The Prize Pool Twab Rewards contract allows anyone to distribute tokens to all contributors to a PoolTogether Prize Pool.
Chain | Address |
Arbitrum | 0x0D51a33975024E8aFc55fde9F6b070c10AA71Dd9 |
Base | 0xF4c47dacFda99bE38793181af9Fd1A2Ec7576bBF |
Optimism | 0x36bE31E7acD4B0D755BCc7858ef04848A3eC66c6 |
Gnosis | 0x0D51a33975024E8aFc55fde9F6b070c10AA71Dd9 |
Ethereum | 0x3341DAC0912B630F1A8c237b64F6861e9fa11d79 |
Scroll | 0x0D51a33975024E8aFc55fde9F6b070c10AA71Dd9 |
Typically Prize Pool "contributors" are vaults that hold user deposits and contribute the yield to the Prize Pool. The Prize Pool Twab Rewards contract distributes incentives to those users.
The contract divides time into "epochs" over which contributions are measured. To compute a user's rewards for a given epoch:
usersVaultBalance = the average balance they held during the epoch (pulled from the TwabController)
vaultTotalSupply = the average total supply for a vault during the epoch (pulled from the TwabController)
vaultContributions = the vault's contributions to the prize pool during the epoch (pulled from the PrizePool)
totalContributions = the total contributions to the prize pool during the epoch (pulled from the PrizePool)
userRewards = (usersVaultBalance / vaultTotalSupply) * (vaultContributions / totalContributions) * tokensPerEpoch
So each user's portion of the rewards is equivalent to their portion of the vault * the vaults portion of contributions to the prize pool.
Fee-on-transfer or rebasing tokens are NOT supported by this contract
The contract supports any number of incentive "promotions". You can create a promotion by calling:
function createPromotion(
IERC20 token,
uint40 startTimestamp,
uint104 tokensPerEpoch,
uint40 epochDuration,
uint8 numberOfEpochs
) external returns (uint256);
Parameter | Description |
token | The token to distribute. |
startTimestamp | The timestamp at which the promotion begins. The value MUST align with a draw start or end in the Prize Pool. |
tokensPerEpoch | The number of tokens to distribute for an epoch. An epoch is the duration of time over which contributions are measured and incentives doled out proportionally |
epochDuration | The length of time of the epoch in seconds. The value MUST be a multiple of the draw period in the Prize Pool. |
numberOfEpochs | The number of epochs that the promotion will run for. |
Calling createPromotion
will transfer the tokens from the caller to the contract. The caller must have already approved the token spend. The amount of spend is tokensPerEpoch * numberOfEpochs
The function returns the promotion id.
Let's say I want to distribute 1000 WETH per week for 10 weeks. Assuming the start time and duration are draw-aligned, I would call createPromotion
uint256 promotionId = createPromotion(
Anyone may claim rewards for a user by calling claimRewards
function claimRewards(address vault, address user, uint256 promotionId, uint8[] calldata epochIds) external returns (uint256);
Param | Description |
vault | The contributor to the prize pool (usually a vault) |
user | The user whose balance should be looked up in the TwabController |
promotionId | The id of the promotion to claim for |
epochsIds | An array of the epochs to claim |
The function returns the total rewards claimed.
Let's say a user of a vault wishes to claim the rewards for the above create promotion example. Assuming they deposited into the vault halfway through the promotion, they would call claimRewards
like so:
uint totalRewards = claimRewards(vaultAddress, userAddress, promotionId, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
Note that this is pseudocode: arrays cannot be defined inline in Solidity!
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- Foundry to compile and test contracts
- direnv to handle environment variables
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cp .env.example .env
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