Image with Ubuntu 18.04 and Node 12
node version: v12.22.12
npm version: 8.10.0
yarn version: 1.22.18
debian version: buster/sid
user: root
git: git version 2.17.1
Firefox version: Mozilla Firefox 98.0.2
python: Python 3.6.9
kr-cli: 1.1.0
[ -d ~/workspace ] || mkdir ~/workspace
xhost local:root
IN_DIR the directory where your test.html files are located.
-h if this option is present, the tests will run headless
-o REPORT_NAME specify the filename of the report and the report.xml file that will be generated
the .xml file is in accordance with JUnit format,
which allows for pretty visualizations in e.g JENKINS(using JUnit plugin)
-r RETRIES kr-cli is pretty unstable (*sigh*), number of times a test-suite is retried after timeout
docker run -i -v $PWD:/home/e2e -w /home/e2e -e LOG_OUPUT_OWNER=$(id -u) kr-cli/base:alpine3.16 -r 2 -h -o REPORT_NAME IN_DIR
with gui
docker run -i --net NETWORK --rm -v $PWD:/home/e2e -w /home/e2e -e DISPLAY --link xvfb kr-cli/base:alpine3.16 -r 2 -h -o REPORT_NAME IN_DIR