changed environment
Many external dependencies had to be updated or added, among others:
- numpy: 1.16 > 1.19
- pandas: 0.24 > 1.0
- gdal: 2.3 > 3.0
- matplotlib: 3.1 > 3.2
- rasterio: 1.0 > 1.1
- xarray: 0.12 > 0.13
- netcdf4: 1.4 >1.5
new features:
- module river_flood
- modules relative_cropyield and crop_potential, classes
(Hazard) andCropProduction
(Exposure): assess climate impacts on agricultural crop yields (rice, maize, wheat, soy) based on global gridded crop model runs from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP), e.g. ISIMIP2b, combined with crop statistics from FAOSTAT. - module low_flow, class
(hazard): assess climate change impacts on surface water discharge (river low flow) based on hydrological model runs from ISIMIP. - module climada.engine.impact_data: Functions to read reported impact data from The International Disaster Database EM-DAT and load into a CLIMADA Impact instance.
- class climada.entity.impact_funcs.trop_cyclone.IFSTropCyclone: regionally calibrated impact function set for TC wind (based on Eberenz et al., in review; c.f. climada_papers)
minor changes:
- module trop_cyclone :use statistical estimate as a fallback only if radius information is missing from the reported data
- module util.constants :add NATEARTH_CENTROIDS_150AS and NATEARTH_CENTROIDS_360AS datasets
- module util.coordinates : method get_country_code has mapping of disputed areas to values above 900
- module util.coordinates : new method
- class hazard.tc_tracks.TCTracks: new fields
, new methodsubset
- class hazard.centroids.Centroids: new method
, new optional parameterextent