To run most of the files, you will need modules not included in python core. To fix this, after you have downloaded the zip in code -> Download ZIP, navigate to the folder in cmd/powershell and run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Scripts for ps99 have been moved here due to how many I have made over time.
turtle pics -> gui made to find the turtle pics in the spotify experiment, "he-brings-you-playback-progress". Uses Rinuwaii's json file found here, renamed to
in the file for simplicity. -
ps profile script -> second function (turtlesong) was not intended to be related to turtle pics, was used for downloading snippets of a stream, and output to ./turtlesongs/
- first function was more of a test than anything else tbh
- if they are not in your path, change adb, yt-dlp (or youtube-dl, should work with it too) and ffmpeg to their proper locations. (lines 6, 23, 26 respectively)
- demicrosoft
- Made for game bar recordings, since they are somehow extremely ineficient with storage space. (btw, Discord supports hevc now)
8 ball pool free cue redeem -> Check out my other repository featuring a discord bot! -- Github Repository
- This is just stolen from there, since I'm apparently too lazy to re set it up so that the bot boots with my computer
owo auto -> made for the owo bot in discord. makes messy blob messages sometimes, shouldn't happen anymore though
random list -> was bored and wanted to see if I could do it
- easily customizable to however long you want the numbers to go on for
yes -> I was bored and didn't know if there was a Windows equivalent
yt-dlp -> Was too lazy to find where the config file was, and Youtube is special, and for some reason, yt-dlp is missing the --download-sections arguement, so I needed to use ffmpeg.
counter -> Lets you count, and has saving via json
coin flip -> flips a coin until it happens x times, over y iterations, and then shows it to you with mathplotlib. made for a 1 in 16 mil visualization on reddit. Takes a few hours to finish with current settings
screenshot/autotranslate -> Takes a screenshot of a predefined area and automatically translates
- To change the region where the screenshot is saved by default, change
to the format x1, y1, x2, y2.- x1, y1 is the top left corner of the region to screenshot
- x2, y2 is the bottom right corner
- You can choose to disable translation by changing
- The default language translation is from chinese simplified (zh_Hans) to English (en).
- You can choose to have the screenshot taken saved to the clipboard by setting
Default keybinds:
- s: take a screenshot and/or translate
- d: clear terminal output
- shift+[: Change the region
- after activating this keybind, press enter on the top right region, and then enter on the bottom right region. The enter key shouldn't activate anything on the program itself.
- shift+r: Change the region back to
Individual Python Dependencies
pip3 install pyautogui pywin32 numpy translate keyboard Pillow - To change the region where the screenshot is saved by default, change
twitch api thing? -> Made for the Pokemon drops, where you need to watch specific streamers for the specific game, leave it running in the background and it will send a webhook wherever you want it to in discord.
- requires manually setting up your twitch api/application
- follow this official guide for an easy setup.
You only need to follow up to "Get an OAuth Token" - Uses authcodes.json, which should be in the same directory as the file.
example file setup
{ "client_id": "client_id", "secret": "client_secret", "Authorization": "oauth_token" }
- the script should theoretically automatically update your OAuth token, but I'm not entirely sure if it works properly or not yet
bo6 military tracker -> For tracking your journey to 2000 critical kills for bo6 zombie camos
- Will ask you what weapon to track when opening the file. select the category and then your weapon.
- To add a new gun, follow the format in the json file and follow it.
- Run in the background on a different monitor
- If the JSON file is not found, will prompt the user to download it.
- use bo6 mil to reset all values in bo6 military tracker.json (they're using my values as of uploading because I could care less)
- Backup the file once it's done just in case
- hotkeys are:
- +: calculate kills (must be used with the weapon stats screen open [can be opened with the ` key.])
- -: Change currently tracked gun. Will save the current gun's information.
- Use the + and - when ending a match to save stats.
- Make sure to save your stats at the end of a match
- Will ask you what weapon to track when opening the file. select the category and then your weapon.