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Chatium Documentation Here you can find all the information that will help you develop applications on the Chatium platform. First steps If you are new to Chatium development, this is the place for you: ✦ From scratch: What is the Chatium Platform? | Platform Features Overview ✦ General concepts: Chatium account | Routing basics | Markup | Navigation Let's start Create the developer account at 1. First screen 2. Create an action 3. Entering text 4. Passing the state Reference For quick access to information on the API provided by the platform: ✦ app-ui: Blocks | Actions ✦ Builtin modules: @app/responsive | @app/socket | @app/jobs

What is the Chatium platform Chatium is a platform that allows you to quickly put together the functionality of a website and a mobile application in one language without installing either a server or a database. Mobile apps in Chatium are built in a similar way to websites - each screen is a page that is accessible from a URL. In the browser, these pages open as a web site, and inside the application - as native screens. With this approach, you can develop and update applications on the fly and immediately demonstrate and test functionality. The main Chatium language is Typescript with JSX support // Example code for a screen with one // button that creates and records a user app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return ( <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/register')}> Register ) })

// Authorizes a user via sms and records them app.apiCall('/register', function(ctx,req) { chatium.requireRealAuth(); ctx.getOrCreateUser(); return showToast('Thank you. You are registered!') ; }) By placing this code in the root of your account in about.tsx, you will create a screen with a simple action that will be instantly available at https:///about and will update as the code is edited. You do not need to install a server, configure hosting and routing. The Chatium Platform provides the standard mechanisms required for application development: ✦ Application hosting ✦ Web version of the application on its own domain ✦ Built-in database ✦ Authorization ✦ Messaging ✦ File service with image thumbnailing ✦ Video hosting ✦ Audio hosting ✦ Web and desktop-IDE for development ✦ Building apps for stores

Platform Features Overview Application hosting Files placed in your Chatium account are immediately available for execution. You do not need to separately install a server and configure it - immediately after creating an account, you can start writing business logic and the application's screens. The application works in the browser right away. You can also open it in the Chatium application or build an application of your own. Web version of the application on its own domain Initially, your application is published on the domain. You can use it as a mobile website, or set a separate view for the desktop version. You do not need to write the business logic of your application twice - all the logic works simultaneously on both the website and the mobile application. After the application is ready, it can be run on your own domain and have an SSL certificate issued. Built-in database To store the data, all you have to do is describe the table and fields, and it immediately becomes available from the code. Chatium's built-in database is called Heap and provides standard NoSQL table capabilities - adding, editing, retrieving and filtering data. Authorization With a help of just a couple of lines of code, you can enable sms authorization for certain screens or actions. Messaging The functionality to embed chats into your application is at the foundation of Chatium. Chats can be used for any communication with the users - feedback, group chats or for notifications. File service Media files uploaded to your account are available for immediate integration into the application: videos, pictures or even an entire playlist of audio files to be added into a screen. You can also give a simple option for users to upload their media files, take photos or videos directly from the app's camera, or select from the phone gallery. IDE Manipulating account files can be done either via a browser or locally using the Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension. The IDE is integrated with the internal git-repository of the account and allows you to edit the application code on the go, while it is running. Building apps for stores After the application is developed and tested in bothe the browser and the mobile preview application, you can build application binaries for iOS and Android. Next. Chatium Account

Chatium account One application - one account Account is an isolated space that stores application code and data. Each account is assigned an address of the form with its own file system inside. You can edit account files from a browser or using the VS Code extension. The person who has registered the account is the owner. They can invite others and assign them administrator roles.

My accounts Files are immediately available to users after being uploaded to the account. Static files Static files such as html, css, js, as well as media files are available in a path that matches the filename with the containing folder. A file named first.html will open at And a file in the collection folder named f2.html will open at Typescript files Files with the extension .tsx allow dynamic response to a query. The addresses inside them are registered using the methods: ✦ app.screen ✦ app.apiCall ✦ app.get ✦ /**

  • Example: about.tsx file in the account named test
  • The screen will open at:
  • */ app.screen('/', function() { return ( Some text about the company <button class="primary" onClick={ctx.account.navigate('/)}> Main page ) }) An incoming request launches the code of a relevant .tsx file, which in turn produces a response on the fly.

Routing basics Routing is based on a few simple principles: ✦ The request is processed by a file corresponding to the path specified in the URL of HTTP request. ✦ One file can handle several different requests. To find a matching route within a handler file, a part of the request URL fillowing the  ~  (tilde) character is considered. ✦ The file extensions  .ts  and  .tsx  can be omitted from the URL (i.e., instead of, you can make a request to ✦ If the path in the request URL matches a directory, the system will try to find an index file in this directory ( index.html ,  index.ts(x) or  index ) and select it as the handler. Upon processing, the request URL is divided into 3 parts: /folder1/about ~part1 ✦ domain determines the account. Can be a subdomain on or a custom one. ✦   Path   - accounting for nesting and directories. May or may not contain the .tsx file extension. ✦ part - optional part, points to a method inside the file. Can be appended to a url via tilde. Can be used to hold variables, such as product id etc. Looking for a request handle withing the account, a matching file is searched for ignoring  .ts  and  .tsx  extensions. In the found file, a suitable callback is chosen, with the  /  template being the default one. The callback is executed and its output is returned back to the user. /**

  • File /company/about.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/', function() { return }) Files with the extensions .ts and .tsx register address patterns in their code using the methods: ✦ app.screen - processes GET requests, returns a Screen ✦ app.get - processes GET requests, returns any type of data ✦ - processes POST requests, returns any type of data ✦ app.apiCall - processes POST requests, returns an Action Each of these methods has 2 parameters: ✦ pattern - a string pattern that is compared against part in the address. If part is not present in the address,  /  is used as a default. ✦ callback - request handler function. How the path pattern works All examples are given for an account named test, with the relevant account address being If the address does not have part, i.e. there is nothing after the tilde in the url, the root template is then used. /*
  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/', function() { return }) If template is static, then a direct match with part is searched. /*
  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/list', function() { return }) The path template can have dynamic parameters. /*
  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the addresses matching the template:
  • such as:
  • */ app.screen('/item/:id', function(ctx,req) { return ( {} ) }) Callback function The purpose of the callback function is to return a result to the user's request. Has two parameters: ctx and req. ✦ ctx - the context in which the current request is being executed. Contains information about the user, account, environment, router, device and screen size from which the user made the request. ✦ req - query parameters, for example queryString or params. Such callback must return a data structure matching the request. A screen for app.screen, and any data for app.get, for example a JSON object.

Markup The screen in Chatium is composed using JSX // Screen code example app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return ( Some text on the screen ) }) The function must return an object with the as the root tag, and other blocks (tags) contained within. Blocks Blocks are laid out using tags similar to those of HTML. Except they are the tags from the set of app-ui. The list of built-in tags is much smaller than in HTML (just 19 of), but all of them can be displayed in a mobile application as native components. audio, box, button, footer, header, horizontal-scroll, horizontal-scroll-indicator, iap-product, icon, image, list-item, parallax, smart-icon, search-input, sticky, text, text-input, video, video-poster, Many tags can be expressed via jsx blocks with certain styles. For example, Chatium doesn't have the tag, but you can express it via the text tag with a style: <text style={{fontStyle: 'italic'}}> italic text Just like in HTML, some blocks can contain other blocks, while other are atomic (always empty). // section is a kind of a block that can nest other blocks

// while image can't nest any blocks
JSX blocks can be combined into components with specified styles and functionality. Such tags start with a capital letter and can have their own parameters. // Using a custom component of direct speech This is not the end. Not even the beginning of the end. But it is the end of the beginning. Actions Interacting with the screen, the user can trigger events associated with blocks. Actions can be set to be called upon particular events. The most commonly used event is a click on a block. This event is called onClick. Click me The action can be an object or an array of objects. The @app/ui module has methods that prepare such objects. As an example we can list the following actions:apiCall, attachMedia, goBack, navigate, showToast, showContextMenu, showTextDialog, refresh, The full list of actins can be seen here // Clicking on the button will display the message "Hello World" Click me Action objects can be prepared by other objects. For example, ctx.account object should be used to prepare a link action to a page within the account. // Clink will open Google: Open Google // Click will open a page within the account: To the page "About the company" // Click will call an action described in the same file: Register

Navigation As was mentioned earlier, files hold the code for request handlers, bound to request address patterns and request types. These handlers produse user output. /**

  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return ( ) }) Navigation action To direct the user to another screen, use the action navigate This action is applicable for any URL, including those on external services. Most often, navigation occurs within the application or even within a single file. Considering that the domain of the application can be changed, it is recommended to use relative URLs instead of absolute for the internal navigation. To aid the relative navigation, Chatium offers objects  ctx.account  and  ctx.router . Where  ctx  is the first parameter for every request hanler function. ctx.account Defines the account for the currently executed code. Holds id and the name of the account. To form any url inside the account, method  ctx.account.url()  can be used. ctx.account.url('/page') To create a navigate action on any URL inside the account, the method  ctx.account.navigate()  should be used. /*
  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return ( <button onClick={ctx.account.navigate('/')}> Open the main page ) }) ctx.router Defines the entry point (file) for the request. The currently executed code can be stored in any file, but  ctx.router  defines the handler's origin. There can be a multiple of handlers with different address templates per file. To find a suitable handler within the file, a part of the request URL fillowing the  ~  (tilde) character is considered. If no suitable template is found, 404 error is turned. /*
  • File /catalog.tsx in the account named test
  • The screen opens at the address:
  • / app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return ( {/ NOTE: * Using ctx.router.navigate to obtain a navigation * action relevant to the handler's origin */} <button onClick={ctx.router.navigate('/list')}> To the list of goods ) })


Creating the first screen When we talk about a mobile application, the first thing that comes to mind is the interface, because this is what makes a mobile application different from any other. In reality, a complete mobile application requires a huge number of invisible components for its operation: this is a server that processes requests, a database that stores data, a video hosting, a collection of queues that run code at a certain time, and number of sockets that allow different clients to notify each other about changes. This is what sets Chatium apart from most app builders - we provide all the infrastructure you need to release a production app. But we will start by creating a screen. To do this, let's create our first TypeScript file, name it start.tsx and put this code in it: chatium.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return }) Let's save it and see what happens after clicking the "Preview" button. We should see a blank screen titled My Screen. Let's add the first block to this screen. To do this, inside the tag, we add the tag containing some text. Hello world We see that our text fits too tightly to the borders of the phone. In order to space it away, add the section class to it. Hello world Now we are going to add a button to our screen below the text. To do this, we use the button tag. Let's give it a primary class to indicate that this is the main button on the screen and a section class to add padding. <button class={["primary","section"]} title="Click me"/> So far this button does nothing. To change that, let's take the showToast action and add it to the button's onClick property. <button onClick={showToast('Hi!')} class={["primary","section"]} title="Click me"/> And import showToast itself from @app/ui at the first line of our source code. // import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

// Main screen chatium.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return Hello world <button onClick={showToast('Hi!')} class={["primary","section"]} title="Click me"/> }) Add a second screen and make a link to it Let's try to create a second screen and link these 2 screens together. Now add another call to chatium.screen at the bottom of the same file, with the /catalog as the value of the first argument. // Catalog screen chatium.screen('/catalog', async function(ctx, req) { return Catalog items }) This screen can be seen if we add ~catalog to the address of our file. For this, in the first screen, instead of showToast, we add navigate action to the catalog screen. <button onClick={ctx.router.navigate('/catalog')} class={["primary","section"]} title="Click me"/> In this action, we used the /catalog argument - also the first argument of the ctx callback function. ctx - is the execution context of our code. It contains information about the user, his device and the environment in which the code is running: ✦ ctx.account - object that defines the account for the currently executed code. Holds id and the name of the account. ✦ ctx.router - object that defines the entry point (file) for the request. The currently executed code can be stored in any file, but ctx.router defines the handler's origin. Method  chatium.screen  binds a screen request handler to a URL path template. The tamplate is a part of the URL to access the screen. And the full URL to access the screen is relevant to the code point of entry: the file that has executed  chatium.screen . Note the difference between the code point of execution and the containing file. So far our example had one file and one path template: start.tsx and /catalog. That make the example accessible at the URL https://accout-domain/start~catalog. The handler can be moved to a different file, leaving only the binding to the original place. import CatalogScreen from './catalog-screen.tsx' chatium.screen('/catalog', CatalogScreen}) This keeps start.tsx as the code execution point and addresses remain the same. Thus, the  ctx.router.navigate  method provides navigation to another screen in a particular file. Let's add a link to the second screen that takes us back to the first. <text onClick={ctx.router.navigate('/')} class="link"> Go to main screen Now we have a file that contains 2 screens and navigation between them. Final code // import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

// Main screen chatium.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return Hello world <button onClick={ctx.router.navigate('/catalog')} class={["primary","section"]} title="Click me" /> })

// Catalog screen chatium.screen('/catalog', async function(ctx, req) { return Catalog items

<text onClick={ctx.router.navigate('/')} class="link">
  Go to main screen
}) Try to create this file in your account. After that, scan the QR code in the lower right corner with the Chatium app and see how it works in the native app.

