Yet Another LinkedIn Scraper
$ yalis -u [email protected] -p Password123 --id 1234 -f csv -o yalis-1234.csv
$ yalis -u [email protected] -p Password123 --name "Company Name Inc." -f csv -o yalis-company-name.csv
yalis -i yalis-1234.csv -f {f}{last} -o yalis-users.txt
Usage of ./yalis:
-c, --config string Configuration File
-n, --count int Results per request (default 20)
-d, --delay int Number of seconds to delay between requests (default 1)
-m, --delimeter string Delimeter (default ",")
-e, --empty-threshold int Number of empty responses before quitting worker (default 3)
-f, --format string Format of output (csv, {first}.{last})
--id strings Company IDs (required)
-i, --input-file string Input File
--name strings Company names to lookup
-o, --output-file string Output File
-p, --password string LinkedIn Password (required)
-s, --start int What part of list to start at
-a, --user-agent string User agent (default "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0")
-u, --username string LinkedIn Username (required)
Use the example config.yml file in the repo to avoid specifying credentials via command line flags.
username: ""
password: ""
format: "csv"
delimeter: ","
delay: 1
user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0"
start: 0
count: 20
empty-threshold: 3
# input-file: ""
# output-file: "linkedin.csv"
# id:
# - 123
# name:
# - "Company LLC."
flag will replace replace the following strings
Format String | Replacement |
{f} |
First Initial |
{first} |
First Name |
{l} |
Last Initial |
{last} |
Last Name |
Format String | Output |
{first}.{last} |
rick.astley |
{f}{last}@domain.tld |
[email protected] |
{l}{first} |
arick |