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A Reactive LocationManager in Swift for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS


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A Reactive LocationManager in Swift

CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Platform


You may find CLLocationManager awkward to use if you adopt RP(RxSwift) paradigm to develop apps. RxLocationManager is an attempt to create a "reactive" skin around CLLocationManager, so that you don't need to worry about things like conform your view controller to CLLocationManagerDelegate which sometimes feels unnatural, where to put CLLocationManager instance(e.g. AppDelegate) for easily referencing, etc. Everything is behind RxLocationManager class and its static methods and variables. Internally RxLocationManager has multiple sharing CLLocationManager+Delegate instances, and manage them efficiently in terms of memory usage and battery life. Instead of providing an "all-in-one" class like CLLocationManager does, RxLocationManager divides properties/methods into several groups based on their relativity, for example, location related APIs go into StandardLocationService class, heading update related APIs go into HeadingUpdateService class, region monitoring related APIs go into RegionMonitoringService class which also includes ranging beacons capability, and visits monitoring related APIs go into MonitoringVisitsService, so it's more clear to use.


Add RxLocationManager dependency to your Podfile

# Podfile

# replace YOUR_TARGET_NAME with yours
target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'RxLocationManager',    '~> 1.0'

and run

$ pod install

Add following line to Cartfile

github "popduke/RxLocationManager" ~> 1.0

and run

$ carthage update
  • Run following line to add RxLocationManager as a submodule
$ git submodule add [email protected]:popduke/RxLocationManager.git
  • Drag RxLocationManager.xcodeproj into Project Navigator
  • Go to Project > Targets > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries, click + and select RxLocationManager [Platform] targets


đź“Ś Always consult official document of CLLocationManager to learn how to configure it to work in different modes đź“Ś

Add below line to import RxLocationManager module

import RxLocationManager

Observe Location Service's enable/disable status change

   //$0 is Boolean
   return $0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"
   print("Location Service is \($0)")

Observe app's authorization status change

   //$0 is CLAuthorizationStatus
   print("Current authorization status is \($0)")

Request authorization to your app

//ask for WhenInUse authorization
//ask for Always authorization

Determine service availability

#if os(iOS) || os(OSX)
RxLocationManager.isMonitoringAvailableForClass(regionClass: AnyClass) -> Bool

#if os(iOS)

Standard Location Service

StandardLocationService contains two main Observables: Located and Locating, Located reports only one CLLocation object per subscription and complete, representing the current determined location of device; Locating reports series of CLLocation objects upon observing, representing the changing location of device. Multiple subscriptions share a single underlying CLLocationManager object, RxLocationManager starts location updating when first subscription is made and stops it after last subscription is disposed.

Determine current location of device

// RxLocationManager.Standard is a shared standard location service instance
#if os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
    event in
    switch event{
    case .Next(let location):
        // the event will only be triggered once to report current determined location of device
        print("Current Location is \(location)")
    case .Completed:
        // completed event will get triggered after location is reported successfully
        print("Subscription is Completed")
    case .Error(let error):
        // in case some error occurred during determining device location, e.g. LocationUnknown

Monitoring location update of device

#if os(iOS) || os(OSX)
    event in
    switch event{
    case .Next(let location):
        // series of events will be delivered during subscription
        print("Current Location is \(location)")
    case .Completed:
        // no complete event
    case .Error(let error):
        // LocationUnknown error will be ignored, and other errors reported


Before start subscribing to located or locating, you can also configure the standard location service instance through below chaining style APIs

RxLocationManager.Standard.distanceFilter(distance: CLLocationDistance) -> StandardLocationService
RxLocationManager.Standard.desiredAccuracy(desiredAccuracy: CLLocationAccuracy) -> StandardLocationService

#if os(iOS)
RxLocationManager.Standard.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates(allow : Bool) -> StandardLocationService
RxLocationManager.Standard.activityType(type: CLActivityType) -> StandardLocationService

Enable auto-paused mode for location delivery, and observe the notification of pausing state change

#if os(iOS)

    //$0 is Boolean
    return $0 ? "Paused" : "Resumed"
   print("Location Updating is \($0)")

Setup/remove deferred location update condition and observe when condition is satisfied or finished with error