Create an action So far, we have learned how to make screens and navigate between them. Now we will create code that is not represented in blocks on the screen, but can be called from it. As a simple example: ask user a question with three possible answers. Depending on the user's action, the correct answer will show him a message that he is right, and the rest that he is wrong. So, let's create a file question.tsx, enter the initial code and run it. // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">The Capital of Great Britain</text>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="New York"/>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="Liverpool"/>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="London"/">
}) We have 3 buttons on the screen. Each of them has 2 classes - secondary and section. Secondary to make the button gray. Section to add standard indentation. Alternatively a  section  wrapping block can be used to add such indentation to a group of elements. All three buttons do the same thing - show a message on the screen. Let's create another action and place its code below such of the screen. For this, we use the method  app.apiCall . // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return showToast('Clicked'); }) This code in the file question.tsx binds the action handler to the path template check. The handler responds to a POST request on the path question~check. In order for this action to be called upon a click on the button, a corresponding call needs to be initiated in  onClick . Let's do this for the first button. New York Note how in this code we use  ctx.router.apiCall  to form a request with parameers. A request to call a handler previously bound to /check path using  app.apiCall . Hence  ctx.router.apiCall  should be seen as a companion method of  app.apiCall . The parameters are passed as the second argument. They set as an object with the names and values of the parameters. To obtain the passed parameters, we finally get to use the second argument in the handler  req  containing all of the request parameters. There,  req.body  contains all the parameters that we passed in the  ctx.router.apiCall . Let's replace the static code with the value from the request. // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return showToast('You are clicked: ' + req.body.value); }) Now let's slightly modify the code so that a message saying "Correct" was displayed for the right answer and another otherwise. // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { if ( req.body.value === 'London' ) { return showToast("Correct") } else { return showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); } }) Let's insert these actions in all 3 buttons and see how it works. app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return
<text class="section">The Capital of Great Britain</text>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'New York'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="New York"/>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'Liverpool'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="Liverpool"/>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'London'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="London"/>
}) As we see there is a lot of repetitive code. To avoid this, we will separate the data from the presentation and modify the code so it has no repetitions. At the same time, we will slightly change the verification code to make it shorter. Resulting code // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'London' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer =>
    onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); })

Entering text In the previous lesson we have learned how to describe an action code and call it when the button is clicked. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use a text field to enter an answer. As a starting point let's take the code we have created in the previous lesson. You can either use the same file or copy the contents to a new one. // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'London' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer =>
    onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); }) To recall what this code does: it displays a question with a number of answers to it. A click on the right answers displays a message saying "Correct", where a click on a wrong answer says otherwise. Let's make the task a bit harder: make it possible to enter an answer of your own. And as well remove the correct answer from the list of suggested: const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'Manchester' ], correct: 'London', } Now add to the screen one more button titled Different answer... under all other buttons. { answer => <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })} class={["secondary","section"]} title={answer} /> )} <button class={["secondary","section"]} title="Different answer..." /> Now we need to make a click on this button ask the user for an answer of their own and get it submitted for verification. For this we can use showTextDialog method, after having it imported at the beginning of the file: import {showTextDialog} from '@app/ui' This method allows to present an input field and submit the entered text to a specified URL. To have this URL be relevant to the current router, we will use  ctx.router  again. Except this time instead of  ctx.router.apiCall  that returns a complete action, we use  ctx.router.url  that gives a URL only. <button class={["secondary","section"]} title="Different answer..." onClick={showTextDialog({ submitUrl: ctx.router.url('/check'), title: 'Enter your answer' })} /> Everything should now work as is. We don't even need to edit the handler code. That is because showTextDialog sends the entered text to the same value parameter available in the handler at  req.body.value . Resulting code // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'Manchester' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer =>
    onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}
  title="Different answer..."
    submitUrl: ctx.router.url('/check'),
    title: 'Enter your answer'

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); })

Passing the state In the previous lesson we have learned to work with user text input. Let's improve the UX a little more: color the button green if the person gave a correct answer and red otherwise. For the start, we are going to take the code created in the previous lesson. With intent of making it simplier, remove the button for a user's own answer and bring back a button with the correct answer to the list. You can continue in question.tsx or create a new file. // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'London' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer =>
    onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); }) To recall what this code does: it displays a question with a number of answers to it. A click on the right answers displays a message saying "Correct", where a click on a wrong answer says otherwise. So our intent is to make an answer button change the colour upon a click. In the classic react approach, this would have been a screen state change - react changes the state on the client and applies it right there. In our case, it is important to understand one thing: There is no client state in Chatium We have to produce a new screen on the server side every time we are changing its state. The state can be changed either via change of the data, or even simply via a change in the URL. For example, you can add something to the URL query segment - the part following the question mark. In the screen code itself, you can look at the  req.query  object. It receives a query from the HTTP request. Therefore, if we pass  ?q=value1  in the address, then in the screen code we can get this value via  req.query.q . Let's change the button click handler so that it returns us to the screen with response indication. // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { const messageAction = ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct');

const redirectAction = ctx.router.navigate('/?answered=' + req.body.value, {replace: true});

return [messageAction, redirectAction]; }) In this code, we declare 2 actions and return them in an array. The application will execute them sequentially: first it will show the message, and then it will navigate the user. Note the second argument to  navigate . There we pass {replace: true} which does a replacement of the current screen instead of opening a new one. Now we will display the value of  answered  on the screen to make sure everything is ocrrect. Output the answer below the question. {question.label} {req.query?.answered && Answered: {req.query.answered}} Note the condition  {req.query?.answered &&  . It makes the tag  ...  be rendered only if  req.query  exists and  req.query.answered  contains something. Let's apply this logic to the colorization of the buttons. At the moment each option button has 2 classes:  {['secondary','section']} . We are altering this code so that instead of  'secondary'  there is a variable responsible the color. { answer => {

let buttonClass = "secondary" if ( req.query?.answered == answer ) { buttonClass = answer == question.correct ? "success" : "danger" } return <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })} class={[ buttonClass, "section"]} title={answer} /> } )} This code displays the buttons. The one clicked by the user will be colored: assigned the class "success" if this answer is correct, or the class "danger" if not. Resulting code // Import showToast action import {showToast,showTextDialog} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'London' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) {


<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer => {

  let buttonClass = "secondary"
  if ( req.query && req.query.answered == answer ) {
    buttonClass = answer == question.correct ? "success" : "danger"
  return <button
      onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}
      class={[ buttonClass ,"section"]}

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { const messageAction = ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); const redirectAction = ctx.router.navigate('/?answered=' + req.body.value) return [messageAction,redirectAction] })

Reference For quick access to information on the API provided by the platform: ✦ app-ui: Blocks | Actions ✦ Builtin modules: @app/responsive | @app/socket | @app/jobs

audio The block provides an audio playback component. Properties src*: { url, durationSeconds } Audio file information. url*: string Audio file URL. durationSeconds: number Audio duration in seconds. title: string Block title. Has a bold style. subTitle: string Block subtitle. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. Examples <audio src={{ url: "", durationSeconds: 11 }} title="Drum solo" subTitle="Enjoy the groove" />

box Container for elements grouping. Similar to div in HTML. Supports flex alike in HTML. Properties style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. overflow Specifies if the content should be clipped upon taking space beyond the container boundaries. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexDirection Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. justifyContent Alignment and distribution of the space along the primary container axis. Details. alignItems Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Details. alignContent Distribution of space across the container primary axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. flexWrap Wrapping of the blocks on the new line along the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples <box style={{ padding: 10, margin: 10, border: [ 1, 'stroke', '#999'], borderRadius: 15 }}> is a fundamental markup element. A container similar to div in html.

<box style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}> <box class='section' style={{ flex: 1 }}> Box supports flex And can be nested in another box <box class='section' style={{ flex: 1 }}> Click me За счет этого можно располагать блоки как угодно is a fundamental markup element. A container similar to div in html. Box supports flex And can be nested in another box

Click me That way the blocks can be arranged as needed.

button Button Properties class: string | Array Button class Possible values: section, primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, link style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. color Color of the text. Details. fontFamily Name of the font family. Details. fontSize Size of the font. Details. fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Details. fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Details. fontVariant An option to make all the digits same width Details. letterSpacing Spacing between the letters. Details. lineClamp Limiting the height of the text by the number of lines. Details. lineHeight Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. Details. textAlign Sets the text alignment. Details. textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Details. textOverflow Method for text truncation when breaching the container boundaries. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. onClick: ChatiumActions Action on click onContext: ChatiumActions Long press action on phone or right click on computer Examples Order

Order Contact

Contact Move

Move Delete

Delete info

Info Thank you

Thank you Turn light on

Turn light on Turn light off

Turn light off Term sheet

Term sheet <button class={["section","secondary"]}> Section


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footer A container positioned along the bottom edge of the device screen.

is displayed over any content that does not fit the visible screen area. Properties style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. flexDirection Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Details. justifyContent Alignment and distribution of the space along the primary container axis. Details. alignItems Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Details. alignContent Distribution of space across the container primary axis. Details. flexWrap Wrapping of the blocks on the new line along the primary container axis. Details. Examples app.screen('footer', async (ctx, req) => { return ( {/* other screen content */} <footer style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgrey' }}> This text is always displayed at the bottom of the device screen ) })

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header Screen header Properties mode: opaque | transparent Default: opaque  opaque  — Non transparent background. The header is displayed above the screen's visible area. Is the default value.  transparent  — The background is absent. The header is displayed above the screen content. Doesn't allow display of title, subTitle or custom contents, except for rightButton. title: string Header title. subTitle: string Header subtitle. rightButton: Button displayed on the right hand side of the header. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. color Color of the text. Details. fontFamily Name of the font family. Details. fontSize Size of the font. Details. fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Details. fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Details. fontVariant An option to make all the digits same width Details. letterSpacing Spacing between the letters. Details. lineClamp Limiting the height of the text by the number of lines. Details. lineHeight Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. Details. textAlign Sets the text alignment. Details. textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Details. textOverflow Method for text truncation when breaching the container boundaries. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples

with a title and subtitle. Grey colored background. app.screen('headerEn', async (ctx, req) => { return ( {/* The rest of the screen content */} ) }) with a menu. Without a title or a background. import { showContextMenu, navigate, showToast } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('headerMenuEn', async (ctx, req) => { const menu = [{ title: 'Say "Hi!"', onClick: showToast('Hi!') },{ title: 'Navigate to Google', onClick: navigate("", {openInExternalApp: true}) }]

return ( <header mode='transparent' rightButton={{ onClick: showContextMenu(menu) }} /> {/* The rest of the screen content */} ) })

with custom content. import { showToast } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('headerCustomEn', async (ctx, req) => { return ( <header style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgrey' }} > <button class='primary' onClick={showToast('Hi!')}>A button in the header

{/* The rest of the screen content */} ) })

with custom icon button. import { navigate } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('headerButtonEn', async (ctx, req) => { const icon = <icon name={['fas', 'external-link-alt']} size={20} />

const onClick = navigate('', { openInExternalApp: true })

const button =

return ( <header title='Open Google' style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightgrey' }} rightButton={await button}>

{/* The rest of the screen content */} ) })

horizontal-scroll Blocks container with horizontal scrolling. Properties snapToBlocks: bool Scroll sticking to the contained block edges. showScrollBar: bool Scrollbar display switch option. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. Examples Horizontal scrolling across three blocks. <text style={{ padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#eaa' }}>The first element <text style={{ padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#aea' }} onClick={showToast('Клик')}>The second element (clickable) <box style={{ padding: 20, backgroundColor: '#aae' }}> The third element The first element The second element (clickable) The third element Horizontal scrolling over the blocks with 95% of the container width. Sticky scroll option enabled. <horizontal-scroll snapToBlocks={true} class={'section'} style={{ paddingRight: 10 }}> <box style={{ width: '95%', paddingLeft: 10 }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 728, height: 454 }} /> <box style={{ width: '95%', paddingLeft: 10 }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 728, height: 454 }} /> <box style={{ width: '95%', paddingLeft: 10 }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 728, height: 454 }} />

horizontal-scroll-indicator Progress or current slide indicator for horizontal-scroll. Properties indicator*: string Appearance of the indicator: dots or text. Possible values:  dots  — Dot indicator.  text  — Text indicator. Displays sequential number of the current slide. position: string Indicator position within horizontal-scroll. Default values: bottom-center for indicator = "dots" and top-right for indicator = "text". Possible values: top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right Examples Scroll with indicator dots. <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaa' }}>First element <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#aea' }}>Second element <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#aae' }}>Third element First element Second element Third element Scroll with text indicator. Position in the top left corner. <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaa' }}>First element <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#aea' }}>Second element <text style={{ padding: 50, backgroundColor: '#aae' }}>Third element First element Second element

iap-product Payment tag for in-app purchases Properties

con The icon component provides a large set of small drawings for a more intuitive GUI. Properties name*: string | Array Name of the icon. A large number of icons are available. Set of FontAwesome Value examples: 'user' ['fas','shopping-cart'] ['system','android-back'] size: number | Size Default: md Icon size Possible values: sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, number style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples <icon size='lg' name={['fas','shopping-cart']}/> <icon size='lg' name={['user']}/> <icon name={['fas', 'heartbeat']} size="lg" style={{ color: 'green', backgroundColor: 'orange', padding: 5, borderWidth: 2, borderRadius: 500, active: { backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: 0.5 }, }}/>

image Image. Size The image is displayed in its own dimensions, provided there is enough width space in the containing block. It is otherwise limited to the width of the containing block. Image aspect ratio is preserved unless specified otherwise. The size is specified in logical pixels instead of physical device pixels. When the maximum displayed quality is required on the devices with high pixel density, it is recomended to have the size of the original image three times the resolution of the displayed one. Properties src*: string | { url, width?, height?} Parameters of the original image. String with source URL or object with fields: url*: string A string with URL of the source. width*: number Source width. Specified along with height. When both width and height are specified, a possible page jump on first load is prevented when the actual size of the image is not known otherwise. The specified size of the source is the size that is taken into account upon rendering and may differ from the real one. height*: number Source height. See width above. resizeMode: string Default: cover How to fit the image in case the target area proportions are different from the source.  cover  — The image is fitted by covering the entire area. Parts of the image that do not fit into the area become invisible. The aspect ratio is preserved.  contain  — The image is fited entirety, with space added on the sides with insufficient data. The aspect ratio is preserved.  stretch  — The image is stretched along the area borders. The aspect ratio is ignored. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples 300 pixels wide image, smaller than the 350 pixels wide containing block. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}>

