This repo contains multiple GP boost hooks that can be used to inject value into a prize pool with the goal of increasing the value of the grand prize.
The "contstant rate" GP boost hook is a modified version of the legacy hook that is used in conjunction with a vault booster to inject a constant stream of value into the prize pool while feeding any non-GP wins back into the vault booster reserves to continue the injections for a longer period while avoiding sudden fluctuations in prize pool contributions. This modification results in a more drawn-out injection that minimizes the impact on the win experience for users of the protocol.
Network | Address |
World | 0xDD315e449BEaD6E65B30920A3050550292EaC3d4 |
The code for this hook was previously found in the builder code examples repo, but has now been moved to this dedicated repo for further development.
The legacy hook uses both hook calls to redirect all prizes won (except the GP) back to the prize pool and contribute them on behalf of this "vault", creating a continuous loop of contributions until this vault's chance slowly fades. The end result of this hook is to contribute as much capital as possible to the GP without creating a game-able opportunity.
Network | Address |
Optimism | 0xdEef914A2Ee2f2014cE401dCb4e13f6540d20bA7 |
Base | 0x327B2Ea9668a552fe5DEC8e3c6e47E540A0A58c6 |
Arbitrum One | 0x1DcFb8b47C2F05Ce86C21580C167485De1202e12 |
Ethereum | 0x6bE9C23AA3C2cfEFf92d884E20D1Ec9E134aB076 |
Gnosis | 0x65F3AEa2594D82024B7Ee98DDcF08F991Ab1c626 |
Scroll | 0x2D3ad415198D7156e8c112A508b8306699f6E4cC |
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- Foundry to compile and test contracts
- direnv to handle environment variables
- lcov to generate the code coverage report
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cp .envrc.example .envrc
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direnv allow
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npm run compile
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npm run coverage
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open coverage/index.html
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