Brave SpanCollector that converts Brave spans into Zipkin spans and submits them to a Zipkin collector. Advantage is that you can reuse the Zipkin back-end (zipkin collector, Cassandra back-end store and zipkin web UI).
For information on how to set up the Zipkin backend components see here.
There is no release for brave-zipkin-spancollector available because it depends on third-party Maven repos (specified in the pom.xml and see below). Because of this I could not release it to Maven Central.
It is advised to add the required thirdy part Maven repos:
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
to your own proxy (Nexus, Artifactory) instead of leaving them in the pom.xml
git clone
cd brave-zipkin-spancollector
mvn deploy
This should work if your Maven ~/.m2/settings.xml configuration allows specifying third party Maven repos besides those in settings.xml or if you have added the Maven repos to your own proxy.
If you would want to use this span collector as part of a release you will have to add release-plugin entry in pom.xml + specify scm and distributionManagement sections and do a release into your own Maven repo.