450 pixels wide image, larger than the 350 pixels wide containing block. Limited to the width of the containing block. Image aspect ratio is preserved. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}>

Image with specified source dimensions to prevent the page jump on the first load. See src.with in the properties description above. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 600, height: 400 }} />

Image with a relative output width. The output height is calculated retaining the aspect ratio of the source specified dimensions. If the source dimensions are not specified, the proportions are calculated based on the actual size of the image. In this case, a page jump is possible on the first load: see src.with in the properties description above. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 600, height: 400 }} style={{ width: '66%' }} />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method cover (default). The image is fitted by covering the entire area. Parts of the image that do not fit into the area become invisible. The aspect ratio is preserved. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='cover' />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method contain. The image is fited entirety, with space added on the sides with insufficient data. The aspect ratio is preserved. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='contain' />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method stretch. The image is stretched along the area borders. The aspect ratio is ignored. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='stretch' />

list-item List item Properties icon: Component displayed along the left edge of this . contents: { title, subTitle, badge } title: string Title. Displayed in bold. subTitle: string Subtitle. Displayed in gray and smaller font. badge: string | { badge, style } Text-icon on the right hand side of the subtitle. badge: string Text for the icon. style: object Icon style. Defaults to white text on red background. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. color Color of the text. Details. fontFamily Name of the font family. Details. fontSize Size of the font. Details. fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Details. fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Details. fontVariant An option to make all the digits same width Details. letterSpacing Spacing between the letters. Details. lineClamp Limiting the height of the text by the number of lines. Details. lineHeight Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. Details. textAlign Sets the text alignment. Details. textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Details. textOverflow Method for text truncation when breaching the container boundaries. Details. textShadowColor Color of the text shadow. Details. textShadowOffset Shadow offset, horizontally or vertically. Details. textShadowRadius Shadow blur radius in pixels. Details. textTransform Transformation of text upon display. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexDirection Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignItems Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples <list-item icon={{ name: ['fas', 'laptop'] }} content={{ title: 'Basic example', subTitle: 'Subtitle', }} /> Basic example Subtitle <list-item icon={{ name: ['fas', 'laptop'] }} content={{ title: <button class="primary" onClick={showToast('Hi!')}>Button, }} />

Button <list-item icon={{ name: ['fas', 'laptop'], class: 'circle', size: 'lg', style: { borderWidth: 2 } }} content={{ title: A bit of styling for }} /> A bit of styling for <list-item icon={{ name: ['fas', 'laptop'] }} content={{ title: 'Default badge style', badge: '99+' }} /> Default badge style 99+ <list-item icon={{ name: ['fas', 'laptop']}} content={{ title: 'badge with styling', subTitle: 'Displays here', badge: { badge: '!', style: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: [1, 'solid', 'green'], color: 'green' } } }} /> badge

parallax Container for blocks with a parallax background scrolling effect. Properties background: Background for the container. contentStyle Style applied to the container contents. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingRight, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. flexDirection Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Details. justifyContent Alignment and distribution of the space along the primary container axis. Details. alignItems Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Details. alignContent Distribution of space across the container primary axis. Details. flexWrap Wrapping of the blocks on the new line along the primary container axis. Details. style Style applied to the container itself. Only external margins are adjustable. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. Examples app.screen('', (ctx, req) => { const textStyle = { textAlign: 'center', alignSelf: 'center', maxWidth: 400, fontWeight: 'bold' }

const background = <image src={{ url: '', width: 600, height: 400 }} style={{ width: '100%' }} />

return <box style={{ height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#eef' }}> Scroll the page until the end to see the parallax effect

  contentStyle={{ justifyContent: 'center' }}
  <text style={textStyle}>
    Note how the background scrolls with a parallax effect while text scrolls normally

<box style={{ height: 900, justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#eef' }} />

smart-icon A Smart Icon can be set as a text icon, an icon from the Font Awesome set, a control icon, a spinner, or any image. Properties text: string Icon content text. name: string | Array Icon name from the Font Awesome set. A large number of icons are available. Takes precedence over the text setting — its value is ignored if set. Value examples: 'user' ['fas','shopping-cart'] ['system','android-back'] url: string Address of the icon image. Takes precedence over the text and name parameters — their values are ignored if set. size: number | Size Default: "md" Icon size. Can be an arbitrary number or one from the given set. Possible values: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl", number class: string Default: "square" Icon shape: square or circle. Default is square. Possible values: "square", "circle" badges: Array Additional status icons. Where T can be Badge or as the status. Badge: { badge, position, style } badge: string Status text. position: Position Location of the status relative to the main icon. Four preset locations are available or a custom position specified through the style properties left, right, top and bottom. The same property can be used to position a status icon. Possible values: top-left, top-right, botton-left, bottom-right, custom style: Style Status style. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples Example of icons from Font Awesome set. Many more icons available. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name={['fas','shopping-cart']} /> <smart-icon name={['fas','globe-americas']} /> <smart-icon name={['fas','map-marker-alt']} /> <smart-icon name={['fas','at']} /> <smart-icon name={['fas','phone']} /> Available spinners <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'plane']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'chase']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'bounce']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'wave']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'pulse']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'flow']} /> <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'swing']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'circle']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'circle-fade']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'grid']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'fold']} /> <smart-icon name={['spinner', 'wander']} /> Control buttons <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name={['system', 'android-back']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'dots']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'ios-back']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'pause']} /> <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name={['system', 'play-arrow']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'replay']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'fast-forward-10']} /> <smart-icon name={['system', 'rewind-10']} /> Icon sizes. Arbitrary and predefined. <horizontal-scroll style={{ alignSelf: 'center' }}> <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }} > Round and square icons. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="lg" style={{ border: [2, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="square" size="lg" style={{ border: [2, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> Examples as text, icon and image. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon text='123' class="circle" size="lg" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="lg" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon url='' class="circle" size="lg" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> 123 Options for the color, background and frame of the icon. The color of the icon is used for the border, unless a custom one is specified. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ color: 'red', border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ color: 'white', border: [3, 'solid', 'blue'], backgroundColor: 'red', marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ backgroundGradient: [-45, 'white', 'rgb(255,100,30)'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], backgroundGradient: [-45, 'white', 'rgb(255,100,30)'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> Text status icons. The status can breach the boundaries of the icon. In such case it is important for the element containing the icon to have enough space. Otherwise the status gets cropped. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <box style={{ margin: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> <box style={{ margin: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="square" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> <box style={{ padding: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="square" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> 123 123 123 Size of the status is adjusted according to the icon size. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="sm" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="md" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> 123 123 123 Position of the status. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123", position: 'top-right' }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123" }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123", position: 'custom', style: { left: -5 } }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> 123 123 123 Text status styling. Note the difference in the transparency of the two statuses. For one status, only the background is transparent, while for the other, everything is transparent, including the text. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123", style: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)' } }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123", style: { backgroundColor: 'green', opacity: '0.5' } }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[{ badge: "123", style: { color: 'red', border: [1, 'solid', 'black'], backgroundColor: 'white' } }]} style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], marginHorizontal: 5 }} /> 123 123 123 as a status. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <box style={{ padding: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[ <smart-icon text="123" class="circle" style={{ border: [1, 'solid'], backgroundColor: '#def' }} /> ]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> <box style={{ padding: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[ <smart-icon name={['fas','phone']} class='circle' style={{ color: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#999902', }} /> ]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> <box style={{ padding: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[ ]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} /> 123 All four types of statuses on one icon. <box style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center' }} > <box style={{ padding: 5 }}> <smart-icon name="user" class="circle" size="xl" badges={[ <smart-icon position='top-right' name={['fas','phone']} class='circle' style={{ color: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#999902', }} />, , <smart-icon text="123" class="circle" position='custom' style={{ left: -5, border: [1, 'solid'], backgroundColor: '#def' }} />, { badge: 'text', position: 'bottom-left' } ]} style={{border: [1, 'solid']}} />

search-input Search query input field. Properties The properties are identical to . The exception is the returnKeyType parameter fixed to the search value. Examples Search organization example. The results are shown on input.

Form code: <search-input name="fruitSearchInput" formId="formSearch" placeholder="Fruit search" onChange={{ url: ctx.router.url('fruitSearchApi') }} initialValue={req.query.fruitSearchQuery} />

<FruitList searchQuery={req.query.fruitSearchQuery} style={{ paddingTop: 10 }} /> Search submit API code: app.apiCall('fruitSearchApi', (ctx, req) => { return ctx.router.navigate( /?fruitSearchQuery=${encodeURIComponent(req.body.fruitSearchInput || '')}, { replace: true } ) }) FruitList code. Performs the actual search and displays the result: const fruitList = [ "Apricot", "Avocado", "Pineapple", "Annona", "Guanabana", "Orange", "Banana", "Bergamot", "Pomegranate", "Grapefruit", "Pear", "Guava", "Jackfruit", "Pitahaya", "Durian", "Carambola", "Kiwi", "Clementine", "Kumquat", "Lime", "Lemon", "Lychee", "Longan", "Lam Yai", "Mango", "Mangosteen", "Mandarin", "Passionfruit", "Medlar", "Nectarine", "Papaya", "Peach", "Pomelo", "Orange", "Rambutan", "Salak", "Sapodilla", "Oroblanco", "Plum", "Tangelo", "Henomeles", "Persimmon", "Citron", "Cherimoya", "Chompu", "Apple" ]

function FruitList({searchQuery, style}) { const query = (searchQuery || '').toLowerCase().trim()

if (0 === query.length) { return Enter a fruit search query. }

const match = fruitList.filter(f => f.toLowerCase().includes(query))

if (0 === match.length) { return No fruits matching "{(searchQuery || '').trim()}" query found. }

return {match.join(', ')} }

sticky Blocks container "sticking" to the top screen edge. The element behaves normally as long as the scroll positions it below the top edge of the screen. When a regular container gets even partially hidden behind the top screen edge, sticky "breaks away" from its position on the page and is positions itself along the top edge of the screen. Properties style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexDirection Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. justifyContent Alignment and distribution of the space along the primary container axis. Details. alignItems Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Details. alignContent Distribution of space across the container primary axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. flexWrap Wrapping of the blocks on the new line along the primary container axis. Details. Examples app.screen('sticky', (ctx, req) => { return <box style={{ height: 300 }} > <text style={{ alignSelf: 'center', paddingTop: 100 }}> Scroll the screen untill the end

  <text style={{ alignSelf: 'center' }}>
    Sticky block!

