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XAF - How to Display an Event with Custom Fields in a Scheduler List View

This example demonstrates how to extend Scheduler events with custom fields and display these values in UI.

ASP.NET Core Blazor


Windows Forms

  1. Inherit from the Event class and implement new properties. For details, see the following file: ExtendedEvent.cs.

  2. Map new properties to appropriate data fields.

    In an ASP.NET Core Blazor application, access CustomFieldMappings in the AddScheduler() method. For details, see the following file: Startup.cs.

    In a Windows Forms application, specify CustomFieldMappings. For details, see the following file: SchedulerCustomFieldMappingsController.cs.

  3. Display field values in event cards of a Scheduler List View.

    In an XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor application:

    In an XAF Windows Forms application:

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