#COMP 330 - Software Engineering ##Twitter Project The goal of this assignment was to create an engine that can read and interpret, to a point, twitter messages. Including, but not limited to, reading mentions, topics, and URLs. I am going to try to implement this in C++ first as that is what I'm most comfortable in right now, but may move to another language later if C++ proves to be rigid. I don't think I should have a problem.
I've since moved my project into Java, it should make it easier to write unit tests with JUnit.
As for the daily commits that was supposed to happen starting Thursday Jan 28, I wasn't able to start due to having to work and taking extra shifts for one of my coworkers, but I should be able to start doing daily commits now and leading up to the next class on Feb 4. I don't have any concerns about finishing this, just wanted to let George know the situation.
Code created by Tyler Pearson - [email protected]