<box style={{ height: 300 }} />

  <text style={{ alignSelf: 'center' }}>
    Another sticky block, displacing the previous

<box style={{ height: 300 }} />

<sticky />

<box style={{ height: 1000 }} >
  <text style={{ alignSelf: 'center' }}>
    An empty sticky block, to get rid of sticky at the top of the screen

  <text style={{ alignSelf: 'center', paddingBottom: 100 }}>
    The end

Open the example

text Text block. Properties text: string | number An option to pass the data as a parameter instead of children elements. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. color Color of the text. Details. fontFamily Name of the font family. Details. fontSize Size of the font. Details. fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Details. fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Details. fontVariant An option to make all the digits same width Details. letterSpacing Spacing between the letters. Details. lineClamp Limiting the height of the text by the number of lines. Details. lineHeight Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. Details. textAlign Sets the text alignment. Details. textAlignVertical Vertical alignment of text in a container. Details. textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Details. textOverflow Method for text truncation when breaching the container boundaries. Details. textShadowColor Color of the text shadow. Details. textShadowOffset Shadow offset, horizontally or vertically. Details. textShadowRadius Shadow blur radius in pixels. Details. textTransform Transformation of text upon display. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples Minimal example Minimal example Minimal example as a parameter blocks following one another don't concatenate into a line. FirstSecond First Second A block can act as a container for other blocks. Then all child blocks following one another will concatenate into a line. Blocks concatenate without spaces. Spaces have to be specified explicitly. First Second {' '} Third FirstSecond Third Text styling. Plain <text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}> Bold <text style={{ fontStyle: 'italic' }}> Cursive <text style={{ color: 'red' }}> Red <text style={{ textDecorationLine: 'underline' }}> Underline Plain Bold Cursive Red Underline Nested block inherits text styling from the parent. Plain <text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}> Bold <text style={{ fontStyle: 'italic' }}> Cursive <text style={{ color: 'red' }}> Red <text style={{ textDecorationLine: 'underline' }}> Underline PlainBoldCursiveRedUnderline Text size. Arbitrary and predefined. <text style={{ fontSize: 50 }}>50 <text style={{ fontSize: 40 }}>40 <text style={{ fontSize: '3xl' }}>3xl <text style={{ fontSize: '2xl' }}>2xl <text style={{ fontSize: 'xl' }}>xl <text style={{ fontSize: 'lg' }}>lg <text style={{ fontSize: 'md' }}>md <text style={{ fontSize: 'sm' }}>sm <text style={{ fontSize: 'xs' }}>xs 50 40 3xl 2xl xl lg md sm xs Text color <text style={{ color: 'red' }}>red <text style={{ color: '#0d0' }}>#0d0 <text style={{ color: 'rgb(12,137,221)' }}>rgb(12,137,221) <text style={{ color: 'rgba(12,137,221, 0.6)' }}>rgba(12,137,221, 0.6) red #0d0 rgb(12,137,221) rgba(12,137,221, 0.6) Text background color <text style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}>red <text style={{ backgroundColor: '#0d0' }}>#0d0 <text style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(12,137,221)' }}>rgb(12,137,221) <text style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(12,137,221, 0.6)' }}>rgba(12,137,221, 0.6) red #0d0 rgb(12,137,221) rgba(12,137,221, 0.6) Class link for link styling convenience. <text class={'link'} onClick={ctx.account.url('/en')}> Link example Link example Links can be embedded in text. Example of{' '} <text class={'link'} onClick={ctx.account.url('/en')}> a link {' '}in text. Example of a link in text. A class section can be used to add standard padding on the sides. <text class='section' style={{ backgroundColor: '#ddd' }}> Text with class "section" adding standard indents. Text with class "section" adding standard indents. <text style={{ backgroundColor: '#ddd', padding: 30 }}> Text with an arbitrary padding on all four sides. Text with an arbitrary padding on all four sides. <text class={['link', 'section']} style={{ backgroundColor: '#ddd'}} onClick={ctx.account.url('/en')}> An example combination of two classes, "link" and "section".

text-input Text input field. Used to create forms. Properties name*: string Field name. Passed to the API upon the form submit. formId*: string Form identifier. Fields with the same form ID are submitted to the API together. placeholder: string A text to display when the field is empty. Serves as a hint to the user. initialValue: string Initial value in the field once the screen is displayed. inputmode: InputMode Default: text Type of the input value. Changes of the virtual keyboard appearance on mobile devices and affects the associations of browser input hints. The tel value also changes the field appearance for the phone number entering convenience. Possible values: text, decimal, tel, email, url, password returnKeyType: KeyType Default: done Enter button view on the virtual keyboard. Only in the mobile app. Possible values: done, go, next, search, send disabled: bool Default: false Makes the fied inactive and the value immutable. multiline: bool Default: false Multiline field. autoFocus: bool Default: false Puts the field in focus when the screen is displayed. autoCorrect: bool Default: true Text autocorrect on input. Only in the mobile app. autocapitalize: Capitalize Default: sentences Capitalization options of the virtual keyboard in mobile browsers: disabled; per sentenses; per word; per character. Possible values: none, sentences, words, characters maxLength: number Restriction on the maximum length of the entered text in characters. onChange: Action Action called upon text entry. onReturnKeyPress: Action Default: onChange Action called upon the Enter press. By default, the action set in onChange is called. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. padding, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft Internal container indentation. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. color Color of the text. Details. fontFamily Name of the font family. Details. fontSize Size of the font. Details. fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Details. fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Details. fontVariant An option to make all the digits same width Details. letterSpacing Spacing between the letters. Details. lineHeight Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. Details. textAlign Sets the text alignment. Details. textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Details. textShadowColor Color of the text shadow. Details. textShadowOffset Shadow offset, horizontally or vertically. Details. textShadowRadius Shadow blur radius in pixels. Details. textTransform Transformation of text upon display. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. Examples Input styling Basic field:

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>A field with a placeholder:

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>A field with an initial value:

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>Telephone number field: <text-input name="phoneInput" formId="formStyling" inputmode={'tel'} initialValue='12345678900' />

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>Password field: <text-input name="phoneInput" formId="formStyling" inputmode={'password'} initialValue='1234567' />

<text style={{ marginTop: 20, color: 'silver' }}>Inactive field:

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>Multiline field:

<text style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>A field with custom style: <text-input class='section' name='first' formId="formStyling" initialValue='A different style when focused' style={{ backgroundColor: '#dbdbdb', color: 'black', padding: [15, 30], borderRadius: 50, borderWidth: 0, focus: { backgroundColor: '#aeaeae', color: 'white' }, }} /> Basic field: A field with a placeholder: Placeholder text A field with an initial value: Initial value Telephone number field: 1 234-567-8900 +

Password field: ••••••• Inactive field: This text can't be changed Multiline field: A field with custom style: A different style when focused Basic form Two input fields. A button press submits the data.

Form code:

<text-input name="secondInput" formId="formSubmitButton" placeholder="Enter secondInput text" style={{ marginTop: 10 }} />

<button class='primary' style={{ marginTop: 20 }} title='Submit the data' onClick={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formSubmitButton', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi') }} /> Form submit API code: app.apiCall('formSubmitApi', (ctx, req) => { // req.body with the form data }) Enter firstInput text Enter secondInput text

Submit the data Data received by formSubmitApi in req.body (see API how to): Submit the form to see the data

A form with autosubmit on entry The data is submitted automatically upon entry.

Form code: <text-input name="firstInput" formId="formOnChange" placeholder="Enter firstInput text" onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formOnChange', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi') }} />

<text-input name="secondInput" formId="formOnChange" placeholder="Enter secondInput text" style={{ marginTop: 10 }} onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formOnChange', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi') }} /> Form submit API code: app.apiCall('formSubmitApi', (ctx, req) => { // req.body with the form data }) Enter firstInput text Enter secondInput text Data received by formSubmitApi in req.body (see API how to): Submit the form to see the data

A form with additional parameters The data is sent to the API either automatically upon a change or a button press. In both cases, an additional submitType parameter is passed indicating the submission origin.

Form code: <text-input name="firstInput" formId="formCustomParams" placeholder="Enter firstInput text" onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formCustomParams', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi'), params: { submitType: 'Changed firstInput' } }} />

<text-input name="secondInput" formId="formCustomParams" placeholder="Enter secondInput text" style={{ marginTop: 10 }} onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formCustomParams', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi'), params: { submitType: 'Changed secondInput' } }} />

<button class='primary' style={{ marginTop: 20 }} title='Submit the data' onClick={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formCustomParams', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi'), params: { submitType: 'Button press' } }} /> Form submit API code: app.apiCall('formSubmitApi', (ctx, req) => { // req.body with the form data }) Enter firstInput text Enter secondInput text

Submit the data Data received by formSubmitApi in req.body (see API how to): Submit the form to see the data

A form with data validation upon entry The data is sent to the validation API upon entry, and the submition API upon the button press.

Form code: <text-input name="dateInput" formId="formWithValidation" placeholder="Enter a date in format DD/MM/YYYY" onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formWithValidation', url: ctx.router.url('formValidateApi') }} />

<text-input name="emailInput" formId="formWithValidation" placeholder="Enter email" style={{ marginTop: 10 }} onChange={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formWithValidation', url: ctx.router.url('formValidateApi') }} />

<button class='primary' style={{ marginTop: 20 }} title='Submit the data' onClick={{ type: 'submitForm', formId: 'formWithValidation', url: ctx.router.url('formSubmitApi') }} /> Validation API code: app.apiCall('formValidateApi', (ctx, req) => { const fields = {}

if (req.body.dateInput && !/d{2}/d{2}/d{4}$/.test(req.body.dateInput)){ fields.dateInput = 'Invalid date format' }

if (req.body.emailInput && !/^w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/.test(req.body.emailInput)){ fields.emailInput = 'Invalid email format' }

if (Object.keys(fields).length > 0) { return { success: false, statusCode: 422, reason: null, fields } }

return { success: true } }) Enter a date in format DD/MM/YYYY Enter email

Submit the data Data received by formSubmitApi in req.body (see API how to): Submit the form to see the data

Create an action So far, we have learned how to make screens and navigate between them. Now we will create code that is not represented in blocks on the screen, but can be called from it. As a simple example: ask user a question with three possible answers. Depending on the user's action, the correct answer will show him a message that he is right, and the rest that he is wrong. So, let's create a file question.tsx, enter the initial code and run it. // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">The Capital of Great Britain</text>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="New York"/>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="Liverpool"/>
<button onClick={showToast('Click')} class={["secondary","section"]} title="London"/">
}) We have 3 buttons on the screen. Each of them has 2 classes - secondary and section. Secondary to make the button gray. Section to add standard indentation. Alternatively a  section  wrapping block can be used to add such indentation to a group of elements. All three buttons do the same thing - show a message on the screen. Let's create another action and place its code below such of the screen. For this, we use the method  app.apiCall . // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return showToast('Clicked'); }) This code in the file question.tsx binds the action handler to the path template check. The handler responds to a POST request on the path question~check. In order for this action to be called upon a click on the button, a corresponding call needs to be initiated in  onClick . Let's do this for the first button. New York Note how in this code we use  ctx.router.apiCall  to form a request with parameers. A request to call a handler previously bound to /check path using  app.apiCall . Hence  ctx.router.apiCall  should be seen as a companion method of  app.apiCall . The parameters are passed as the second argument. They set as an object with the names and values of the parameters. To obtain the passed parameters, we finally get to use the second argument in the handler  req  containing all of the request parameters. There,  req.body  contains all the parameters that we passed in the  ctx.router.apiCall . Let's replace the static code with the value from the request. // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return showToast('You are clicked: ' + req.body.value); }) Now let's slightly modify the code so that a message saying "Correct" was displayed for the right answer and another otherwise. // Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { if ( req.body.value === 'London' ) { return showToast("Correct") } else { return showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); } }) Let's insert these actions in all 3 buttons and see how it works. app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return
<text class="section">The Capital of Great Britain</text>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'New York'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="New York"/>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'Liverpool'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="Liverpool"/>
<button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: 'London'})} class={["secondary","section"]} title="London"/>
}) As we see there is a lot of repetitive code. To avoid this, we will separate the data from the presentation and modify the code so it has no repetitions. At the same time, we will slightly change the verification code to make it shorter. Resulting code // Import showToast action import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

const question = { label: 'The Capital of Great Britain', answers: [ 'New York', 'Liverpool', 'London' ], correct: 'London', }

// Screen with 3 buttons and question app.screen('/', async function(ctx, req) { return

<text class="section">{question.label}</text>

{ answer =>
    onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/check', { value: answer })}

// Handler for button app.apiCall('/check', async function(ctx, req) { return ( req.body.value === question.correct ) ? showToast("Correct") : showToast(req.body.value + ' is not correct'); })

video-poster Video poster block. Opens a full screen video playback when clicked. Style and aspect ratio behaviour is equivalent to that of . Properties src*: string | { url, width?, height?} Parameters of the original image. String with source URL or object with fields: url*: string A string with URL of the source. width*: number Source width. Specified along with height. When both width and height are specified, a possible page jump on first load is prevented when the actual size of the image is not known otherwise. The specified size of the source is the size that is taken into account upon rendering and may differ from the real one. height*: number Source height. See width above. video*:

An example with src.width and src.height. <video-poster src={{ url: '', width: 1080, height: 608 }} video={{ src: { mp4: '' } }} />

An example with source dimentions being specified different to that of the actual. Property resizeMode='contain' set to fit the image within the dimentions aspect ratio. <video-poster style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue' }} src={{ url: '', width: 1080, height: 1080 }} video={{ src: { mp4: '' } }} resizeMode='contain' />

video Video block. Properties src*: { mp4, width?, height?} | { hls, width?, height?} Parameters of the source video. Video source can be specified in either MP4 of HLS formats. mp4: string String with a URL to a source in MP4 format. hls: string String with a URL to a source in HLS format. width: number Width of the source video. Has to be specified along with height. Specifying both width and height is necessary to determine the

