.step( 'checks display flags', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', { name: 'Display flags' } )
await expect(
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', { name: 'Display flags' } )
} );

await test.step( 'checks display currency symbols', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', { name: 'Display currency symbols' } )
await expect(
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', {
name: 'Display currency symbols',
} )
} );

await test.step( 'checks border', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', { name: 'Border' } )
await expect(
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'checkbox', { name: 'Border' } )
} );

await test.step( 'updates border radius', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'spinbutton', { name: 'Border radius' } )
.fill( settings.borderRadius );
} );

await test.step( 'updates font size', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'spinbutton', { name: 'Size' } )
.fill( settings.fontSize );
} );

await test.step( 'updates line height', async () => {
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'spinbutton', { name: 'Line height' } )
.fill( settings.lineHeight );
} );

await test.step( 'updates text color', async () => {
await merchantPage
.locator( 'fieldset', { hasText: 'Text' } )
.getByRole( 'listbox', { name: 'Custom color picker' } )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'Vivid purple' } )
} );

await test.step( 'updates border color', async () => {
await merchantPage
.locator( 'fieldset', { hasText: 'Border' } )
.getByRole( 'listbox', { name: 'Custom color picker' } )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'Luminous vivid amber' } )
} );

await test.step( 'saves changes', async () => {
await expect(
merchantPage.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Update' } )
await merchantPage
.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Update' } )
await expect(
merchantPage.getByLabel( 'Dismiss this notice' )
).toBeVisible( {
timeout: 10000,
} );
} );
} );

test( 'displays enabled currencies correctly in the frontend', async () => {
await navigation.goToShop( shopperPage );

await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
await expect(
.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
.getByRole( 'option' )
).toHaveCount( 3 );
await expect(
.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'USD' } )
await expect(
.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'EUR' } )
await expect(
.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'GBP' } )
} );

test( 'widget settings are applied in the frontend', async () => {
await navigation.goToShop( shopperPage );

// Asserts flags are displayed.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toContainText( '🇺🇸' );
// Asserts currency symbols are displayed.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toContainText( '$' );
// Asserts border is set.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toHaveCSS( 'border-top-width', '1px' );
// Asserts border radius is set.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toHaveCSS( 'border-top-left-radius', `${ settings.borderRadius }px` );
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toHaveCSS( 'font-size', `${ settings.fontSize }px` );
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder' )
).toHaveAttribute( 'style', `line-height: ${ settings.lineHeight }; ` ); // Trailing space is expected.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toHaveCSS( 'color', settings.textColor );
// Asserts border color is set.
await expect(
await shopperPage.locator( '.currency-switcher-holder select' )
).toHaveCSS( 'border-top-color', settings.borderColor );
} );
} );
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tests/e2e-pw/specs/merchant/multi-currency.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {
} from '../../utils/merchant';
import * as navigation from '../../utils/merchant-navigation';
Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ test.describe( 'Multi-currency', () => {
} );

test.afterAll( async () => {
await removeMulticurrencyWidget( page );
await restoreCurrencies( page );
if ( ! wasMulticurrencyEnabled ) {
await deactivateMulticurrency( page );
Expand Down
69 changes: 62 additions & 7 deletions tests/e2e-pw/utils/merchant.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,26 +107,33 @@ export const deactivateMulticurrency = async ( page: Page ) => {
await saveWooPaymentsSettings( page );

export const addMulticurrencyWidget = async ( page: Page ) => {
export const addMulticurrencyWidget = async (
page: Page,
blocksVersion = false
) => {
await navigation.goToWidgets( page );
// Wait for all widgets to load. This is important to prevent flakiness.
await page.locator( '.components-spinner' ).first().waitFor();
await expect( page.locator( '.components-spinner' ) ).toHaveCount( 0 );

if ( await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ).isVisible() ) {
await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ).click();

const isWidgetAdded = await page
.locator( 'iframe[srcdoc*=currency]' )
// At this point, widgets might still be loading individually.
await expect( page.locator( '.components-spinner' ) ).toHaveCount( 0 );

const widgetName = blocksVersion
? 'Currency Switcher Block'
: 'Currency Switcher Widget';
const isWidgetAdded = blocksVersion
? await page.locator( `[data-title="${ widgetName }"]` ).isVisible()
: await page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: widgetName } ).isVisible();

if ( ! isWidgetAdded ) {
await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Add block' } ).click();
await page
.locator( 'input[placeholder="Search"]' )
.pressSequentially( 'switcher', { delay: 20 } );
.pressSequentially( widgetName, { delay: 20 } );
await expect(
page.locator( 'button.components-button[role="option"]' ).first()
).toBeVisible( { timeout: 5000 } );
Expand All @@ -143,6 +150,54 @@ export const addMulticurrencyWidget = async ( page: Page ) => {

export const removeMulticurrencyWidget = async (
page: Page,
blocksVersion = false
) => {
await navigation.goToWidgets( page );
// Wait for all widgets to load. This is important to prevent flakiness.
await expect( page.locator( '.components-spinner' ) ).toHaveCount( 0 );

if ( await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ).isVisible() ) {
await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ).click();

// At this point, widgets might still be loading individually.
await expect( page.locator( '.components-spinner' ) ).toHaveCount( 0 );

const widgetName = blocksVersion
? 'Currency Switcher Block'
: 'Currency Switcher Widget';
const isWidgetAdded = blocksVersion
? await page.locator( `[data-title="${ widgetName }"]` ).isVisible()
: await page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: widgetName } ).isVisible();

if ( isWidgetAdded ) {
if ( blocksVersion ) {
await page.locator( `[data-title="${ widgetName }"]` ).click();
} else {
await page
.locator( '.wp-block.wp-block-legacy-widget' )
.filter( {
has: page.getByRole( 'heading', { name: widgetName } ),
} )

await page.getByLabel( 'Block tools' ).getByLabel( 'Options' ).click();
await page.getByRole( 'menuitem', { name: 'Delete' } ).click();
await page.waitForTimeout( 2000 );

await expect(
page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Update' } )
await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Update' } ).click();
await expect( page.getByLabel( 'Dismiss this notice' ) ).toBeVisible( {
timeout: 10000,
} );

export const getActiveThemeSlug = async ( page: Page ) => {
await navigation.goToThemes( page );

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