This repository contains components to display data from kiara
, and to help interacting with kiara
. They are written in Svelte, learn more about Svelte in their docs.
Clone this repository using git. Install operating system dependenices NodeJS and npm, then:
npm install # install project dependencies, first time only
npm run dev
Alternatively, if you have the just
task runner installed, run just setup
Everything inside src/lib
is part of the component library, everything inside src/routes
is the showcase or preview app.
Optionally (but please do if you can) there's a pre-commit hook to check formatting before each commit. You'll need pre-commit installed globally on your machine, then run pre-commit install
to enable the hook.
The project is set up to enable "unit" testing via vitest, and browser/UI testing via playwright. Run the tests with:
npm run test # all the tests
npm run test:integration # just the UI tests
npm run test:unit # just the unit tests
There's also various linters, formatters and typescript typechecking configured. Run these:
npm run format # fix formatting using prettier
npm run lint # check for lint errors using eslint
npm run check # svelte and typescript checks
All of these things will be run in GitHub actions when code is pushed.
To build the library:
npm run package
To create a production version of the showcase app:
npm run build
Preview the production build with npm run preview
. The showcase app can be deployed anywhere you can host a static site, using SvelteKit's adaper-static. Deployment is not yet implemented.
The package is published to npm
, in the dharpa
org account. Install it with npm i @dharpa/kiara-svelte-components
. To publish a new version, create a release on GitHub and write some release notes. Make sure the version number in package.json
is different to the exising published version (the GitHub Action will fail if you forgot to do this).
To use the package in another JavaScript project with Svelte support:
- clone this repository to your machine,
- run
npm build
in this repository to build the package, - then in your other project, run
npm install ../path/to/this-repo
to install this package as a local path dependency.
Note that when you want to update this package in your new project, you may need to delete your node_modules
folder and run npm install
again. This is to do with the build system (vite) interacting with local packages without version numbers. There may be a better solution, but this approach works sufficiently for now until publishing is implemented.