Vertical video with a poster and the source dimentions specified. Block size adjusts to the video aspect ratio. The block displays in the suitable size from the very start, without a jump upon loading. <video src={{ mp4: '', width: 1080, height: 1920 }} poster='' />

Using style, the block size is set to an aspact ratio different to the source video. Property resizeMode='cover' scales the video to cover the entire area. Parts of the video that do not fit into the area become invisible. The aspect ratio is preserved. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' style={{ width: 200, height: 300 }} resizeMode='cover' />

Using style, the block size is set to an aspact ratio different to the source video. Property resizeMode='stretch' stretches the video along the area borders. The aspect ratio is ignored. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' style={{ width: 200, height: 300 }} resizeMode='stretch' />

Block with controls='full'. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' controls='full' />

Block with controls='compact'. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' controls='compact' />

Block with controls='mini'. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' controls='mini' />

Block with controls='none'. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' controls='none' />

Block with onVideoEnd. Displays a pop up message when playback reaches the end. <video src={{ mp4: '' }} poster='' onVideoEnd={showToast('The playback has finished')} />

image Image. Size The image is displayed in its own dimensions, provided there is enough width space in the containing block. It is otherwise limited to the width of the containing block. Image aspect ratio is preserved unless specified otherwise. The size is specified in logical pixels instead of physical device pixels. When the maximum displayed quality is required on the devices with high pixel density, it is recomended to have the size of the original image three times the resolution of the displayed one. Properties src*: string | { url, width?, height?} Parameters of the original image. String with source URL or object with fields: url*: string A string with URL of the source. width*: number Source width. Specified along with height. When both width and height are specified, a possible page jump on first load is prevented when the actual size of the image is not known otherwise. The specified size of the source is the size that is taken into account upon rendering and may differ from the real one. height*: number Source height. See width above. resizeMode: string Default: cover How to fit the image in case the target area proportions are different from the source.  cover  — The image is fitted by covering the entire area. Parts of the image that do not fit into the area become invisible. The aspect ratio is preserved.  contain  — The image is fited entirety, with space added on the sides with insufficient data. The aspect ratio is preserved.  stretch  — The image is stretched along the area borders. The aspect ratio is ignored. style Changing appearance, position and geometry of the block. width, maxWidth, minWidth Block width. Details. height, maxHeight, minHeight Block height. Details. margin, marginHorizontal, marginVertical, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft External indentation of the block. Details. position Defines the block positioning method: relative or absolute. Details. top, right, bottom, left Define the offset relative to the initial position. Details. border Sets the border for the block on all four sides: width, style and color. Details. borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft Setting individual borders for the block edges: width and color. Details. borderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius Rounding of the border corners. Details. borderWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth Width of the border. Details. borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor Color of the border. Details. backgroundColor Color of the block background. Details. backgroundGradient Gradient of the block background. Details. opacity Opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. Details. elevation Block shadow height. Details. shadowColor Block shadow color. Details. flexBasis Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Details. flexGrow Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Details. flexShrink Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Details. flex Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Details. alignSelf Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Details. transform Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. Details. Examples 300 pixels wide image, smaller than the 350 pixels wide containing block. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}>

450 pixels wide image, larger than the 350 pixels wide containing block. Limited to the width of the containing block. Image aspect ratio is preserved. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}>

Image with specified source dimensions to prevent the page jump on the first load. See src.with in the properties description above. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 600, height: 400 }} />

Image with a relative output width. The output height is calculated retaining the aspect ratio of the source specified dimensions. If the source dimensions are not specified, the proportions are calculated based on the actual size of the image. In this case, a page jump is possible on the first load: see src.with in the properties description above. <box style={{ width: 350, border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }}> <image src={{ url: '', width: 600, height: 400 }} style={{ width: '66%' }} />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method cover (default). The image is fitted by covering the entire area. Parts of the image that do not fit into the area become invisible. The aspect ratio is preserved. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='cover' />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method contain. The image is fited entirety, with space added on the sides with insufficient data. The aspect ratio is preserved. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='contain' />

Landscape image in portrait size. Scaling method stretch. The image is stretched along the area borders. The aspect ratio is ignored. <image src={{ url: '', width: 300, height: 200 }} style={{ width: '200', height: '250', border: [ 2, 'solid' ] }} resizeMode='stretch' />

Actions apiCall attachMedia goBack navigate showToast showContextMenu showTextDialog refresh

apiCall Method for registering an API handler in the application. Binds a specific handler to a path pattern. The method does not require connecting modules and is available globally in the application through the  chatium  object. app.apiCall(pattern, handler) Parameters pattern*: string The path pattern that the handler will respond at. The path is relative to the current router. handler*: async function(ctx, req) API call handler function. Examples Shows the time in a pop-up message upon a click on the button. import {showToast} from '@app/ui'

app.apiCall('showTime', async (ctx, req) => { return showToast(new Date().toDateString()) })

app.screen('/', async (ctx, req) => { return ( <button title="Show time" onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('/showTime')}/> ) })

attachMedia Method for file uploading to the application: video, image, audio or any other file. import { attachMedia } from "@app/ui" attachMedia({ submitUrl, title, mediaType }) Parameters params*: { title, mediaType, submitUrl } Object with upload parameters. submitUrl*: string Address of an API call to receive the uploaded file information. It is available to the handler in  req.body.file . In particular: req.body.file.hash: string File ID in the application's file storage. string The original filename before uploading to the application. title: string File selection dialog title. Can be used to suggest the user what kind of file to select. mediaType: photo | video | undefined Default: undefined Allows to restrict the uploading file types.  photo  — limits the file type to images. On mobile devices, offers to select an image from the gallery.  video  — limits file type to video. On mobile devices, offers to select a video from the gallery.  undefined  — does not limit the file type. On mobile devices, images and videos located in the gallery may not be accessible with this option. Examples Button click prompts to upload an image. Once uploaded, the image is displayed on the screen. import { attachMedia } from '@app/ui' import { getThumbnailUrl } from '@app/storage'

app.apiCall('onImageUpload', async (ctx, req) => { return ctx.router.navigate('imageUpload?hash=' + req.body.file.hash) })

app.screen('imageUpload', async (ctx, req) => { const onButtonClick = attachMedia({ title: "Choose an image", mediaType: "photo", submitUrl: ctx.router.url('onImageUpload') })

return ( {req.query?.hash && } ) })

goBack History navigation method. Returns the user to the previous screen. import { goBack } from "@app/ui" attachMedia() Examples On the click of a button, jumps back in history import { goBack } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('goBack', async (ctx, req) => { return (

) })

navigate Navigates the user to the specified address. If specified, can open a modal window on top of the current. import { navigate } from "@app/ui" navigate(url, params) Parameters url*: string The address to navigate to. This function only supports absolute URLs. To pass relative URLs, use  ctx.account.navigate()  and  ctx.router.navigate() . params: { replace, openInModalScreen, fullScreenModal, openInExternalApp, resetStack } An object with additional optional parameters specifying how exactly to open the passed URL. replace: boolean Default: false If true - the new screen will replace the previous one in the current navigation/history stack, rather than being added to it. Returning "back" from such a URL ignores the URL on which the user was before the transition. This also voids the standard animation of the transition between screens in the mobile application. openInModalScreen: true | false | undefined Default: undefined Opens the link in a modal window.  true  — the new screen will open in a new modal "layer" on top of the current one with the appropriate animation.  false  — the link is guaranteed to open in the base "layer" and not in the modal. If there are any existing modal layers, this option makes them all close immediately and executes navigate in the base stack. Note that false isn't a default value like it often is elsewhere.  undefined  — (not specified) navigate will happen in the current stack (the base or a modal). fullScreenModal: boolean Default: false Only used together with openInModalScreen. If true, opens a modal window full screen, presenting a cross to close it. openInExtrenalApp: boolean Default: false In the mobile application allows to open the link in an external application relying on the mobile OS to do so. Typically a link opens in the default mobile browser. In the web version the link opens via  and most likely in a new tab. resetStack: boolean Default: false Applies for the mobile application only. If true, opens the link with a full reset of the stack (voids the back navigation). Examples Navigates the user to google, opening a new window <button class="secondary" onClick={navigate("", {openInExternalApp: true})}

Open Google

Open Google Objects ctx.account and ctx.router have their own navigate methods, composing absolute paths in relation to the current account and the router. <button class="secondary" onClick={ctx.account.navigate("/")}

Open main page

Open main page The following code will navigate the user to the  /test  route declared within the current page. <button class="secondary" onClick={ctx.router.navigate("/test")}

Go to test

Go to test

showToast Shows a popup message import {showToast} from '@app/ui' Properties message: text Message text Examples Display Hello world message on button click <button onClick={showToast("Hello world")}> Click

showContextMenu Show context menu. import { showContextMenu } from "@app/ui" showContextMenu(menu: Array) Parameters menu: Array Array of menu items. MenuItem: { title, onClick } Menu item. title: string Menu item title. onClick: ChatiumActions Click action on menu item. Examples Shows a context menu with two items upon the button click. Clicking on the first element displays a pop-up message "Hi!". And clicking on the second element opens Google page. import { showContextMenu, navigate, showToast } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('showMenu', async (ctx, req) => { const menu = [{ title: 'Say "Hi!"', onClick: showToast('Hi!') },{ title: 'Navigate to Google', onClick: navigate("", {openInExternalApp: true}) }]

return ( ) })

showTextDialog Show text entering dialog Gives a popup message import {showTextDialog} from '@app/ui' Properties options: object Object with input field parameters submitUrl*: string The URL to submit the user entered text to. The text will be accessible via req.body.value title: string Text describing what input we expect from the user description: string Description specifying what is expected from the user placeholder: string The text in place of the value before the start of input multiline: boolean Default: false Multiline Input inputType: string Input type Possible values: string, code value: string Default value submitData: object The object that req.body will be extended with. submitButtonTitle: string Send button caption cancelButtonTitle: string Cancel button caption Examples Ask the user for their name and greet them import {showTextDialog, showToast} from '@app/ui'

// Screen app.screen('/', function(ctx,req) { return <button onClick={showTextDialog({title:"What is your name?", submitUrl: ctx.router.url('/say')})} class="secondary" title="Click" /> });

// Handler app.apiCall('/say', async function(ctx,req) { return showToast("Hello " + req.body.value) });

refresh Updates the screen with server content. import { refresh } from "@app/ui" refresh() Examples Displays the server time at the moment of the screen production. Button press refreshes the screen and time. import { refresh } from '@app/ui'

app.screen('refresh', async (ctx, req) => { return ( <text style={{alignSelf: 'center'}}>Time at the screen update: {new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}

) })

App-UI screen Style Dimentions Indentation Positioning Text Border Background Opacity and Shadow Flex Transform

screen Represents the screen and must be the only root element. Contains blocks and meta-information on the screen. Properties title: string Screen title. Is used as the title of a browser window or screen window in the mobile application. socketIds: string[] List of sockets triggering reload of the screen contents upon their update. Can be used for screens waiting for a state change from the server: for example, a screen with a purchase status: as soon as it is accepted, the screen can be updated without a user action. desktopLayout: enum Default: column The template in which the screen is displayed on a wide screen. Column by default - narrow screen with vertical positioning. Possible values: column, empty, mobile

Style, dimentions width, maxWidth, minWidth: number | percent Sets the block width. As an absolute value in pixels or a relative value in percent of the parent container width. maxWidth has priority over width. minWidth has priority over maxWidth and width. width: 300 width: 250 width: 350 width: '50%' width: '100%' width: '120%' maxWidth has priority over width: width: 999, maxWidth: '50%' minWidth has priority over width: width: 10, minWidth: '50%' minWidth has priority over maxWidth: maxWidth: '10%', minWidth: '75%' height, maxHeight, minHeight: number | percent Sets the block height. As an absolute value in pixels or a relative value in percent of the parent container height. maxHeight has priority over height. minHeight has priority over maxHeight and height. height: 200 height: 300 height: '50%' height: '100%' height: '120%' height: 200, maxHeight: '50%' overflow: visible | hidden Default: hidden Container property. Specifies if the content should be clipped upon taking space beyond the container boundaries. width: 250, overflow: 'visible' width: 350 width: 250, overflow: 'hidden' width: 350

