SentiMotion allows a user to view sentiment and emotion information on multiple forms of data. Throughout SentiMotion, sentiment is displayed in a number of ways. Sentiment type can be positive, negative, or neutral. Sentiment score is a float between -1.0 and 1.0. We also display sentiment as colors: green represents positive, blue represents neutral, and red represents negative. Emotion is displayed with icons and can be one or more of the following values: anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness.
- The "URL Analyzer" will analyze a provided url to a news story and display sentiment type, sentiment score, and emotion found within the text.
- The "Text Analyzer" will analyze a provided block of text and display sentiment type, sentiment score, and the number of stars based on the sentiment score. The stars represent a suggested rating if the block of text was a review.
- "Map" displays average sentiment for 100 articles across 5 cities. The size of the circle is dependent on the ratio of positive, negative, or neutral articles to the overall number of articles for each city. Clicking on a circle displays the articles used in calculating average sentiment for that city. Each article is displayed with the title, sentiment, sentiment score, and link to original article.
- AlchemyAPI is utilized throughout SentiMotion to analyze sentiment and emotion. Examples of AlchemyAPI methods used are: GetNews, URLGetTextSentiment, TextGetTextSentiment, URLGetEmotion.
- Google Maps API is used in our Map module to display the map and circles.
- Firebase is used to handle user authentication.
- Bootstrap
- AngularJS
- jQuery
- JavaScript
We utilized Mob Programming throughout the development of SentiMotion.
- Move Firebase code into Angular
- Add process to automate creation of city json files.
- Allow user to choose which cities are analyzed on the map.
- Robust error handling.