This project contains sample utility notebooks/scripts for performing batch operations in Microsoft Purview.
- Azure Purview CLI
1- Extract the following asset details from Purview into CSV files: (Notebook: Extract Purview Assets) If extract_schema_level_details is False, the export file will have data only at the asset level. If extract_schema_level_details is True, the file will contain rows for each asset and if the asset has a schema, the details of schema will be populated after asset row. This will take a considerably longer time to generate.
- name
- qualifiedName
- classification (Pipe separated)(configurable)
- term (Pipe separated) (configurable)
- description
- entityType
- id (Guid)
- certifiedBy
2- Generate a PowerShell script of CLI commands and paylod files to update Purview assets (Notebook: UpdateAssetLevelMetadata)
Previously Extracted CSV from above or any other CSV in this format, can be further enriched with a Pipe separated (configurable) business glossary formal names, asset description and classifications. This notebook will use the enriched file to generate 3 PowerShell scripts. One will update asset description and the other 2 will update business glossary terms and classifications assignment.
Once UpdateAssetLevelMetadata notebook is run, by default a folder will be created with this pattern {PurviewAccountName}_update
which will host the PowerShell files along with all required .json payload files.
For safty reasons PowerShell files will have .ps1_ and will have to be renamed to .ps1.
The PowerShell file will include lines to set the environment variables which it read from .env file except for AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET. This value will have to be populated before the script can run.
This will not remove existing term assignments but will overwrite description for assets
Setup.ipynb notebook contains configuration options. provide a path for root_working_folder and the rest can be defaults. The notebook will create a folder called ephemeral with a few .json transiant files to be used with CLI commands.
You will need to create a .env file in the root working folder and add the following lines to it.
PURVIEW_NAME="Purview Account Name"
AZURE_CLIENT_ID="Your client ID"
AZURE_TENANT_ID="Your tenant ID"
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="Your Client secret"