Spectrum is a dark and light theme for Obsidian.md, a note taking app. Spectrum is meant to be easy on the eyes and boost productivity, but also to not bore your mind by using colours here and there.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the forum thread.
git clone https://github.com/Braweria/Spectrum.git
cd Spectrum
npm install
npm run scss
👤 Wiktoria Mielcarek
- Website: https://braweria.de/
- Twitter: @braweria
- Github: @Braweria
- LinkedIn: Wiktoria Mielcarek
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2021 Wiktoria Mielcarek.
This project is MIT licensed.
Some features for this theme are not self-explanatory. Seeing a different colour for the heading is one thing, but what about the hidden features you wouldn't know unless someone told you about it? That's what this section is for.
This Theme is build with the JetBrains Mono font in mind. I recommend installing it. If you do not want to install the font, the next best monospace font will be used.
With this theme you can create your very own wannabe kanban board! To create one, all you have to do is to set the cssclass
to kanban
inside your YAML frontmatter.
cssclass: [kanban]
Then you can start creating an unordered list, which will represent your kanban board. The vers first level of list items, are the boards. Every item a level deeper, represent the task or the subtask.
- Ideas
- checklists
- external links
- To-Do
- git push
- preview image for spectrum
- Doing
- write the README
- Done
- features of spectrum
- Kanban
- Floating Images
When writing a lot of text, some images have to be inserted to break up the paragraphs. Sometimes those images should be on the left or right of the text, with the text wrapping around it. Now it is possible! All you have to do is to give it the alternative text.

This is also possible with wikilinks of images that are already inside your vault!
Note: If your image is wider than the note itself, you will have to give it a smaller width for the floating to work. You might also have to either refresh Obsidian or just switch notes real quick, to see the changes. Sometimes Obsidian doesn't live-reload the alternative text.
You can create your very own Eisenhower Matrix, all you have to do is have either notes or headings within the same note of your four sections. That is important, because you're going to embed them into a table!
First you have to include the new CSS Class matrix
into your frontmatter.
cssclass: [matrix]
Then you'll create a table with two rows and two columns, excluding the table heading. Inside each of the cells you can now embed your sections.
| | |
| ----------------- | ----------- |
| ![[#To-Do]] | ![[#Doing]] |
| ![[#Considering]] | ![[#Maybe]] |
Spectrum is slowly starting to become a theme liked by many users of Obsidian. Here are some online places, where Spectrum was being mentioned:
- Top 8 Beautiful Obsidian Themes by Filipe Donadio
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