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Releases: Digital-Media/HagenbergThesis


24 Feb 11:36
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  • 2025/02/24: [#171](#171): Added the class option review for HgbArticle to display line numbers while reviewing an article.
  • 2025/02/18: [#15](#15): Added a way to handle cover pages more flexible. They are now themeable, their language can be set independently, multiple advisors can be specified and the cover now corresponds to ÖNORM A 2662.
  • 2025/02/18: [#77](#77): Added a dissertation option in the course of the flexible cover page.
  • 2025/02/18: [#163](#163): Updated editor list in appendix a and mentioned Overleaf compile timeout.
  • 2024/12/14: [#1](#1): Added the options oneside and twoside for switching between onesided and twosided layouts for saving paper when printing.
  • 2024/12/09: [#169](#169): Added the \DocumentMetadata command to the style files to be futureproof in terms of document metadata handling.
  • 2024/12/06: [#165](#165): Added a code environment for Scala. Thanks to [@marcelhas](


  • 2025/02/18: Updated the content of references.bib. Updated versions of various manuals and online sources. Adapted linked references in the documents accordingly.
  • 2025/02/18: Updated the deadlines and semesters in the main files of all documents.


  • 2025/02/21: [#170](#170): Fixed wrong sorting behavior when using the nosplit option with \MakeBibliography.


06 Nov 11:06
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  • 2023/10/26: #132: Setup added to produce PDF/A compliant documents, which is the default now. Added related instructions in HgbThesisTutorialEN and HgbThesisTutorialDE.


  • 2023/11/06: Updated the content of references.bib. Updated versions of various manuals and online sources. Adapted linked references in the documents accordingly.
  • 2023/11/06: Updated the deadlines and semesters in the main files of all documents.


13 Feb 11:54
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  • 2021/01/04: #114: Added apa document option to switch to APA bibliography style.
  • 2021/01/29: #114: Added two additional example documents (HgbThesisDE-APA and HgbThesisEN-APA) with a short introduction to the most important APA citation macros in it.
  • 2021/01/29: #114: Added a section in HgbThesisTutorial about APA with instructions on how to enable it and an overview of the citation commands and the resulting reference list.
  • 2021/03/02: #119: Added \email macro in hgb.sty to print correct email addresses in documents and the preamble.
  • 2021/06/24: #127: Added \backmatter section to main.tex to avoid things like a list of figures or acronyms being treated as appendices.
  • 2022/12/28: #138: Expanded the table section in HgbThesisTutorial to include more information on creating tables, multi-page tables, and connecting rows and columns.
  • 2023/01/03: #146: Include DOIs in references. Clear url field if a doi entry is present to avoid duplicate entries.
  • 2023/01/16: #155: Added the option proposal for hgbthesis class documents with either the bachelor or master option active. Provided the two example documents, HgbThesisDE-proposal and HgbThesisEN-proposal, with an example exposé for a bachelor's thesis.
  • 2023/02/13: #140: Added an English translation for the thesis tutorial. The documents are now called HgbThesisTutorialEN and HgbThesisTutorialDE. The documents have also been revised in terms of formatting and content.


  • 2020/10/30: #111: Removed ctan/hagenberg-thesis/examples/ directory from CTAN bundle, modified ctan target in makefile and added another reference in to this GitHub repo (CTAN admins had complained about duplicate files).
  • 2021/03/05: #120: Algorithm setup converted to algpseudocodex for improved readability, added new spacing commands for fine-tuning.
  • 2021/05/12: #124: Completely reworked references.bib. Replaced all occurrences of year and month with date. Switched hyphenation to langid. Also updated all references, corrected mistakes and removed unused entries from the file.
  • 2021/06/24: Reworked all main.tex files and unified their appearance in terms of formatting and descriptions.
  • 2021/06/24: #125: Changed displayed math shorthand from $$...$$ to \[...\].
  • 2022/06/30: #137: Clarified using the listings escape sequence for GenericCode.
  • 2022/12/28: #138: Reworked all tables using the booktabs package for a more modern and cleaner look.
  • 2023/01/09: #151: Re-formatted the source code of all example documents for a cleaner look. Line breaks are at 80 characters per line.
  • 2023/01/12: #135: Added a guide on including SVG files in the document to the project's wiki: Also removed "Creating vector graphics using Inkscape" from abbildungen.tex into a wiki article:
  • 2023/01/13: #141: Updated HgbThesisTutorial and all other documents. Removed outdated content and added or changed information where necessary.
  • 2022/01/13: #142: Updated the content of references.bib. Updated versions of various manuals and online sources.


