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You need a git client to checkout the sources. Please check
the help system in account for more information.

To compile and run Supremica you need Java 1.8 or higher
and ANT.

From 2005-02-17 Waters is included. Waters includes the graphical
editor and simulator for automata. Waters is developed by Robi Malik,
at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.  Robi can be reached at
[email protected].

To report problems or ask questions, send email to [email protected]

If you run benchmark problems in Supremica, please give me a chance to 
comment the results before publishing.

A short tutorial on how to compile and run Supremica is following. 

1. Checkout
    Enter a directory where you want to store the Supremica files,
    e.g. "/home/ka/projects". To checkout the sources, write:

    > git clone [email protected]:Chalmers-Control-Automation-Mechatronics/Supremica.git

    If you have got a C++ compiler and want to compile the C++ sources of
    the Waters libraries, you need to configure it first. Enter the
    subdirectory waters/ inside the project directory, and copy the file under the name of Then edit
    the new file as per instructions in the file. These
    steps are optional as it is not necessary to compile C++:

2. Compiling and running from command line

    To compile Supremica, you need to have Ant installed
    The first time you compile after a checkout you should write:
    > ant initialize

    This command should be used again if you fetch a new working copy
    that contains major changes, or if you edit non-Java files.

    For compiling the sources there are two main alternatives.

    i. Compile all files changed since last compilation
    > ant compile

    ii. Compile all files and build a jar file.
    > ant rebuild

    Alternative ii is the preferred alternative, and it is
    also the one executed if you run ant without arguments.
    Note that alternative i can be fast if you only want
    to check that some change you done is going though the

    To run Supremica, enter Supremica/dist, and write:
    > IDE          (for Windows)
    > ./IDE        (for Linux)

3. Using an IDE

    Most development is done using an IDE. Netbeans and Eclipse 
    are supported. Please see the Supremica Wiki at
    for more details on checking out and compiling using these

More information

Supremica Wiki at

Ant - the build system

Eclipse IDE

Git documentation

Java homepage

NetBeans IDE