All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
You can also take alook into the Milestones as I'm doing the detailed documentation there.
v0.1.2 - 2024-11-20
control asinput_number
entity, tochange-mode
command payload and to automation "Ambientika 1 Change-Mode"
- easier setup for Automation "Ambientika 1 Change-Mode"
- restructure automation "Ambientika 1 Change-Mode" to use automation also from switch
- switch is now triggering the automation, without script duplicates
- failed automation step when Operating-Mode == 'Off'
- typos
- formatting with Note/Info/Warning blocks
- open topics
v0.1.1 - 2024-11-20
- Auto-update on the 'input_select' and 'input_number' whenever the operating mode, seletcted fan-speed or humidity-level is changing; independent from the cause of change
- Notification for bad filters
- Script for filter-reset
- Entities
- initial release