4 commits
to master
since this release
Release Sprint 267
3e0e613 Revert "[ARO-13400] Old E2E pipeline uses MiWi clusters (#4056)"
fe1dfac ARO-4669: Swapping wrong parameters in function calls (#4139)
b1111e9 Merge pull request #4137 from Azure/tsatam/ARO-15597-cli-tolerate-invalid-subnets-in-workerprofiles
1915349 [ARO-13400] Old E2E pipeline uses MiWi clusters (#4056)
b6d5d96 Fix clientid/clientsecret validation to tolerate missing MIWI parameters
fe49057 Do not fail ensure_resource_permissions if workerprofiles contains invalid subnet
Full Changelog: v20250310.00...v20250311.00
What's Changed
- bump golang-ci-lint by @stevekuznetsov in #4090
- ARO-13921 Add cluster subnets' network security groups to List Cluster Azure Resources output if cluster uses preconfiguredNSG by @aasserzo in #4099
- [ARO-15116] DES missing Keyvault Access Policy on E2E retry by @Tof1973 in #4093
- [ARO-15124] Merge the implementations of dynamichelper and clienthelper's Merge function by @hawkowl in #4096
- Fixes itn-2025-00034 | removes iterative instantiation of env struct from monitor service by @rajdeepc2792 in #4101
- Send Otel Audit Message by @gouthamMN in #4097
- ARO-13380 - metrics: cwp status by @LiniSusan in #4002
- ARO-8425: Return ClientSecretCredential error (expired keys) as Cloud… by @pepedocs in #4098
- Fixes: broken ci-go linting, and the error the linter compained about by @hlipsig in #4105
- Correct log message format to pass golangci-lint by @s-fairchild in #4107
- Update Hive API and Image to 5d3f4d77dc by @s-fairchild in #4106
- Dev environment doc updates by @aasserzo in #4104
- pkg/cluster: migrate cluster MSI to track 2 keyvault SDK by @stevekuznetsov in #4113
- Create a target to start aro monitor by @yadneshk in #4119
- clustermsi: use the standard keyvault format by @stevekuznetsov in #4118
- Improve over-reconciliation of Hive Deployments by @hawkowl in #4102
- *: migrate more keyvault & certificates to track2 by @stevekuznetsov in #4121
- Reapply changes from #3704 into clienthelper as well by @hawkowl in #4127
- [ARO-9308] Add MDSD Certificate rotation tasks to MIMO by @hawkowl in #4091
- *: migrate the last of track 1 keyvault sdk by @stevekuznetsov in #4124
- Add Haoran Wang as an owner by @wanghaoran1988 in #4133
- Revert changes to restore immutability of PreconfiguredNSG by @shubhadapaithankar in #4132
- Update local development to deploy OpenShift 4.16 by default by @hawkowl in #4130
- Bump dependencies (March '25) by @hawkowl in #4131
- CWP - Optional checks with clusterDomain by @LiniSusan in #4116
- Allow installer in container to use other auth token than arosvc by @Tof1973 in #4108
- allow Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations in deny assignment by @yithian in #4134
- [ARO-13400] Old E2E pipeline uses MiWi clusters by @mrWinston in #4056
- CLI - Do not fail ensuring resource permissions if workerprofiles or workerprofilesstatus contain profiles with invalid subnets by @tsatam in #4137
- [bugfix]: ARO-4669: Swapping wrong parameters in function calls by @tiguelu in #4139
New Contributors
- @aasserzo made their first contribution in #4099
- @yadneshk made their first contribution in #4119
- @wanghaoran1988 made their first contribution in #4133
Full Changelog: v20250212.00...v20250311.00