v0.1.1-alpha.6 (2019-10-09)
- feat(cli): add command to open HTML reports (df13eb4)
- feat(cli): assert against budgets file (40b46ee)
- feat(server): use project tokens distinct from ids (4e814d7)
- feat(server): use real sql migrations (d27e181)
- feat(server): use new ancestor logic in build view UI (2ceebda)
- feat(server): add route for computing build ancestor (e19d9cd)
- feat(server): show numeric diff in audit detail pane (7c0d769)
- feat(server): support node details types (f655599)
- feat(server): add legend for multiple URL dashboard graphs (3c3ab8e)
- feat(server): support multiple URLs per graph (e24d46f)
- feat(utils): add support for default aggregationMethod (6c098cd)
- feat(utils): convert budgets to assertions (00cf1a4)
- feat(utils): add resource-summary sub property assertion support (3d29976)
- feat(utils): add median-run mergeMethod (70aef52)
- feat(utils): generate displayValue (b142e82)
- feat(utils): support other item generation (945fc50)
- fix(cli): handle Lighthouse failure (fcf5cd0)
- fix(cli): usability improvements to assert output (da42812)
- fix(server): do not use future biulds as ancestor on master (afa8172)
- fix(server): only metrics get numeric diff view (98b0ca2)
- fix(server): audit details header design (2e9a282)
- fix(server): wire up build view URL dropdown (914dbd7)
- fix(utils): update presets for inert audits (e78b25a)
- docs: more robust assertion documentation (9e10393)
- refactor(cli): rename mergeMethod -> aggregationMethod (c0329f1)
- refactor(utils): split up getAllFilteredAssertionResults logic (4f50732)
- refactor(utils): move representative run logic to utils (30b8760)
- tests: custom written networkidle0 (3d8374b)
- tests(cli): non-flaky snapshots (b6226f2)
- tests(e2e): update snapshots for new data (9553558)
- tests(seed-data): more realistic seed data (7ecbf29)
- tests(server): bump API fixtures (361022f)
- chore(cli): update lighthouse dependency to 5.5.0 (f61a4ef)