10 commits
to master
since this release
این نسخه 11 در اندروید 7 دچار اشکال است. اگر کرش دارید لطفا به نسخه 12 آپدیت نمایید
this version V11 has a issue in android 7, if you encounter crash , please update to V12
- update core to v2025.1.1-mahsa-r1
- support xhttp , splithttp , quic , wireguard , udp noise , hysteria2 , ...
- "ADS Block" option in menu with Chocolate4U geosite
- "Restart VPN" option in notification
- support hysteria2 portHopping (mport) , hopInterval , pinSHA256
- accept wireguard standard format (start with [Interface])
- support wireguard preshared key & local address field
- fix various wireguard chaining & domain resolving problem
- powerful WebGet module with new userAgents
- much faster Real-Delay-TEST by ignoring routing rules during ping
- made UI lighter for old device
- fix custom config import from url
- auto disable Mux when conflict with trojan, xhttp, hy2, etc