#if os(iOS)
//Setup deferred location update condition
RxLocationManager.Standard.allowDeferredLocationUpdates(untilTraveled:100, timeout: 120)

//Remove current deferred update condition

//Observe the event when condition is satisfied or finished with error
    //$0 is NSError?
    return $0 == nil ? "Finished" : "Finished with error code \($0.code) in \($0.domain)"
    error in
    print("Location Updating is \($0)")

Multiple standard location services

In some cases you need more than one standard location service in your app, which configured differently, you can create a new one by cloning from the shared

var anotherStandardLocationService = RxLocationManager.Standard.clone()

Significant Location Update Service

SignificantLocationUpdateService contains only one Observable: locating, which reports series of CLLocation objects upon observing, representing the significant location change of device. Multiple subscriptions share a single underlying CLLocationManager object, RxLocationManager starts monitoring significant location change when first subscription is made and stops it after last subscription is disposed.

#if os(iOS) || os(OSX)
// RxLocationManager.SignificantLocation is the shared significant location update service instance
    event in
    switch event{
    case .Next(let location):
        // series of events will be delivered during subscription
        print("Current Location is \(location)")
    case .Completed:
        // no complete event
    case .Error(let error):
        // in case errors

Heading Update Service

HeadingUpdateService contains only one Observable: heading, which reports series of CLHeading objects upon observing, representing heading change of device. Multiple subscriptions share a single underlying CLLocationManager object, RxLocationManager starts monitoring device heading change when first subscription is made and stops it after last subscription is disposed.

Observe heading change of device

#if os(iOS)
// RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate is the shared heading update service instance
    event in
    switch event{
    case .Next(let heading):
        // series of events will be delivered during subscription
        print("Current heading is \(heading)")
    case .Completed:
        // no complete event
    case .Error(let error):
        // in case errors


Before start subscribing to heading, you can also configure the heading update service instance through below chaining style APIs

#if os(iOS)
RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate.headingFilter(degrees:CLLocationDegrees) -> HeadingUpdateService
RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate.headingOrientation(degrees:CLDeviceOrientation) -> HeadingUpdateService
RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate.displayHeadingCalibration(should:Bool) -> HeadingUpdateService

//Use following to methods to start/stop location updating, so that true heading value will be reported
RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate.startTrueHeading(withParams:(distanceFilter:CLLocationDistance, desiredAccuracy:CLLocationAccuracy))

Dismiss heading calibration display if any

#if os(iOS)

Multiple heading update services

In some cases you need more than one heading update service in your app, which configured differently, you can create a new one by cloning from the shared

var anotherHeadingUpdateService = RxLocationManager.HeadingUpdate.clone()

Region Monitoring Service

Observe the changes to the collection of current monitored regions

#if os(iOS) || os(OSX)
// methods to start|stop monitoring regions
RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.startMonitoringForRegions(regions: [CLRegion]) -> RegionMonitoringService
RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.stopMonitoringForRegions(regions: [CLRegion]) -> RegionMonitoringService
RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.stopMonitoringForAllRegions() -> RegionMonitoringService

    //happens no matter when new region is added or existing one gets removed from the monitored regions set
    regions in
    print("Current monitoring \(regions.count) regions")

Observe region enter/exit event

#if os(iOS) || os(OSX)
    region in
    print("Device is entering the region: \(region.identifier)")

    region in
    print("Device is leaving the region: \(region.identifier)")

Ask for the current state of monitored regions

RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.requestRegionsState(regions:[CLRegion]) -> RegionMonitoringService
    region, state in
    print("the region: \(region.identifier) is in state: \(state.rawValue)")

Start/stop ranging beacons in range

#if os(iOS)
RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(region: CLBeaconRegion)
RxLocationManager.RegionMonitoring.stopRangingBeaconsInRegion(region: CLBeaconRegion)

Observe ranged beacons

#if os(iOS)
    beacons, inRegion in
    print("\(beacons.count) beacons ranged in range:\(inRange.identifier)")

Monitoring Visits Service

Start/stop monitoring visits

#if os(iOS)

Observe visit events

#if os(iOS)
    visit in
    print("coordinate: \(visit.coordinate.longitude),\(visit.coordinate.latitude)")

MIT License


A Reactive LocationManager in Swift for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS







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  • Swift 99.2%
  • Ruby 0.8%