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Technical changes for TC 4.0.1
Marco Visser edited this page Dec 19, 2019
2 revisions
- AllergyIntolerance.cs
- Ait-1
- Expression changed to
verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or clinicalStatus.exists()
- Xpath changed to
f:verificationStatus/f:coding/f:code/@value='entered-in-error' or exists(f:clinicalStatus)
- Expression changed to
- Ait-1
- Bundle.cs
- Bdl-10
- Expression changed to
type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
- Xpath changed to
not(f:type/@value = 'document') or exists(f:timestamp/@value)
- Expression changed to
- Bdl-10
- CareTeam.cs
- Ctm-1
- Expression changed to
participant.all(onBehalfOf.exists() implies (member.resolve().iif(empty(), true, ofType(Practitioner).exists())))
- Expression changed to
- Ctm-1
- Condition.cs
- Con-3
- Expression changed to
clinicalStatus.exists() or verificationStatus.coding.where(system='http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-ver-status' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or category.select($this='problem-list-item').empty()
- Xpath changed to
exists(f:clinicalStatus) or exists(f:verificationStatus/f:coding/f:code/@value='entered-in-error') or not(exists(category[@value='problem-list-item']))
- Expression changed to
- Con-3
- DomainResource.cs
- Dom-3
- Xpath changed to
not(exists(for $id in f:contained/*/f:id/@value return $contained[not(parent::*/descendant::f:reference/@value=concat('#', $contained/*/id/@value) or descendant::f:reference[@value='#'])]))
- Xpath changed to
- Dom-6
- Expression changed to
- Expression changed to
- Dom-3
- ElementDefinition.cs
- Properties Value, DefaultValue, Fixed and Pattern have extra AllowedType: Meta
- Observation.cs
- Obs-7
- Expression changed to
value.empty() or component.code.where(coding.intersect(%resource.code.coding).exists()).empty()
- Expression changed to
- Obs-7
- Parameters.cs
- Property Value has extra AllowedType Meta
- StructureDefinition.cs
- Sdf-19
- Expression changed to
url.startsWith('http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition') implies (differential.element.type.code.all(matches('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$') or matches('^http:\\\\/\\\\/hl7\\\\.org\\\\/fhirpath\\\\/System\\\\.[A-Z][A-Za-z]+$')) and snapshot.element.type.code.all(matches('^[a-zA-Z0-9\\\\.]+$') or matches('^http:\\\\/\\\\/hl7\\\\.org\\\\/fhirpath\\\\/System\\\\.[A-Z][A-Za-z]+$')))
- Xpath changed to
not(starts-with(f:url/@value, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition')) or count(f:differential/f:element/f:type/f:code[@value and not(matches(string(@value), '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+$'))]|f:snapshot/f:element/f:type/f:code[@value and not(matches(string(@value), '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$\.'))]) =0
- Expression changed to
- Sdf-16
- Expression changed to
snapshot.element.all(id.exists()) and snapshot.element.id.trace('ids').isDistinct()
- Expression changed to
- Sdf-15
- Expression changed to
kind!='logical' implies snapshot.element.first().type.empty()
- Expression changed to
- Sdf-17
- Expression changed to
differential.element.all(id.exists()) and differential.element.id.trace('ids').isDistinct()
- Expression changed to
- Sdf-8a
- Expression changed to
differential.all((%resource.kind = 'logical' or element.first().path.startsWith(%resource.type)) and (element.tail().empty() or element.tail().all(path.startsWith(%resource.differential.element.first().path.replaceMatches('\\\\..*','')&'.'))))
- Expression changed to
- Sdf-19
- StructureMap.cs
- Property DefaultValue has extra AllowedType Meta
- Task.cs
- ParameterComponent
- Property Value has extra AllowedType Meta
- OutputComponent
- Property Value has extra AllowedType Meta
- ParameterComponent
- Template-Bindings.cs
- FhirVersion, extra item N4_0_1
- Template-ModelInfo.cs
- Version has changed to 4.0.1
- SearchParameterDefinition CarePlan, name = status. Change in description (on-hold and revoked are new, suspend and cancelled are deleted
- SearchParameterDefinition ClinicalImpression, name = status. Change in description (in-progress is new, draft is deleted
- SearchParameterDefinition Communication, name = status. Change in description (on-hold and stopped are new, suspended and aborted are deleted
- SearchParameterDefinition CommunicationRequest, name = priority. Change in description (routine, urgent, asap and stat are new, Message urgency are deleted)
- SearchParameterDefinition CommunicationRequest, name = status. Change in description (on-hold and revoked are new, suspend and cancelled are deleted)
- SearchParameterDefinition Media, name = status. Change in description (on-hold and stopped are new, suspend and aborted are deleted)
- SearchParameterDefinition Procedure, name = status. Change in description (on-hold and stopped are new, suspend and aborted are deleted)
- SearchParameterDefinition ServiceRequest, name = intent. Change in description (directive, order, original-order and reflex-order, filler-order, instance-order and option are new)
- SearchParameterDefinition ServiceRequest, name = status. Change in description (unknown is new, cancelled is deleted)
- SearchParameterDefinition StructureDefinition, name ext-context, Change in Path (StructureDefinition.context.type), and XPath
- SearchParameterDefinition SubstanceSpecification, name code, change in description and Path (SubstanceSpecification.code.code)