A project made during the Practicum100 Web Dev course.
This project renders images uploaded to server by the courses cohort users, with unique User
- Description and functions
- Modular JS
- Technologies and techniques used
- Later additions
- Link to project
The webpage contains a Profile, which its Name, Description and Avatar can be changed via a popup form, by a click of a button, but only after a request is sent to the server and accepted back.
Code has been organized based on Modular JS and Object Oriented Programming.
- Built with Webpack and JS transpiler: Babel
- BEM methodology for organizing, so to keep the code tidy and readable.
- This is a responsive site for every display size.
- Methodology: OOP
- CSS.
- API.
DONE: Will bundle it with Parcel or Webpack
DONE: Site will recieve forms data and save it to server.