Style, indentation padding: number Sets the internal indentation on all sides of the container. Properties width and height include the indentation set by padding.  number  — same indentation on all four sides.  [ number, number ]  — different indents along the vertical and horizontal axis of the container. The first element of the array sets the vertical indent and the second sets horizontal.  [ number, number, number ]  — different indents at the top, bottom and the horizontal axis of the container. The first element of the array sets the top indent, the second sets the horizontal and the last is the bottom.  [ number, number, number, number ]  — different indents on all four sides. The first element of the array sets the top indent, and the following elements set the indents in clockwise order. In the following examples width = 150 and height = 100 are set for every container. The area available for the content is different in every container because both width and height include the indents set by padding. padding: 10 padding: [10,25] padding: [10,25,40] padding: [10,25,40,55] paddingVertical, paddingHorizontal: number Sets the internal indentation along the vertical or horizontal axis of the container. Has priority over padding. paddingVertical: 10 paddingHorizontal: 10 padding: 25, paddingVertical: 10 padding: 25, paddingHorizontal: 10 paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft: number Sets the internal indentation. One property per indent. Has priority over padding, paddingVertical, paddingHorizontal. paddingTop: 10 paddingRight: 10 paddingBottom: 10 paddingLeft: 10 padding: 25, paddingBottom: 10, paddingRight: 0

paddingHorizontal: 25, paddingLeft: 10 margin: number Sets the external indentation on all sides of the element. Can have a negative value. Properties width and height don't include the indentation set by margin.  number  — same indentation on all four sides.  [ number, number ]  — different indents along the vertical and horizontal axis of the container. The first element of the array sets the vertical indent and the second sets horizontal.  [ number, number, number ]  — different indents at the top, bottom and the horizontal axis of the container. The first element of the array sets the top indent, the second sets the horizontal and the last is the bottom.  [ number, number, number, number ]  — different indents on all four sides. The first element of the array sets the top indent, and the following elements set the indents in clockwise order. In the following examples width = 100 and height = 60 are set for every container. The area available for the content is the same for every container because both width and height don't include the indents set by margin. margin: 10 margin: -10 margin: [10,25] margin: [10,-25] margin: [10,25,40] margin: [10,25,-10,-25] Negative margin allows to overlay the elements by shifting the indents inwards. width: 250, height: 100 width: 150, height: 100, margin: -20 marginVertical, marginHorizontal: number Sets the external indentation along the vertical or horizontal axis of the block. Has priority over margin. Can have a negative value. See margin for examples of negative indentation. Properties width and height don't include the indentation set by margin.... marginVertical: 10 marginHorizontal: 10 marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft: number Sets the external indentation. One property per indent. Has priority over margin, marginVertical, marginHorizontal. Can have a negative value. See margin for examples of negative indentation. Properties width and height don't include the indentation set by margin.... marginTop: 10 marginRight: 10 marginBottom: 10 marginLeft: 10

Style, positioning position Default: relative Defines the block positioning method.  relative  — block's natural position is taken as the initial position. The top, right, bottom and left define the offset relative to the initial position.  absolute  — the position relative to the boundaries of the container is taken as the initial. The top, right, bottom and left define the offset relative to the initial position and potentialy the block size as well. top, right, bottom, left: number | percent Define the offset relative to the initial position. As an absolute value in pixels or a relative value in percent to the container size. With position = 'relative' block's natural position is taken as the initial position. Then the offset is set using one or two coordinates: left or right horizontally and top or bottom vertically. The property left has priority over right if both are set, and top over bottom. In case of position = 'absolute' the position relative to the boundaries of the container is taken as the initial. Properties top, right, bottom and left define the offset relative to the initial position. If left is set in pair with right, these properties define the block horizontal size, and property top in pair with bottom the vertical size. In the example with position = 'relative', the natural position of the block is immediately after the text block it is following. Then properties top, right, bottom and left define a shift relative to that natural position. position: 'relative', left: 10, top: -10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. position: 'relative', right: '5%', bottom: '-5%' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. In its turn position = 'absolute' places the block in relation to the borders of the container, ignoring the preceding text block. In such case the block size can optionally be set via offsets from the opposite edges of the container. position: 'absolute', left: 10, top: 20,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. position: 'absolute', left: 10, top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 40 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Style, text color: Color Color of the text Normal <text style={{ color: 'red' }}>Red <text style={{ color: '#38e' }}>hex code in short notation <text style={{ color: '#3388ee' }}>hex code in long notation <text style={{ color: 'rgb(128, 100, 88)' }}>rgb <text style={{ color: 'rgb(128, 100, 88, 0.5)' }}>rgb with transparency Normal Red hex code in short notation hex code in long notation rgb rgb with transparency fontFamily: string Name of the font family. Can be a title of a custom font set prior via chatiumrc. Value examples: "serif" "sans" "mono" ...font title default <text style={{ fontFamily: 'sans' }}>sans <text style={{ fontFamily: 'serif' }}>serif <text style={{ fontFamily: 'mono' }}>mono default sans serif mono fontSize: number | StandardFontSize Font size. Arbitrary or predefined. Possible values: number, "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl" <text style={{ fontSize: 50 }}>50 <text style={{ fontSize: 40 }}>40 <text style={{ fontSize: '3xl' }}>3xl <text style={{ fontSize: '2xl' }}>2xl <text style={{ fontSize: 'xl' }}>xl <text style={{ fontSize: 'lg' }}>lg <text style={{ fontSize: 'md' }}>md <text style={{ fontSize: 'sm' }}>sm <text style={{ fontSize: 'xs' }}>xs 50 40 3xl 2xl xl lg md sm xs fontStyle An option to make the font cursive. Possible values: normal, italic default <text style={{ fontStyle: 'normal' }}>normal <text style={{ fontStyle: 'italic' }}>italic default normal italic fontWeight Weight of the font (boldness). Possible values: normal, bold, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 <text style={{ fontWeight: 'normal' }}>normal <text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}>bold <text style={{ fontWeight: '100' }}>100 <text style={{ fontWeight: '200' }}>200 <text style={{ fontWeight: '300' }}>300 <text style={{ fontWeight: '400' }}>400 <text style={{ fontWeight: '500' }}>500 <text style={{ fontWeight: '600' }}>600 <text style={{ fontWeight: '700' }}>700 <text style={{ fontWeight: '800' }}>800 <text style={{ fontWeight: '900' }}>900 normal bold 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 fontVariant: ('normal' | 'tabular-nums')[]  tabular-nums  — font property making all the digits same width. <text style={{ fontVariant: [ 'tabular-nums' ] }}>1234567890, tabular-nums 1234567890, tabular-nums letterSpacing: "normal" | number Spacing between the letters. <text style={{ letterSpacing: 'normal' }}>Example of letter spacing: normal <text style={{ letterSpacing: 1.5 }}>Example of letter spacing: 1.5 <text style={{ letterSpacing: 2 }}>Example of letter spacing: 2 Example of letter spacing: normal Example of letter spacing: 1.5 Example of letter spacing: 2 lineClamp: number Limiting the height of the text by the number of lines. Excess text is trimmed according to textOverflow property. <text style={{ lineClamp: 3 }}> Example of{'\n'} line{'\n'} clamp{'\n'} this text is the fourth line and will not be displayed Example of line clamp this text is the fourth line and will not be displayed lineHeight: "normal" | number Sets the amount of space allocated for a single line of text. <text style={{ fontSize: 16 }}> Example of lineHeight{'\n'} default

<text style={{ fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 32 }}> Example of lineHeight{'\n'} twice the size of the font

<text style={{ fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 100, lineClamp: 1 }}> Example of lineHeight used to set the block height and centering of a single line text. Example of lineHeight default Example of lineHeight twice the size of the font Example of lineHeight used to set the block height and centering of a single line text. textAlign Default: auto Sets the text alignment. The value of auto sets the alignment depending on the individual properties of the align and alignItems blocks, where applicable. Possible values: auto, left, center, right, justify Text example with textAlign = left. Text example with textAlign = center. Text example with textAlign = right. Text example with textAlign = justify. Setting of this property make the text stretch to fith the container width. textAlignVertical Default: top Vertical alignment of text in a container. Possible values: top, center, bottom top center bottom textDecorationLine Underline or line-through decoration for the text. Possible values: none, underline, line-through, underline line-through none underline line-through underline line-through textOverflow Method for text truncation when breaching the container boundaries.  ellipsis  — text is truncated with ellipsis.  clip  — text is truncated at the container edge. Works only when used together with lineClamp: 1. In other cases the text gets truncated with ellipsis. Possible values: clip, ellipsis Text example with textOverflow = clip: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x x y z Text example with textOverflow = ellipsis: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x x y z Text example with textOverflow = clip: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x x y z Text example with textOverflow = ellipsis: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x x y z textShadowColor: Color Color of the text shadow. To make the shadow appear, either textShadowOffset or textShadowRadius must also be specified. <text style={{ textShadowColor: 'red', textShadowOffset: { width: 2, height: 2 } }} > Text with red shadow

<text style={{ textShadowColor: '#38e', textShadowOffset: { width: 2, height: 2 } }} > Text with shadow color in short notation

<text style={{ textShadowColor: '#3388ee', textShadowOffset: { width: 2, height: 2 } }} > Text with shadow color in long notation

<text style={{ textShadowColor: 'rgb(128, 100, 88)', textShadowOffset: { width: 2, height: 2 } }} > Text with shadow color in rgb

<text style={{ textShadowColor: 'rgb(128, 100, 88, 0.5)', textShadowOffset: { width: 2, height: 2 } }} > Text with shadow color in rgb with transparency Text with red shadow Text with shadow color in short notation Text with shadow color in long notation Text with shadow color in rgb Text with shadow color in rgb with transparency textShadowOffset: { width, height } Shadow offset, horizontally or vertically. width: number height: number <text style={{ textShadowColor: 'lightgrey', textShadowOffset: { width: 3, height: 3 } }} > Shadow offset width = 3 and height = 3.

<text style={{ textShadowColor: 'lightgrey', textShadowOffset: { width: -5, height: -2 }, marginTop: 10 }} > Shadow offset with a negative value width = -5 and height = -2. Shadow offset width = 3 and height = 3. Shadow offset with a negative value width = -5 and height = -2. textShadowRadius: number Shadow blur radius in pixels. <text style={{ textShadowRadius: 3 }} > Example of textShadowRadius = 3 without shadow offset.

<text style={{ textShadowOffset: { width: 3, height: 3 }, textShadowRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }} > Example of textShadowRadius = 3 and shadow offset width = 3 and height = 3.

<text style={{ textShadowColor: 'grey', textShadowOffset: { width: 3, height: 3 }, textShadowRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }} > Example of textShadowRadius = 3 with shadow offset and color. Example of textShadowRadius = 3 и без смещения тени. Example of textShadowRadius = 3 и смещением тени width = 3 и height = 3. Example of textShadowRadius = 3, смещением и заданием цвета тени. textTransform Transformation of text upon display.  none  — no transformation.  uppercase  — convert everything to upper case.  lowercase  — convert everything to lover case.  capitalize  — capitalize the first letters of every word. oRiGiNaL tExT cOmB

<text style={{ marginTop: 10 }}>textTransform = 'capitalize': <text style={{ textTransform: 'capitalize' }}>oRiGiNaL tExT cOmB

<text style={{ marginTop: 10 }}>textTransform = 'uppercase': <text style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>oRiGiNaL tExT cOmB

<text style={{ marginTop: 10 }}>textTransform = 'lowercase': <text style={{ textTransform: 'lowercase' }}>oRiGiNaL tExT cOmB oRiGiNaL tExT cOmB textTransform = 'capitalize': ORiGiNaL TExT COmB textTransform = 'uppercase': ORIGINAL TEXT COMB textTransform = 'lowercase': original text comb

Style, border border: [ border-width, border-style, border-color ] Sets the border for the block on all four sides. border-width: number Width of the border in pixes. border-style Style of the border:  solid  — a solid line.  dotted  — a dotted line.  dashed  — a dashed line. border-color: Color Color of the border. border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ] border: [ 3, 'solid', 'black' ] border: [ 1, 'solid', 'red' ] border: [ 3, 'solid', 'red' ] border: [ 1, 'dotted', 'black' ] border: [ 3, 'dotted', 'black' ] border: [ 1, 'dashed', 'black' ] border: [ 3, 'dashed', 'black' ] borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft: [ border-width, border-color ] Setting individual borders for the block edges. Only the solid border style is available. Has priority over border and can be combined with. border-width: number Width of the border in pixels. border-color: Color Color of the border. borderTop: [ 1, 'black' ] borderBottom: [ 3, 'grey' ] borderLeft: [ 15, 'rgb(0,99,0)' ], borderRight: [ 15, 'rgb(0,0,99)' ]

Use of border as a base while setting individual styles for two other edges: border: [ 3, 'solid', '#c50' ], borderLeft: [ 15, 'rgb(0,99,0)' ], borderRight: [ 15, 'rgb(0,0,99)' ] Current limitation doesn't allow any style other than solid for varied borders withing a block: border: [ 3, 'dotted', '#c50' ], borderLeft: [ 15, 'rgb(0,99,0)' ], borderRight: [ 15, 'rgb(0,0,99)' ] borderRadius: number  number  — same radius on all four corners.  [ number, number, number, number ]  — individual border radius, starting from the top left corner and continuing clockwise. border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ], borderRadius: 10 border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ], borderRadius: [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ] border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ], borderBottom: [ 15, 'rgb(0,99,0)' ], borderRight: [ 7, 'rgb(0,0,99)' ], borderRadius: [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ] borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius: number Radius of individual border corners. Has proirity over borderRadius and can be combined with. border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ], borderBottomLeftRadius: 20 border: [ 1, 'solid', 'black' ], borderRadius: 20, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 borderWidth: number Width of the border. Can either set a same width for the entire border or individual sides. Has priority over border and can be combined with.  number  — same width on all four sides.  [ number, number ]  — individual width of horizontal and vertical block edges. The first element sets the width for horizontal edges and the second for the vertical.  [ number, number, number ]  — individual width for the top, bottom and vertical edges. The first element sets the width for the top edge, the second sets the width for the vertical edges and the last is the bottom edge.  [ number, number, number, number ]  — individual width for all four edges. The first element sets the width for top the edge, with following parameters setting the edges in clockwise order. borderWidth: 1

borderWidth: [ 1, 10 ]

borderWidth: [ 1, 10, 20 ]

borderWidth: [ 1, 10, 20, 30 ]