  • 2021/03/22: Fixed two occurrences of missing gender-sensitive language in HgbThesisTutorial. Thanks to Julia Gruber.
  • 2022/12/27: #133: Fixed // in the CssCode environment being treated as a comment.
  • 2023/01/05: #136: Fixed smart quotes not working in the title.


29 Oct 21:36
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  • Added a section about gender-sensitive language and writing style.
  • Cleanup of technical issues (software setup, workflow, printing) in HgbThesisTutorial.
  • Changed bibliography section titles from Audio-visual media (Audiovisuelle Medien) to Media (Medien) to include media types that are non-A/V (e.g., still images).
  • Added hints in HgbThesisTutorial for citing musical scores. Modified Appendix B (listing of supplementary materials),
    replacing obsolete CD/DVD by cloud archive submission.
  • Modified repository setup (without GIT submodules) and adapted build process. All build-related parts are now contained in the new dev/ directory, where .sty, .cls and .bib files are stored in a single place (dev/latex/). The build process updates the documents/ and dev/ctan/ directories. There is no duplication of document source files, all are in documents/. Release dates are now automatically inserted (during build) into any date field, the 9999/01/01 dummy markers are not required any more. Experimental: latexmk is used in the build process.
  • hgbthesis.cls now issues a package warning if trying to define multiple authors inside the \author{..} command. The \and and \thanks{..} commands are suppressed.
  • Added PythonCode environment to include Python code in listings environments. Moved all build-related elements to a separate non-public repository, leaving only user-relevant parts in HagenbergThesis.
  • Added a new load-time check to validate if the currently used hagenberg-thesis installation is no older than 365 days (in hgb.sty). Otherwise a warning is issued with a reminder to check for updates on Github. This check can be suppressed by passing the new class option noUpdateCheck. In all .cls files the handling of class options was modified to pass all non-declared options to hgb.sty. In this course, the (obsolete) datetime package was replaced by the datetime2 package (2bc1895).
  • Added information on how/when to use the @unpublished biblatex tag in examples/HgbThesisTutorial (90296ea).


  • Top-level folder examples renamed to documents.
  • Used gender-sensitive language in all German template documents. Also switched the example names to gender-neutral versions. Also updated references to their latest versions.


  • Fixed sorting error with multiple keys in cite commands.
  • Fixed error with \DTMgermanmonthname


16 May 08:06
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  • Added support for "smart quotes" using the csquotes package. To activate, pass the option smartquotes to any of the hgb document classes (all sample documents are set up to use this option). Remove document option smartquotes if traditional handling of quotes is desired. See examples/HgbThesisTutorial (Sec. 3.4.4) for details.


  • Added new listings definitions for JavaScript (including ES6, Node.js and a few others).


  • Fixed and corrected outdated URLs and bibliography information.
  • Corrected a few typos in the example document.


28 Nov 17:24
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Important changes:

  • improved algorithm setup
  • better handling of multiple references in citations
  • added patent references
  • blocked subfigure, lstlisting, footnotes in captions
  • many small fixes and improvements


05 Nov 09:10
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Restructured setup for CTAN distribution

Important changes:

  • The bundle is distributed by CTAN as package hagenberg-thesis (
  • Original .cls and .sty files are now stored in common/.
  • Sample LaTeX documents are stored in examples/, with individual ZIP files for "single-click authoring" in Overleaf.
  • Automatic building with make.


16 Oct 12:00
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Last stable release before a major structure change.

Biggest changes include

  • new classes hgbreport and hgbarticle,
  • bibliography categorization,
  • new bibliography examples,
  • PDF inclusion mechanism,
  • and many more.


21 Mar 14:58
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This version features a whole series of changes:

  • headings in sans serif fonts,
  • smaller page margins,
  • two separate versions for German and English (the latter still being empty but ready to use)
  • new and unified English commands for the front matter
  • small fixes and changes

This version is merely an intermediate stop on the road to a slimmer and easier to use multi-language document. More changes to come. Enjoy.


13 Feb 11:46
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This is the first release on GitHub. Future versions will now be published on this repository. This version has also been ported to Overleaf for online editing.

Other changes include suppression of biblatex warnings as well as new names for the main files.