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a brief tour of the built in examples

Ryan Wisnesky edited this page Apr 15, 2019 · 1 revision

All of the built-in examples are written-out verbatim in the CQL manual. In this page, we comment on their relevance to starting quickly with CQL.


  • All_Syntax. Contains simple examples of most keywords.
  • CQL_def. Contains a set of type sides that define the CQL API.
  • CSV. Demonstrates how to import and export CSV files.
  • ForeignKeys. Illustrates how queries can be statically checked to rule out foreign key errors.
  • Inverse. Demonstrates some properties of data type conversion and inversion with delta and sigma.
  • JDBCSQL. Demonstrates SQL import and export via JDBC.
  • Joinless. Illustrates how queries that would require joins in SQL can be achieved in CQL by following foreign keys with the dot operator.
  • FOAF. Illustrates the RDF friend-of-a-friend scenario using constraints.
  • Demo. Contains code for demonstrating construction of a universal data warehouse.
  • Denormalize. Illustrates database denormalization where synchronicity is achieved through a path equality.
  • Employees. Illustrates the employee-department scenario.
  • LambdaConf. A demo for the presentation at the Lambda Conference.
  • Linkage. Demonstrates how to link records / resolve entities such as Pete and Peter or He and Helium using queries and then form equivalence classes based on the links.
  • Query. Shows a simple query that does a join onto a schema with a foreign key.
  • Delta.
  • Sigma. Shows how to use a schema mapping to perform quotients: given land animals, water animals, and amphibians, find all the animals without double-counting the amphibians.
  • Tutorial. Code for the short CQL tutorial.
  • UnitConv. Shows how the typeside can be used to distinguish inches from centimeters.


  • Compose. Demonstrates query composition.
  • TutorialTSP. Code for the long CQL tutorial.
  • Pullback. Illustrates how to implement a pullback of sets.
  • Pushout. Illustrates how to implement a pushout of sets.
  • Quotient. Shows how to compute a symmetric, transitive closure in CQL as a quotient of sets.
  • OuterJoin. Shows how to do a SQL-style outer join, and related operations.
  • Meta. Illustrates how to do category theory using CQL constraints.
  • Constraints. Demonstrates a relational-style data exchange setting using s-t TGDs.
  • Petri. Shows how to encode a Petri net as a schema obtained by pivoting an instance on the bi-partite graph schema.
  • KB. Illustrates Knuth-Bendix completion on group theory.
  • Dopfib. Illustrates a special kind of schema mapping that can be implemented using SQL's union.
  • QueryED. Internal test cases.

Use Cases

  • FinanceColim1. Financial data warehouse, manual integrated schema.
  • FinanceColim2. Financial data warehouse, automated integrated schema.
  • PharmaColim1. Electronic health records merge, manual integrated schema.
  • PharmaColim2. Electronic health records merge, automated integrated schema.