Current limitation doesn't allow any style other than solid for varied borders withing a block: border: [ 1, 'dotted', 'black'], borderWidth: [ 1, 10, 20, 30 ]

borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth: border-width Setting individual width of the edges. Has priority over border and borderWidth. Can be combined with them. borderBottomWidth: 10

borderWidth: 1, borderBottomWidth: 10, borderRightWidth: 20 Current limitation doesn't allow any style other than solid for varied borders withing a block: border: [ 1, 'dotted', 'black'], borderBottomWidth: 10 borderColor: Color Color of the border. Has priority over border and can be combined with.  Color  — same color for all four edges  [ Color, Color ]  — individual color of horizontal and vertical block edges. The first element sets the color for horizontal edges and the second for the vertical.  [ Color, Color, Color ]  — individual color for the top, bottom and vertical edges. The first element sets the color for the top edge, the second sets the color for the vertical edges and the last is the bottom edge.  [ Color, Color, Color, Color ]  — individual color for all four edges. The first element sets the color for top the edge, with following parameters setting the edges in clockwise order. Use of border as a base, redefining color via borderColor: border: [ 3, 'solid', 'black' ], borderColor: 'rgb(200,0,0)' borderWidth: 3, borderColor: '#c00' borderWidth: 3, borderColor: [ '#c00', '#0c0' ] borderWidth: 3, borderColor: [ '#c00', '#0c0', '#00c' ] borderWidth: 3, borderColor: [ '#c00', '#0c0', '#00c', '#f90' ] Current limitation doesn't allow any style other than solid for varied borders withing a block. Varied colors in this case: border: [ 3, 'dotted', 'black' ], borderColor: [ '#c00', '#0c0' ] borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor: Color Setting individual color of the edges. Has priority over borderColor and border. Can be combined with them. borderWidth: 3, borderBottomColor: '#c00' Use of border as a base and setting individual colors of two edges: border: [ 3, 'solid', '#0c0' ], borderBottomColor: '#c00', borderRightColor: '#00c' Use of borderColor as a base and setting individual colors of two edges: borderWidth: 3, borderColor: '#0c0', borderBottomColor: '#c00', borderRightColor: '#00c' Current limitation doesn't allow any style other than solid for varied borders withing a block. Varied colors in this case: border: [ 3, 'dotted', 'black' ], borderBottomColor: '#c00'

Style, background backgroundColor: Color Color of the block background. Red: backgroundColor: 'red' hex code in a short notation: backgroundColor: '#38e' hex code in a long notation: backgroundColor: '#3388ee' rgb: backgroundColor: 'rgb(128, 100, 88)' rgb with transparency: backgroundColor: 'rgb(128, 100, 88, 0.5)' backgroundGradient: [ gradient-direction, ...gradient-color[] ] gradient-direction Default: to bottom Gradient direction. A string constant for one of the four directions or a number. A number means an angle, where 0 is equivalent of "to top", 90 equivalent of "to right", and so on clockwise. The value can be negative. Possible values: "to right", "to left", "to bottom", "to top", number gradient-color: Color | [ Color, number ] Color and its position in the gradient. Position is defined as a fraction value between 0 and 1. Value of 0 means a position at the start of the gradient and 1 at the end. If a position is not defined, it is determined automatically. backgroundGradient: [ 'black', 'yellow' ] backgroundGradient: [ 'to right', 'black', 'yellow' ] backgroundGradient: [ 'to right', 'black', 'red', 'yellow' ] backgroundGradient: [ 'to right', [ 'black', 0.2 ], [ 'red', 0.3 ], 'yellow' ] backgroundGradient: [ 45, [ 'black', 0.2 ], [ 'red', 0.3 ], 'yellow' ] backgroundImage: string A property to set an image as a block background. At the moment is available for the block only.

Style, opacity and shadow opacity: number Sets the opacity (non-transparency) of the element with its content. A number between 0 and 1. Where 0 means full transparency and 1 full visibility.

opacity: 0.75, backgroundColor: '#ccd' opacity: 0.50, backgroundColor: '#ccd' opacity: 0.25, backgroundColor: '#ccd' elevation: number (0 - 24) Block shadow height. A number between 0 and 24. Shadow is displayed for the blocks with solid (non-transparent) background color. elevation: 24 elevation: 15 elevation: 5 shadowColor: Color Block shadow color. Requres the elevation to be set for the shadow to appear. Shadow is displayed for the blocks with solid (non-transparent) background color. elevation: 10, shadowColor: 'black' elevation: 10, shadowColor: 'red' elevation: 10, shadowColor: 'rgb(0, 255, 0)' elevation: 10, shadowColor: 'black', backgroundColor: 'white'

Style, flex flexDirection Container property. Defines the container primary axis (blocks direction in the container). Possible values: row, column, row-reverse, column-reverse flexDirection: 'row' A B C flexDirection: 'row-reverse' A B C flexDirection: 'column' A B C flexDirection: 'column-reverse' A B C flexBasis: "auto" | number | percent Default: auto Block property. Sets the initial block size along the container primary axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. The initial size has a nature of recommended only and can vary depending on other properties of the block. Properties flexGrow and flexShrink can affect the block size depending on the container size. Such properties as minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight have priority over flexBasis. With flexBasis = auto initial block size depends on the content. Container size doesn't affect block size. Upon insufficient space in the container, blocks take space beyound the container boundaries. flexDirection: 'row' fb: auto AAAAAA fb: auto BBBBBBBBBB fb: auto CCCCCCCCCCCCCC A percent value of flexBasis sets the initial block size depending on the container size. Blocks are not restricted by the container size and upon insufficient space will take space beyound the container boundaries. flexDirection: 'row' fb: 25% fb: 50% An absolute value of flexBasis sets the initial block size in pixels independent of the container size. Blocks are not restricted by the container size and upon insufficient space will take space beyound the container boundaries. flexDirection: 'row' fb: 100 fb: 150 An expample of using blocks with different types of flexBasis size within one container. Illustrates how blocks take space beyound the container boundaries flexDirection: 'row' fb: auto fb: 50% fb: 80 flexGrow: number Default: 0 Block property. Block coefficient of growth along the primary axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Defines the share of container vacant space the block will get upon growth. The share is calculated as a part set via flexGrow of the total summ of flexGrow of all blocks within the container. Important to note this is a share from the container vacant space only, and not from all available. Vacant space is what is left after the blocks take the available space according to their initial size. Block initial size is defined by the content, via flexBasis or size properties such as width and height. Such properties as minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight have priority over flexGrow. Example of blocks with zero flexGrow. Such blocks don't grow and take the space according to their initial size only. All vacant space remains unoccupied. flexDirection: 'row' fg: 0 fg: 0 fg: 0 Vacant space All blocks have set equal flexGrow. Blocks grow proportionally distributing the vacant space between each other. flexDirection: 'row' fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 1 Blocks with zero flexGrow don't grow and take the space according to their initial size only, while the sole block with flexGrow greater than zero takes the entire vacant space. Particular greater than zero value of flexGrow in such case is not important. flexDirection: 'row' fg: 0 fg: 0 fg: 1 Blocks have different flexGrow values. Blocks grow distributing vacant space according to the shares set via flexGrow. flexDirection: 'row' fg: 1 fg: 3 fg: 1 Blocks have zero initial size set via flexBasis. Blocks with zero initial size don't take any space and the entire area of the container becomes vacant space. Then the entire block size, and not just its growth, is calculated based on the share set via flexGrow. flexDirection: 'row' fg: 1, fb: 0% fg: 3, fb: 0% fg: 1, fb: 0% Upon insufficient space in the container, blocks take space beyound the container boundaries. To change this behaviour, property flexWrap = wrap makes blocks wrap onto a new line instead. Then vacant space the blocks distribute between each other is such within the line. flexDirection: 'row' flexWrap: 'wrap' fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 1 fg: 2 flexShrink: number Default: 0 Block property. Block coefficient of shrink along the primary axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Takes effect if the size of all blocks along the same line start to take space beyound the container boundaries. The coefficient defines the share of the space beyound the boundaries that will be subtracted from the size of the current block. Property flexShrink works in a similar way to flexGrow, except that instead of vacant space in the container, it is the space beyound the boundaries what is taken into account, and instead of blocks growing, their sizes are reduced by shares of this space. Such properties as minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight have priority over flexShrink. Blocks with zero flexShrink do not shrink when there is not enough space in the container. The size of the blocks in this example is determined by the content and takes up extra space beyound the container boundaries. flexDirection: 'row' fs: 0 AAAAAAAA fs: 0 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB fs: 0 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Blocks with the same flexShrink do shrink by the same absolute amount. flexDirection: 'row' fs: 1 AAAAAAAA fs: 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB fs: 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Blocks with zero flexShrink do not shrink, while the only block with a non-zero flexShrink does shrink until either there is no more extra space taken beyound the container boundaries or it reaches own minimal size. Particular greater than zero value of flexShrink in such case is not important. flexDirection: 'row' fs: 0 AAAAAAAA fs: 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB fs: 0 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC The only block with zero flexShrink doesn't shrink. While two other blocks with greater than zero flexShrink do shrink by the shares of extra space beyound the boundaries. Shares calculated based on flexShrink. flexDirection: 'row' fs: 0 AAAAAAAA fs: 3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB fs: 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC flex: number Block property. Sets the block behaviour (grow, shrink and basis) along the primary container axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection The property should be seen as short a syntax for common applications. Such properties as minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight have priority over flex.  number = 0  — same as flexGrow = 0, flexShrink = 0 и flexBasis = auto.  number > 0  — same as flexGrow = number, flexShrink = 1 и flexBasis = 0%.  number < 0  — same as flexGrow = 0, flexShrink = 1 и flexBasis = auto. flex = 0 blocks take the space according to their initial size only. Neither grow nor shrink. All vacant space in the container remains unoccupied. flexDirection: 'row' f: 0 f: 0 f: 0 Vacant space flex > 0 is the simpliest way to use flex. Block initial size is ignored. The final size of the block is defined by the share set in flexGrow of vacant space in the container. flexDirection: 'row' f: 1 f: 3 f: 1 flex < 0 is a condition for the block size to be calculated according to vacant space only. Block minimal size is set with either minWidth or minHeight. Particular less than zero value of flex doesn't matter. flexDirection: 'row' f: -1 AAAAAAA f: -1 BBBBBBBBBBBB f: -1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC justifyContent Container property. Alignment and distribution of the space along the primary container axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. The property defines how the space gets distributd around and between the blocks along the primary container axis. Alignment takes place after sizing and margins are applied. Possible values: flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly justifyContent: 'flex-start', flexDirection: 'row' A B C justifyContent: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row' A B C justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row' A B C justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row' A B C justifyContent: 'space-around', flexDirection: 'row' A B C justifyContent: 'space-evenly', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignItems Container property. Alignment of the blocks across the primary container axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Possible values: flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline, stretch alignItems: 'flex-start', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignItems: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignItems: 'baseline', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignItems: 'stretch', flexDirection: 'row' A B C alignContent Container property. Distribution of space across the container primary axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Applies within containers with flexWrap = wrap or flexWrap = wrap-reverse. For the containers with flexWrap property in its default value no-wrap, the property alignContent has no effect. Possible values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, space-between, space-around alignContent: 'flex-start', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H alignContent: 'flex-end', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H alignContent: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H alignContent: 'stretch', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H alignContent: 'space-between', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H I J K L M alignContent: 'space-around', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H I J K L M alignSelf Block property. Alignment of a specific block across the primary container axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Allows to set a particular alignment for a block regardless of alignItems container propery. Possible values: auto, flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline, stretch flexDirection: 'row' alignSelf: flex-start alignSelf: flex-end alignSelf: center alignSelf: stretch flexWrap Default: nowrap Container property. Wrapping of the blocks on the new line along the primary container axis. Container primary axis is set via flexDirection. Blocks intent to fit into one line and by default upon insufficiency of vacant space start to take extra space beyound the container boundaries. Property values flexWrap = wrap or flexWrap = wrap-reverse change this behavior and blocks start to wrap onto the new line instead of taking space beyound the container boundaries. Possible values: nowrap, wrap, wrap-reverse flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F G H flexWrap: 'nowrap', flexDirection: 'row' A B C D E F

