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geebips edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Follow these instructions on how to set up an Apache web server & then secure it with Letsencrypt:
Digital Ocean Apache2 installation on Ubuntu 18.04
Digital Ocean securing Apache2 with Letsencrypt on Ubuntu 18.04
You can either set the craig/web/ directory as the root directory that Apache2 will use or if you followed that tutorial to the T, with Virtual Hosts and all, then just run:

mv web/* /var/www/your_site

Edit the index.php file:

sudo nano /var/www/your_site/index.php

Replace the directory pointing to /home/yahweasel/etc. to whatever directory your bot is in. Example:

^\ - Ctrl + \ (Will begin the search to replace feature in nano)
/home/yahweasel - String to search for & replace
/home/yourusername - String to replace with
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