This app let's unauthorized users search their news through an almost infinite amount of sources.
Registered users can save and delete the their favorite articles onto a seperate section that remembers the keyword searched to find the particular article.
In the saved news section, a user can see how many articles saved, and wich are the most popular ones, based on the order of keywords, above the articles section.
BackEnd: MongoDB, NodeJS, and Express library.
Front-End: React, Vanilla JS, CSS.
Host: Microsoft Azure - OS: UBUNTU 20.04
Run this on a folder you want the app's files at.
git clone
git clone
To run the app locally run this code in both of the repos:
npm i
npm start
Make sure to change the frontend app's url's which are in the auth.js, and mainApi.js in the utils folder to 'localhost:3000' or the port of your choice.
// example auth.js
const BASE_URL = '';
// to:
const BASE_URL = 'localhost:3000';
- NewsApi is used as a third party API.
- HOC used to protect and redirect unauthorized users.
- Created backend API to handle auth requests and saved articles.
- In the future, articles will have a sorting interface that the user can decide on, based on age of article, source, keyword, etc.