Style, transform transform: { transform-action: value }[] Transformation of block and container geometry in 2D and 3D space. The transformation is done via transform-actions. Several actions can be applied per block at the same time. Important to note that all transformation is applied only to the display geometry of blocks and containers. It is applied after the final arrangement of blocks and containers on the screen, and therefore does not affect the relationship between them. The following transform-action are available: rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ: angle Rotation around one of the three axes. The angle of rotation is specified in degrees with the "deg" suffix or radians with the "rad" suffix. Can take negative value. The rotate and rotateZ actions are synonyms. It is not possible to use several actions of the rotate group in one block at the same time. The rotate action is equivalent to rotateZ: source transform: [{ rotate: "-45deg" }] transform: [{ rotate: "3.14rad" }] Action rotateX: source transform: [{ rotateX: "-45deg" }] transform: [{ rotateX: "3.14rad" }] Action rotateY: source transform: [{ rotateY: "-45deg" }] transform: [{ rotateY: "3.14rad" }] perspective: number Adding a perspective to the block. Perspective is defined as a distance from the user to the center of the box along the Z axis. Specified in pixels. The higher is the value, the less perspective is pronounced. source transform: [{ perspective: 500 },{ rotateY: "-45deg" }] source transform: [{ perspective: 130 },{ rotateY: "-45deg" }] scale, scaleX, scaleY: number Scaling along the X and Y axes. Specified as a scaling factor. Can take negative value, which mirrors the object along the axis. The scale acts along both axes at the same time, while scaleX and scaleY each along their own axis. Scaling along both axes at the same time: source transform: [{ scale: 0.5 }] transform: [{ scale: 1.5 }] Scaling along axis X: source transform: [{ scaleX: 0.5 }] transform: [{ scaleX: 1.5 }] Scaling along axis Y: source transform: [{ scaleY: 0.5 }] transform: [{ scaleY: 1.5 }] Independent scaling along axes X and Y: source transform: [{ scaleX: 0.8 },{ scaleY: 1.3 }] Mirroring of the block: source transform: [{ scaleY: -1 }] transform: [{ scaleX: -0.8 }] translateX, translateY: number Block position shift along axes X and Y. Specified in pixels. Can take negative value. source transform: [{ translateY: -10 }] transform: [{ translateX: 15 }] skewX, skewY: angle Distorts the block at a certain angle along either X or Y axis. Искажение блока по осям X и Y. Specified in degrees with "deg" suffix or radians with "rad" suffix. Can take negative value. It is not possible to use skewX and skewY in the same block at the same time. If necessary, the matrix transformation should be used. Along axis X: source transform: [{ skewX: "-10deg" }] transform: [{ skewX: "0.1rad" }] Along axis Y: source transform: [{ skewY: "-10deg" }] transform: [{ skewY: "0.1rad" }] matrix: [number, number, number, number, number, number] Matrix transformation of the block. Essentially a combination of three different transformations: scale, skew amd transform. Parameters are in the following order: [ scaleX, skewY, skewX, scaleY, translateX, translateY ] Value for the parameters skewX and skewY is an angle given in radians as a number. Block scale: source transform: [{ matrix: [0.8,0,0,1.3,0,0] }] Block skew: source transform: [{ matrix: [1,0.1,0.3,1,0,0] }] Block translate: source transform: [{ matrix: [ 1,0,0,1,10,-15 ] }] All three transformations together: source transform: [{ matrix: [ 0.8,0.1,0.3, 1.3,10,-15 ] }]

Фоновые задачи Механизм, позволяющий объявлять и выполнять фоновые задачи: ✦ Через промежуток времени (см. scheduleJobAfter) ✦ Как можно скорее (см. scheduleJobAsap) ✦ В определённое время (см. scheduleJobAt) app.job('jobPath', callback) Аргументы jobPath*: string Путь задачи. callback: async function Callback функция, которыя вызывается при вызове задачи. Примеры Пример объявления задачи. app.job('jobPath', async (ctx, req) => { ctx.log('Job called', req) })

cancelJob Функция, отменяющая задачу. Применение/сигнатура import { cancelJob } from '@app/jobs' cancelJob(ctx, jobId) Аргументы ctx*: app.Ctx Контекст запроса. Используется для внутренней реализации, сохранения информации о пользователе, создавшем запись, а также позволяет выполнить запрос в нужной транзакции. jobId*: string Идентификатор задачи.

scheduleJobAfter Позволяет асинхронно выполнить поставленную задачу через установленный промежуток времени. Применение/сигнатура import { scheduleJobAfter } from '@app/jobs' await scheduleJobAfter(ctx, scheduleDuration, scheduleMeasure, jobUrl, dataObject) Аргументы ctx*: app.Ctx Контекст запроса. Используется для внутренней реализации, сохранения информации о пользователе, создавшем запись, а также позволяет выполнить запрос в нужной транзакции. scheduleDuration*: number Период ожидания перед выполнением задачи. scheduleMeasure*: string Единица измерения периода ожидания. Возможные значения: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, years jobUrl*: string Ссылка на задачу, созданную с помощью app.job. dataObject: object Объект для передачи данных внутрь задачи. Примеры Пример использования функции: import { scheduleJobAfter } from '@app/jobs'

app.screen('/', function (ctx, req) { return ( <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('scheduleJob', {})} class={['primary', 'section']}> Schedule job

) })

app.apiCall('scheduleJob', async (ctx, req) => { await scheduleJobAfter(ctx, 5, 'seconds', ctx.router.url('jobPath'), { key: '123', }) })

app.job('jobPath', async (ctx, params) => { ctx.log('Job called', params) })

scheduleJobAsap Позволяет асинхронно выполнить поставленную задачу как можно скорее. Применение/сигнатура import { scheduleJobAsap } from '@app/jobs' scheduleJobAsap(ctx, jobUrl, dataObject) Аргументы ctx*: app.Ctx Контекст запроса. Используется для внутренней реализации, сохранения информации о пользователе, создавшем запись, а также позволяет выполнить запрос в нужной транзакции. jobUrl*: string Ссылка на задачу, созданную с помощью app.job. dataObject: object Объект для передачи данных внутрь задачи. Примеры Пример использования функции: import { scheduleJobAsap } from '@app/jobs'

app.screen('/', function (ctx, req) { return ( <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('scheduleJob', {})} class={['primary', 'section']}> Schedule job ) })

app.apiCall('scheduleJob', async (ctx, req) => { await scheduleJobAsap(ctx, ctx.router.url('jobPath'), { key: '123', }) })

app.job('jobPath', async (ctx, params) => { ctx.log('Job called asap', params) })

scheduleJobAt Позволяет асинхронно выполнить поставленную задачу в определённое время. Применение/сигнатура import { scheduleJobAt } from '@app/jobs' scheduleJobAt(ctx, startAt, jobUrl, dataObject) Аргументы ctx*: app.Ctx Контекст запроса. Используется для внутренней реализации, сохранения информации о пользователе, создавшем запись, а также позволяет выполнить запрос в нужной транзакции. startAt*: Date Date объект, указывающий на время выполнения задачи. jobUrl*: string Ссылка на задачу, созданную с помощью app.job. dataObject: object Объект для передачи данных внутрь задачи. Примеры Пример использования функции: import { scheduleJobAt } from '@app/jobs'

app.screen('/', function (ctx, req) { return ( <button onClick={ctx.router.apiCall('scheduleJob', {})} class={['primary', 'section']}> Schedule job ) })

app.apiCall('scheduleJob', async (ctx, req) => { const date = new Date("2025-01-26"); await scheduleJobAt(ctx, date, ctx.router.url('jobPath'), { key: '123', }) })

app.job('jobPath', async (ctx, params) => { ctx.log('Job called, today is 26.01.2025', params) })

Адаптивная вёрстка Функционал, позволяющий изменять контент страницы в зависимости от ширины экрана пользователя. Клиент автоматически запрашивает новый экран от сервера, когда ширина экрана пользователя доходит до определённых значений. Сервер получает текущие значения экрана пользователя и, в зависимости от них, может изменить текущую вёрстку экрана. Применение/сигнатура import { responsiveState } from '@app/responsive' responsiveState(ctx, { customBreakpoints }) Аргументы ctx*: app.Ctx Контекст запроса. Используется для внутренней реализации, сохранения информации о пользователе, создавшем запись, а также позволяет выполнить запрос в нужной транзакции. customBreakpoints: object Существует 15 возможных точек останова. Все они перечислены ниже, от менее к более специфичным и точным.  xs   sm   md   lg   xl   xlDown   lgDown   mdDown   smDown   xsDown   xsOnly   smOnly   mdOnly   lgOnly   xlOnly  Все брейкпоинты можно разделить на три типа: ✦  xs ,  sm  и т.д. - точки, определяющие поведения для всех размеров экрана, что больше или равны значениям брейкпоинтов. ✦  xsOnly ,  smOnly  и т.д. - точки, определяющие поведения для всех размеров экрана, что входят в диапазон от брейкпоинта до следующего не включительно [bp, next_bp). ✦  xsDown ,  smDown  и т.д. - точки, определяющие поведения для всех размеров экрана, что меньше значений брейкпоинтов. Использование адаптивной вёрстки Главным критерием реализации является передача агрумента responsive в экран клиента. import { responsiveState } from "@app/responsive"

app.screen("/", async (ctx, req) => { const responsive = responsiveState(ctx) return <screen responsive={ responsive }> }) Отрисовку блоков вы можете определять так. import { responsiveState } from "@app/responsive"

app.screen("/", async (ctx, req) => { const responsive = responsiveState(ctx)

return ( <screen responsive={ responsive }> { ? Появится только для точек md или больше : Появится только для точек меньше md } ) }) Стили блоков контролируются так. import { responsiveState } from "@app/responsive"

app.screen("/", async (ctx, req) => { const responsive = responsiveState(ctx)

return ( <screen responsive={ responsive }> <text style={[ { color: "black" }, responsive.lg && { color: "red" } ]}>Текст становится красным для точек lg или больше


  <text style={responsive.boxStyle({
    color: "black",
    lg: { color: "red" }
  })}>Текст становится красным для точек lg или больше</text>

) }) У объекта  responsive  есть функции-конструкторы стилей для каждого типа блоков:  responsive.textStyle() ,  responsive.buttonStyle()  и т.д. Эти конструкторы используются для верных подсказок в редакторе кода, т.к. в зависимости от блока, вы можете применять к нему определённые стили. Модуль @app/ui/styles Таким образом вы можете использовать функции-конструкторы вне блока screen. Однако вы всё же обязаны использовать методы объекта responsive. import { responsiveState } from "@app/responsive" import * as s from '@app/ui/styles'

const commonStyle = s.textStyle({ color: "black", lg: { color: "red" }, })

app.screen("/", async (ctx, req) => { const responsive = responsiveState(ctx)

return ( <screen responsive={ responsive }> <text style={responsive.textStyle(commonStyle, { fontSize: 16 })}>Текст становится красным для точек lg или больше ) })

Механизм обновления экранов через сокеты Позволяет обновлять содержимое экрана, используя сокеты. Применение/сигнатура import { genSocketId, updateSocket } from '@app/socket' genSocketId(socketName), updateSocket(socketName) Аргументы socketName*: string Имя сокета. Используется для генерации идентификатора сокета и обновления содержимого экрана. Критерием для использования обновления экранов через сокеты является передача в экран параметра  socketIds=[]  app.screen("/", async (ctx, req) => { return }) Функция  updateSocket()  отличается от  refresh()  тем, что механизм обновления экранов через сокеты не является действием и не требует никакого вмешательства пользователя, работая автономно. Примеры Самый простой пример: import { genSocketId, updateSocket } from '@app/socket'

app.screen('/', async (ctx, req) => { const socketId = await genSocketId('my-socket')

return (

<text style={{ fontSize: 30, fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center' }}> {Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)} <button class={['section', 'primary']} onClick={updateSocketRoute.apiCall()} > Refresh via socketUpdate
) })

const updateSocketRoute = app.apiCall('/', async (ctx) => { return await updateSocket('my-socket') }) Вы можете обновлять экран, в зависимости от полученных через WebHook данных: import { genSocketId, updateSocket } from '@app/socket' import { Heap } from "@app/heap"

const socketName = "webhookSocket" const BgColor = Heap.Table("BgColor", { color: Heap.String() })

const getColor = async () => { return (await BgColor.findAll(ctx, { order: { createdAt: "desc" }, limit: 1 }))[0] }"/getNewColor", async (ctx, req) => { const newColor = req.body.bgColor const color = await getColor()

if (color) { await BgColor.update(ctx, { id:, color: newColor }) } else { await BgColor.create(ctx, { color: newColor }) }

await updateSocket(socketName) })

app.screen('/', async (ctx, req) => { const socketId = await genSocketId(socketName) const color = await getColor()

return ( <box style={{ backgroundColor: color }}> Фоновый цвет этого блока обновляется по вебхуку в реальном времени ) })


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