Figma for website mock up.
Inline -> Putting the style attribute on the element itself.
- Inline not recommended (Can be used as a last resort)
- old way to do it
- Only used if you can't do use the other 2 ways.
- Will override previous rules.
Interal -> using a style tag inside the HTML file.
- one page at a time.
- Not recommended.
External -> Seperate file with the link the head of the HTML. (App.css,styles.css,style.css)
- Can be used on multiple HTML pages.
CSS Selectors - What elements do you want to style?
- id
- class
- element
Rule - how to style the elements ath were selected?
- key -> style application (width, height, background color)
- Value -> what do you want to the style application to be equal to (100px, aqua, etc..)
Specificty - more specific a CSS slector is, the priority it is given.
- IDs go only to one element
- Inline is the most specific. Will override all other rules
- ID is the next most.
- Classes are the next most specific
- Elements
- Order matters here.
Box Model - Everything is a box.
- content -> viewer is going to see/everything inside.
- padding -> space between content and border
- border -> Edge of what is shown for the element
- Margin -> space between elements
- Size units
- px - pixels
- percentages
- Block vs Inline vs inline-block
- Float
- Tables
- Size units