Releases: BGHDDevelopment/PunishmentGUIRecode
1.21.4 Support
Updated APIs
Updated Skulls support
Added native support for 1.21.4
Long time no see...
Updated all APIs to support all new versions of Spigot
Updated Skulls to work with the updated APIs
Fixed issue with glow showing the enchants on some versions
Updated spigot version check to detect when using 1.21-1.21.3.
Full Changelog: 1.1.9...1.1.10
What's Changed
- Update spigot skull system by @RyanMoodGAMING in #14
- Added an executor placeholder ({executor}) by @SolarBAM404 in #13
- Updated ConfigItem by @BGHDDevelopment
- Updated XSeries compile by @BGHDDevelopment
- Version push by @BGHDDevelopment
New Contributors
- @SolarBAM404 made their first contribution in #13
Full Changelog: 1.1.8...1.1.9
Fix Glow error
Fixed an error caused by Glow on startup
Full Changelog: 1.1.7...1.1.8
Changes to Fill Items
Hey all! We have changed the way fill-items work to match the other item system in the plugin. This will allow fill items to support custom data. You will need to modify your fill section of the config to match this item format:
fill-menu: enabled: true item: name: " " material: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE" amount: 1 durability: 0 lore: []
Player Name Autocomplete Fixes
Fixed not being able to TAB and autocomplete player names.
Full Changelog: 1.1.5...1.1.6
Fixes + Custom Model Support [CONFIG CHANGES REQUIRED]
Needed Config Change!
All items will now need an amount specified. You will need to update your existing configs. Add amount: 1
to existing items.
Example Item:
Can be viewed on the default configs on the wiki:
Fixed HEX colors not working - @Refrac
Added support for custom models in the GUI - Refrac/Noodles
Added the amount requirement to the config to allow for users to specify how many of an item should be listed.
Default config updated with amount: 1
Small other changes
Learn about using Custom Models:
Full Changelog: 1.1.4...1.1.5
1.19 Support
Added 1.19 support for items and glow.
Added a default config for 1.13+ users on the wiki:
Full Changelog: 1.1.3...1.1.4
Command Framework Rework
Pushed version to 1.1.3
New messages that were not translatable were added to the language.yml file.
Removed commands.yml
Recoded backend command framework
Recoded backend listener framework
Recoded existing commands to new framework
Fixed issue with console messages not always matching
Fixed issue with HEX colors not being applied. Use like <#hex>
Fixed issue with version check and glow
Cleared old code.
Updated to latest HeadDatabase API version.
Updated native version to 1.18 (This does not remove legacy version support)
Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.1.3
Fixed Version Issue
Fixed an issue where the version was not up to date.