$ vim .streamlit/config.toml
# Streamlit version: 1.18.0
# By default, Streamlit checks if the Python watchdog module is available and, if not, prints a warning asking for you to install it. The watchdog module is not required, but highly recommended. It improves Streamlit's ability to detect changes to files in your filesystem.
# If you'd like to turn off this warning, set this to True.
# Default: false
disableWatchdogWarning = false
# If True, will show a warning when you run a Streamlit-enabled script via "python my_script.py".
# Default: true
showWarningOnDirectExecution = true
# DataFrame serialization.
# Acceptable values: - 'legacy': Serialize DataFrames using Streamlit's custom format. Slow but battle-tested. - 'arrow': Serialize DataFrames using Apache Arrow. Much faster and versatile.
# Default: "arrow"
dataFrameSerialization = "arrow"
$ docker build -t streamlit-pg . --build-arg OPEN_AI_ORG=YOUR_ORG_HERE --build-arg OPEN_AI_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE
$ docker run -p 8501:8501 streamlit-pg
If you have any questions, checkout official documentation and community forums.