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This package provides multiple config files that will create REST sensors, (REST) scripts, automations, and other config entities for using the Südwind Ambientika smart within Home Assistant.


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Home Assistant Package for Südwind Ambientika smart

This package provides multiple config files that will create REST sensors, (REST) scripts, automations, and other config entities for using the Südwind Ambientika smart within Home Assistant. Since I haven't found any smart single-room heat recovery ventilation system within the EU that fits all my requirements, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I purchased the Südwind Ambientika smart and started to reverse-engineer the REST API used to remotely control the unit using the Android App. For those who are interested in my requirements:

  • thin wall thickness (max. 25 cm)
  • high heat recovery rate (min. 88%)
  • smart/remote-controlled (ideally: Home Assistant Integration)

If you are interested in the reverse-engineering process see the corresponding documentation for reference.

Installation and Setup


This package is delivered "as-is" → do not expect to get support in this repository!
However, if you find technical problems with this package (e.g., server changes, compatibility issues, YAML syntax changes, etc.), feel free to open an issue. Or even better: fix the issue and submit a pull request. The same applies to feature requests and enhancements.


This setup assumes that you have an account registered in the official app and that your Ambientika Device is already working via the official App.

1. Download and extract the package to the config folder

Download the repository from GitHub as ZIP-file, extract it and place it in the correct folder: /config/packages/ambientika_smart

Screenshot example/intended folder structure


If you want to use my example approaches for the Lovelace UI, the images must be copied to /config/www/ambientika_smart/

2. Setting up configuration.yaml:

Add the homeassistant:, package: and ambientika_smart: lines to your configuration.yaml as shown in my example here:

  customize: !include customize.yaml     # optional, only if you are using customizations
    ambientika_smart: !include_dir_merge_named packages/ambientika_smart
    package-2: !include_dir_merge_named packages/package-2
# This is an example configuration.yaml setup.

3. Setting up secrets.yaml:

First, navigate to the packages/ambientika_smart/ folder and

  1. Rename the secrets_example.yamlsecrets.yaml.
  2. Then edit the lines shown here. The device serial is equivalent to the MAC address of your device. Typically, you can see and copy the MAC-address from your router.
ambientika_username: "[email protected]"
ambientika_password: "my-secret-password"

serial_device-1: 1234567890ABC



If you use multiple devices, you need to copy and paste the lines containing serial_device-x and device-status-x and fill them with the corresponding serial-number.

4. Restart Home Assistant

  1. Go to "Developer tools" first and click on "CHECK CONFIGURATION" before restarting!
    • If you have any configuration issues, Home Assistant might restart into "Recovery Mode"! You don't want that.
    • If an error is displayed, read the message carefully and follow the instructions!
  2. Then: Click on "RESTART" > "Restart Home Assistant" (Do not use Quick Reload) and proceed with "OK".

5. Check if the package is working

Once Home Assistant is restarted, the automation.ambientika_authenticate automation will be triggered and obtain the access token automatically. The token will be stored in the input_text.ambientika_access_token entity (type: password), which by default is excluded from the recorder to protect writing sensitive information into the persistent database. In addition, the token is automatically renewed as soon as the previous token is valid for less than 5 days.

You can check the incoming values in the "Developer tools" > "STATES" and filter for "Ambientika".

See more Details Developer tools / STATES

The sensors "Ambientika 1 Humidity (filtered)" and "Ambientika 1 Temperature (filtered)" are producing a unknown value, for the first 5-15 minutes. Afterwards they should return smooth values (see the Documentation for Details). If not, you might check the entity_id for both sensors to ensure that they are connected to the correct raw valued sensor.

6. Adapt names, if necessary

The idea here is: I would use numbering for entity names and IDs to reduce the amount of editing. But in the user interface, I would use descriptive terms such as "Ambientika Bedroom" for better understanding and for Voice Assistants. Therefore, only the friendly_name/name/alias section will be adapted in this List:

  • switch.yaml:
    • friendly_name: Ambientika 1
  • helpers.yaml:
    • name: Ambientika 1 Fan-Speed
    • name: Ambientika 1 Humidity-Level
    • name: Ambientika 1 Mode
  • automation.yaml:
    • alias: Ambientika 1 Change-Mode
  • sensors.yaml:
    • name: Ambientika 1 Current Mode
    • name: Ambientika 1 lastOperatingMode
    • name: Ambientika 1 Fan-Speed
    • name: Ambientika 1 Filter-Status
    • name: Ambientika 1 Temperature (raw)
    • name: Ambientika 1 Humidity (raw)
    • name: Ambientika 1 Air-Quality
    • name: Ambientika 1 Humidity Alarm
    • name: Ambientika 1 Night-Alarm
    • name: Ambientika 1 Humidity (filtered)
    • name: Ambientika 1 Temperature (filtered)

7. Duplicate to "Ambientika 2" if you have multiple Master-devices


The current approach is subject to change. See #11 for details.

In case you have multiple devices set as Master you need to copy all the yaml-code assigned with id/name "Ambientika 1" and duplicate it to "Ambientika 2" for example. On Windows machines you might use CTRL + H to start the mass replacement and:

  • find: _1 (most entities) / -1 (secrets) *
  • replace: _2 / -2


* don't use only 1 in the "find" field as it will also change values for fan speed or port-number for the REST-API which will break your package!

This needs to be done for:

  • automation.yaml (here, a variables:-section is already implemented for simplification )
  • customize.yaml
  • helpers.yaml
  • secrets.yaml
  • sensors.yaml
  • switch.yaml

Repeat this step, if you have even more Master devices.

User Interface

I have also created some UI examples, which are provided in the table below.
Please note that the SVG images included in this package are originally from the Android app. In case new images are added in the future, feel free to use the description of picture extraction in my reverse-engineering description to update the package accordingly.


If you want to use my example approaches for the Lovelace UI, the images must be copied to /config/www/ambientika_smart/ first!


Image YAML-code
lovelace.yaml_example-3 *

* This approach takes advantage of the Mushroom Template Card. In order to use it you must install the Mushroom cards first. I would recommend to use HACS to install them.

Open Topics

  • The Package is tested with two devices in master-slave logic, but duplicating like described above is pretty inconvenient. Therefore the structure structure should be improved. See #11 for details and status.
  • I'm receiving values for the Slave by just duplicating the secret device-status-x, the corresponding REST-sensor and filter-sensors. Also the "Filter Notification" needs to be extended. However, this is not documented above.
  • I am not able to provide a custom integration. However, others managed to do so. You can find the official Integration on Github: ambientika / HomeAssistant-integration-for-Ambientika and on HACS.
  • This package and the official integration is depending on the cloud with all advantages and disadvantages. If you like to get a local control of your device, you might check this repository: sragas / ambientika-local-control. But the documentation is not on the desired level which makes this a more advanced and sophisticated approach.
  • A Template-Fan may be a thing. But I'm not sure, if this makes any sense with this device.

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This package provides multiple config files that will create REST sensors, (REST) scripts, automations, and other config entities for using the Südwind Ambientika smart within Home Assistant.






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