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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 7, 2021. It is now read-only.
James Harrison edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 7 revisions


License: GPL v3 Chat Build Status

A proxy made to allow Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers.

The goal of DragonProxy is to bridge Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition by allowing Bedrock clients to join Java Edition servers. It is, however, still in development and not everything works currently.

DragonProxy is a standalone program. It is NOT a plugin. It simply works as a proxy and requires its own directory and configuration files.


  1. Download the latest build on jenkins.
  2. Run DragonProxy with java -jar DragonProxy.jar
  3. Type 'stop' in console and edit the config.yml to your liking

The raw basic config options you need to change to get things running are remote-address and remote-port this is the Java server IP/Port you want to connect to on bedrock.

Then on your bedrock device type to IP of the PC running DragonProxy to join.

If you are having trouble please refer to our Discord.




  1. Clone the repo: git clone --recursive
  2. Go to the repo folder cd DragonProxy (or whatever you called it)
  3. Execute mvn clean package

The output jar can be found at bootstrap/target/DragonProxy.jar.

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